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Shinjo Technique
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Technique

Reaction: Play when another player targets one of your personalities with an action card. Redirect the action to one of that player's Personalities, if a legal target is available. If you are a unicorn player, the gold cost of this action is reduced to zero.
Arrows From the Woods
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Arrows From the Woods

Battle: Ranged 2 Attack. Reaction: After you target another player’s card with a Ranged Attack: Increase that Ranged Attack’s strength by 2.
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Naga Shugenja. Nonhuman Battle: Bow Ghedai to move one of your units from one of the Defender's Provinces to another.
Purification (Kiho)
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Purification (Kiho)

Kiho Reaction: Bow one of your Shugenja or Monks after a Personality you own is destroyed during a battle or duel to put that Personality face-up in your leftmost Province that can contain Dynasty cards instead of your discard pile. Discard any cards already in the Province first. 
Zombie Troops
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Zombie Troops

Undead Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Fear 3.
Kitsune Ryukan
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Kitsune Ryukan

Fox Clan Gunso. Samurai. Soul of Kitsune Shudo Battle: Once per battle, Ryukan gains a Force bonus equal to the Force of one of his Followers.
Third Whisker Warren
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Third Whisker Warren

Target an opponent when this card enters play. Each time that player resolves an Event while Third Whisker Warren is in play, permanently increase Third Whisker Warren's Gold production by 1.Bow to produce 2 Gold. 
Favor for a Favor
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Favor for a Favor

Bow one of your Courtier Personalities, pay 1 Gold, and target an opponent to gain Honor equal to the Courtier's printed Personal Honor. That opponent may draw a card. 
Snake Tattoo
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Snake Tattoo

Limited: Bow one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait and without a Snake Tattoo. For the rest of the game, the Personality has a Snake Tattoo and the ability "Reaction: Once per turn, after an opponent targets this Personality with an action while he or she is in an army, move the Personality to an adjacent Province. If this Personality is an...
The Emerald Armor
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The Emerald Armor

Unique Followers being attached to this Personality cost 3 less Gold, to a minimum of 1. This Personality has a minimum Chi of 1.
Hida Kisada Exp FOIL
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Hida Kisada Exp FOIL (Spanish)

Crab Clan Fortune of Persistence · Samurai · Champion · Yu 10 · Experienced · Unique · Loyal. Battle: Once per battle, target one to three opposing Personalities. Kisada issues the first target an unrefusable challenge to a duel of Force. That target gains a Force bonus equal to the total Force of the other targets until the duel ends. If that target...
Advance Forces
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L5R Singles

Advance Forces

Will only attach to a Lion Clan Personality. Reaction: After a battle this unit is in begins: Target an opposing Personality. Until the battle ends, you may target that him as if he had no cards attached.
Personal Assassin
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Personal Assassin (Spanish Language)

Will only attach to a Scorpion Clan or Ninja Personality. Reaction: After a battle this card is in begins: Once per turn, name a card. Cards with that title cannot be played until the attack ends or this card is no longer in the battle.
Stagnant Ground
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Stagnant Ground

Immediate Terrain. When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel created by another player's card effect, bow the challenger. Battle: Units may not move home. Before units return home, bow all units in the current battle. They may not straighten until after theirs controller's next Straighten Phase.
Yoritomo Bokkai
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Yoritomo Bokkai

Mantis Clan Pirate. Battle: Bow Bokkai: If Bokkai is in the current battle, Ranged 5 Attack. This action's target may be at any battlefield or the Defender's home.
Fortified Camp
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Fortified Camp

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 3 Gold if paying for a Follower, Item, or Spell. Reaction: After another player's action destroys a Follower, Item, or Spell you control: Once per turn, target the destroyed card and a Personality you control. Bring the card into play attached to the Personality, paying all costs.
Hida Amoro
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Hida Amoro

Crab Clan • BerserkerWill not attach Armor. After a battle ends, if Amoro was at its battlefield during resolution and his army's total Force was less than or equal to twice the other army's: Destroy him.
Lesson of Thunder
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Lesson of Thunder

Battle: Target an unbowed Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a non-Unique Personality in the current battle opposed by a Kami Personality, a Thunder Personality, or a Clan Champion. Destroy the non-Unique Personality.
Shinjo Bairezu
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Bairezu

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Cavalry. Bairezu has +2F while attacking. Battle: Bow Bairezu: Once per attack, if Bairezu is not in the current battle and has not been in any battle during its resolution this Attack Phase, move him to the current battlefield. If he opposes no Cavalry cards, straighten him. He may produce a Ranged 3 Attack.
Bayushi Nissho
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Bayushi Nissho

Scorpion Clan Samurai. Battle: Once per battle, target a Follower or Item at a battlefield and a Personality controlled by that card's controller. Move the Follower or Item to that Personality. You may then straighten the Follower or Item
Doji Hayaku
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Doji Hayaku

Crane Clan Samurai · Daidoji Family Founder · Harrier. When paying for Hayaku, you may reduce his Gold cost by 2 and permanently give him ?2 Personal Honor. Battle: Once per battle, target an opposing card. Give it a Force penalty equal to Hayaku's Personal Honor. Reaction: Before Hayaku is destroyed: Produce a ranged attack with a strength equal to...
Standing Stones
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L5R Singles

Standing Stones

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Once per turn, target a Troll or a non-Shadowlands Nonhuman card. Until the end of the turn, the card has +2F while opposed.
Hantei Genji (Spanish Language)
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L5R Singles

Hantei Genji (Spanish Language)

Unaligned Emperor. Disciple of the Kami. Samurai. Courtier. Double Chi. Unique You must discard the Imperial Favor or bow Personalities and Followers you control with more than 12 total Force as an additional cost of playing Hantei Genji. Political Limited: Bow Genji: Target a face-up Personality in a Province. Bring the Personality into play controlled...
Shinsei (Spanish Language)
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L5R Singles

Shinsei (Spanish Language)

Monk. Mentor of the Kami. Double Chi. Unique You must bow five cards you control as an additional cost of playing Shinsei. Shinsei need not bow to cast Kihos. Reaction: When paying for a Thunder Personality, bow this card: Reduce the Thunder's Gold cost to 1. Open: Once per turn, even if this card is bowed, target a Kami Personality. Bow him.
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L5R Singles

Wedge (Spanish)

Battle: Target one of your units in this battle. You cannot target that unit or cards in it with actions until after the battle ends. Destroy the unit when the battle ends. If the unit is still in this army at the beginning of the Resolution Segment, double the Force of the Personality and each Follower in the unit.
Left Hand of the Emperor
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Toturi Tsudao Political Battle: Discard the Imperial Favor to send an attacking unit home. You may use this in a battle in which you have no units. Political Reaction: Once per turn, after one of your Samurai dies as the result of a battle or duel, bow your Stronghold or a Courtier to gain 2 Honor.
Ratling Bushi
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L5R Singles

Ratling Bushi

Creature Ratling Bushi gains +1F for each Ratling Pack in this unit. 
Ratling Archers
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Ratling Archers (Spanish)

Ratling Pack * Creature Battle: Once per turn, Ratling Archers make a Ranged 2 Attack without bowing.
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Ratling General * Green-Green-White Tribe Bushi * Creature * Soul of Z'orr'tek Reaction: Immediately after an opposing Personality gains a Force bonus, bow Ep'kee to lower the bonus to 0 until the end of the turn. 
Tsuruchi Technique
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Tsuruchi Technique (Spanish)

Battle: Each of your Personalities from your Faction in this battle gains +1F/+1C for each Personality from your Faction in this army that has the Champion, Daimyo, or Hero trait.
Sneak Attack
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L5R Singles

Sneak Attack (Spanish)

Reaction: Play when the Battle Action Segment begins. The Attacker has the first opportunity to take an action or pass during this battle, and play proceeds in turn order from him.
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L5R Singles

Overwhelmed (Spanish)

Battle: As a cost, destroy your Personality in this battle with the highest Force, who must be unbowed. (In the case of a tie, choose one). The opposing player chooses either to destroy one Personality with the highest Force in his army or send two units in his army home without bowing. He must choose to destroy a Personality if he cannot send two units...
Honor FOIL
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L5R Singles

Honor FOIL (Spanish)

Political Reaction: When paying a cost of discarding the Imperial Favor, target an unbowed Honorable Samurai you control: This action pays that cost. The Samurai may neither be targeted by nor perform Political actions for the rest of the turn
Kaiu Haku
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Haku (Spanish)

Crab Clan Battlemaster · Samurai. All printed numerals on Haku's Followers have +1. Once per turn, one of Haku's Followers may perform a Battle or Open action on a Follower in your discard pile as if the action were printed on Haku's Follower. After the action resolves, remove the Follower in the discard pile from the game
Benevolent Protection of Shinsei
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L5R Singles

Benevolent Protection of Shinsei

Ritual Limited: Bow this Shugenja and any two others you control. Target one of your Provinces. This Province may not have units assigned to attack or moved in to attack it until the beginning of your next turn. Destroy this spell.
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