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Tsuruchi Kohrogi
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Kohrogi

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Brash • Naval • Scout(The Defender may draw a card after a Brash card is assigned to attack.) Battle: Ranged 2 Attack.
Battle Standard of the Naga Exp
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Battle Standard of the Naga Exp

Standard • Experienced • UniqueWill only attach to a Lion Clan or Naga Personality. Your other Personalities and Followers at this card's battlefield have +1F.
Pure Intent
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L5R Singles

Pure Intent

Battle: Choose your performing opposed Personality: Give him a Force bonus equal to his Personal Honor. Gain 2 Honor.
Elephant Caravan
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Elephant Caravan

Nonhuman • Elephant • CavalryFear Battle: Target an enemy card with equal or lower Force: If it is bowed or an attachment, destroy it. Bow it.
Yoritomo Kanahashi
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Yoritomo Kanahashi

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • NavalOther players Personalities and attachments (in play) have -2 Gold Cost. Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Move him home. If he is Crane Clan, bow him.
Mirumoto Rokai
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Rokai

Dragon Clan • Samurai • YojimboReaction: After another player’s action targets your Personality at Rokai’s location, Destroy Rokai: Negate your Personality’s destruction from the action’s effects.
Yasuki Ikke
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L5R Singles

Yasuki Ikke

Crab Clan • Courtier • Merchant • Tax CollectorReaction: After another Player's Battle action targets one of your Merchants, pay 2 Gold: Either negate its effects on him or make the player lose 2 Honor. Battle: Even if Ikke is not atthe current battlefield, target your Merchant: Move him home.
Kaiu Fumiko
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Fumiko

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siege • TacticianReaction: After your Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it +2 strenght. Gain 1 Honor. Battle: Taarget an enemy card with Force lower than this battlefield's province's strenght: Bow it. Give the current battlefield's province +2 or -2 strenght.
Hiruma Hikazu
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Hikazu

Crab Clan • Samurai • ScoutBattle resolution will not bow Personalities with unbowed Followers in Hikazu's army. (Their Followers still bow.)
Unsafe Passage
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Unsafe Passage

Reaction: After an action targets your commander: Negate his movement from its effects. Battle: Target your Follower: You may take an additional action to use one of its base abilities, even if he is bowed or has already used the ability its maximum number of times this turn.
Seeking the Question
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L5R Singles

Seeking the Question

Void * KataLimited: If this card is in play: Look at the top card of any deck. You may put it at the bottom of that deck. Limited: Put this card into play. Discard all your other Kata (in play)
Scouting the Pass
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L5R Singles

Scouting the Pass

ReconReaction: After engaging, if you are the Attacker, choose your performing unbowed Scout at the current battlefield: You have Reconnaissance there. Choose and look at two cards in the Defender’s hand. You have the first chance to take a Battle action in this battle, which must be performed by that Scout
Power of Strength
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L5R Singles

Power of Strength

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality with 7 or higher base Force and target two enemy Personalities, each with unit Gold Cost lower than your performer’s Gold Cost: Bow one of them. Ranged Attack with strength equal to the first target’s Force, which may only target the other Personality (if legal).
Delving into History
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L5R Singles

Delving into History

VoidLimited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Search your Fate deck for a non-Unique Spell that must share a keyword with the performer unless he is Void, show it, and put it in your hand.
Armor of the Uruwashii
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L5R Singles

Armor of the Uruwashii

Imperial • ArmorMelee Attacks targeting cards in this unit have -2 strength. Reaction: Before another player’s action resolves: Negate this Personality’s movement from the action’s effects.
Home Guard
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L5R Singles

Home Guard

As a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, give your Personality in it +3F. This card has +3F while defending. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. Gain 2 Honor.
Hiromi's Vassals
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L5R Singles

Hiromi's Vassals

ThunderAs a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, you may attach this follower to one of your Personalities, ignoring Gold Cost. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 6 Attack
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L5R Singles


Spider Clan • Kensai • Monk • Order of the SpiderBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Give him -4F. If his Force is now 0, you may take an additional Battle action which Sugihara must perform.
Kitsune Haruki
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L5R Singles

Kitsune Haruki

Mantis Clan • Earth • ShugenjaReaction: After Haruki enters play: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Mantis Clan • Nonhuman • Deer • Spirit Personality with the ability, “Limited: If another player has higher Family Honor than you: Gain 2 Honor.”
Yasuki Makoto
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L5R Singles

Yasuki Makoto

Crab Clan • Courtier • Kolat • MerchantYour Holdings enter play paying 1 less Gold. Battle: Even if Makoto is at home, bow her and target an enemy Personality: His controller may pay 4 Gold; if he did, he loses 1 Honor. If he did not, dishonor the target and move him home.
Temple Fortress
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L5R Singles

Temple Fortress

Castle • TempleAfter the first time each turn you bow this card: Gain 1 Honor. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold.
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L5R Singles


Forest • UniqueUntil your next turn begins, before the first time each turn another player's card's effect destroys one or more of your Personalities, negate the destruction.
Rebuilding the Empire
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L5R Singles

Rebuilding the Empire

UniqueAny player with three or fewer provinces may gain a province to the right of his rightmost province. Each player who gained a province from this has his Family Honor lowered to its starting value, and he may not declare an attack until your next turn begins. This Honor loss will not be negated.
Governor's Court
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L5R Singles

Governor's Court

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Political Open: Even if this card is bowed, choose your performing Courtier and bow him or this card: Choose another player with an unbowed Personality in play. He may choose to target and bow one of his unbowed Personalities. If he did not choose this, gain 2 Honor.
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