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Daigotsu Tomiyama
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Tomiyama

Samurai • Shadowlands • Yojimbo • Duelist • Expendable Compassion: If Spider Clan is your only Clan Alignment, you may Recruit Tomiyama as an Open. (Compassion takes effect while you have fewer Provinces than anyone else.)
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Barracks Open, w: Put a target Follower in your discard pile into your hand.
Goju Mitsuru
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Goju Mitsuru

Ninja • Shadowlands • Reserve (You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)Mitsuru has +2F while opposing a Personality with no abilities.
The Call of Battle
L5R Singles

The Call of Battle

Thunder Open: Your target Personality may assign even if he is bowed (this turn). After the next time this turn he assigns, straighten his unit.
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Political Open: A target Stronghold's abilities may not be used. If it is your turn, bow it.
Feign Death
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L5R Singles

Feign Death

Interrupt: Target your Personality. After the action resolves, if it destroyed him, bring him into play in your home, ignoring costs and Honor Requirement, then bow him, dishonor him, and lose 2 Honor.
Moshi Ikako Exp
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L5R Singles

Moshi Ikako Exp

Air • Daimyo • Experienced • Fire • Naval • Reserve • Shugenja • Unique Your other Moshi Personalities in Ikako's army have +1F. After Ikako enters play, you may take an additional action.Fire Battle: Ranged Attack equal to 2 plus the number of other Personalities in this army.
Kaiu Gorobei
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Gorobei

Siege • Samurai Battle: Discard a card to bow a target enemy card with Force equal to or lower than the discarded card's Focus Value.
Hida Kurabi
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Hida Kurabi

Reserve • Destined • Berserker • Hero • Imperial (Draw a card after you Recruit a Destined card. You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)
Seppun's Blessed Blade
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Seppun's Blessed Blade

Weapon • Two-Handed • Sword(A Personality can only have one Weapon.)This Item's Force modifier equals this Personality's Personal Honor.
The Thrill of Daring
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The Thrill of Daring

Courtesy: Discipline 1. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first. Pay 1 Gold to play, then remove from the game, this Discipline in your discard.)Absent Battle: Target your Personality at home who assigned to the current battlefield (this turn). Move him there.
Doji Takato, the Manipulator
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Doji Takato, the Manipulator

Courtier • Love Letter • OratorCourtesy: After you Recruit Takato, gain 1 Honor. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first.)Interrupt: After you Recruit Takato, discard a card to make a target player discard a random card. Each of you may put the other's card in your hand.
Doji Shimada
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L5R Singles

Doji Shimada

Magistrate • Samurai 
Protected Temple
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Protected Temple

Temple • Fortification • Kharmic(Fortifications attach to the Province from which they entered play.)This Fortification enters play bowed and, if your Sensei is Brotherhood Sensei, for 2 less Gold.Bow: Produce 4 Gold.
Carpenter Shrine
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Carpenter Shrine

Temple • Fortification (Fortifications attach to the Province from which they entered play.)This Fortification enters play bowed.w: Produce 2 Gold.Open, w: Gain 1 Honor.
Bamboo Harvesters Exp
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L5R Singles

Bamboo Harvesters Exp

Forest • Experienced • UniqueThis card will not straighten before your third turn.w: Produce 2 Gold.Limited, w: Draw a card. If you now have 6 or more cards in your hand, discard a card.
Yoritomo Dairu
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Dairu

Artisan • Kensai • Naval • Samurai • Yojimbo(Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed.)Battle: Bow a target enemy attachment with lower Force. You may bow one of Dairu's Weapons or one of your Ports to destroy the target.
Aranai's Kama
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L5R Singles

Aranai's Kama

Courage • One-Handed • Peasant • Weapon(Repeatable Interrupt: Discard a Courage card to give a Fear effect +2 or -2 strength.)
Isawa Orinoko
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L5R Singles

Isawa Orinoko

Fire • ShugenjaOrinoko enters play for 1 less Gold if your Allegiance is Traditionalist.Invest 10: Give Orinoko three +1F/+1C tokens, then permanently give her Conqueror and the ability, "Fire Battle: Fear 5." This Invest cost cannot be reduced.
Tested Blade
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L5R Singles

Tested Blade

One-Handed • Sword • Weapon Battle, w: Fear equal to this Personality's Chi that may target a Personality with Followers (Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality with Force equal to or lower than the Fear's strength).
Way of the Phoenix
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L5R Singles

Way of the Phoenix

If you are a Phoenix Clan player, this Strategy has Discipline 1.Battle: Straighten your target Spell. You may use its abilities an additional time this turn. Take an additional action.
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L5R Singles


Naga • Nonhuman • Savior • Scout • Warrior of the Bright EyeZenathaar will not join you if you control any Shadowlands Personalities. Your other Naga Personalities have +1PH. Home Battle: Move your target Naga Personality home.
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L5R Singles


Monk • Kensai(Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed.)After a Fear effect from a card in Nao's unit, or from your action that targeted Nao, bows a Follower, destroy it.
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