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Hida Shimonai
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Hida Shimonai

Crab Clan • Shadowlands • Berserker • Damned. Battle: Bow a target enemy card with lower Force.
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Crab Clan • Nonhuman • Tennyo • Cavalry • Scout • Spirit. Battle: Bow Tennyo unless a Recon action has targeted this battlefield’s province this turn: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. Destroy the targeted card if it is an attachment.
Bayushi Shigeo
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Bayushi Shigeo

Scorpion Clan • Samurai Battle: Target an enemy Follower, or an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. Bow it.
Shinjo Dong-Min
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Shinjo Dong-Min

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander Reaction: After the resolution of an action that Dong-Min performed, if he is opposed: Give a target Personality or Follower in Dong-Min’s army +3F.
Radiant Steel
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Radiant Steel

Weapon Focus Effect: If you are a Dragon Clan player, give this card +1 Focus Value. Battle: Bow this card: Destroy a target Weapon or Armor.
Honor's Hope
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Honor's Hope

Open: Choose your performing Personality: Permanently give him the ability “Battle: Bow this Personality: Ranged Attack with strength equal to his Personal Honor. If this destroys the Ranged Attack’s target, gain 2 Honor.”
Deeds, Not Words
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Deeds, Not Words (Spanish)

Political Open: Target another Player and "call his or her virtue into question." Until the turn ends, the player gains 1 extra Honor for each duel his or her Personalities win and 1 extra Honor for each opposing card he or she destroys during the resolution Segment of battle, and whenever the player would gain Honor in another way, the player loses Honor...
Breach of Etiquette
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Breach of Etiquette

Limited: The player with the highest Family Honor commits a public breach of etiquette and loses 5 Honor.
Otaku Kamoko
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Otaku Kamoko

Unicorn Clan Battle Maiden. Samurai. Cavalry Will only attach Cavalry Followers. Kamoko gains +1F while attacking.
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Unaligned Samurai
Togashi Mitsu
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Togashi Mitsu (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Tattooed Man. Samurai Open: Gain up to five 1F/1C Fire tokens.Tattoed Man cannot have more than five Fire tokens and cannot straighten if he has any fire tokens. Remove on Fire token instead of straightening him during the Straighten Phase. Tattoed Man bows after any battle if he has fire tokens.
Iris Festival
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Iris Festival

All Shadowlands cards in play are destroyed.
Seppun Tanizaki
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Seppun Tanizaki

Samurai • Commander • Elite • Imperial Tanizaki's Followers have +1F.
Temporary Truce
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Temporary Truce

Bushido Virtue Battle: Target your unbowed Paragon: Target an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. Move both Personalities home. If both of them moved, draw a card.
Strike from the Shadows
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Strike from the Shadows

Ninja Reaction: After engaging, if you are the Attacker, target your Ninja Personality at the current battlefield: You have the first opportunity to take a Battle action in this battle, which must be performed by a Ninja. You may discard any cards in the current battlefield’s province; if this discarded a Personality, draw a card.
Banish All Doubt!
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Banish All Doubt!

Tactical Limited: Target your unbowed Tactician: Look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. Leave one of them on top of your deck and put the other three on the bottom of your deck in any order. Draw a card.
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Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin After Naggru enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Give Naggru +3F. Destroy him after this battle’s resolution ends.
Shosuro Akemi
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Shosuro Akemi

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Rumormonger Open: Bow Akemi: Target a dishonourable Personality. His controller may choose to reduce his Force to 0. If he did not choose this, he loses Honor equal to that Personality’s base Personal Honor.
Moshi Kazue
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Moshi Kazue

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • Naval Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets a card: Give the Ranged Attack +1 strength.
Akodo Senichi
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Akodo Senichi

Lion Clan • Samurai • Deathseeker Senichi has +1F while attacking. Reaction: Before another player’s card’s effect destroys one of your Lion Clan Samurai Personalities in Senichi’s army, destroy Senichi: Negate the Personality’s destruction. Gain 3 Honor.
Hida Kosho Exp
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Hida Kosho Exp

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero • Experienced • Unique • Sumai Master Battle: You may take this action even if Kosho is not at the current battlefield if you are the Defender: Bow a target enemy Personality or Follower with lower Force.
Hida Harou
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Hida Harou

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander Battle: Straighten your target Follower. You may take an additional Battle action, which must be performed by that Follower.
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Ronin • Ninja Kataoko has +2F while in an army with another Ninja.
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