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Iron Mine FOIL
L5R Singles

Iron Mine FOIL

Mine Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crab Clan player.
Hida Hachimoto
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L5R Singles

Hida Hachimoto

Crab Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Hero • Unique Hachimoto uses his base Force as his duel stat.
Yogo Kazunori
L5R Singles

Yogo Kazunori

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Shugenja • Hero • Villain • Unique Political Limited: Target a dishonorable Personality. His controller loses 2 Honor. Reaction: Before another player's action destroys Kazunori: Negate the destruction. You may move Kazunori home. If he moved, you may dishonor a Personality.
Belly of Fudo
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L5R Singles

Belly of Fudo

Fudo • UniqueBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, plus 1 Gold if you control any other Fudo cards.Open: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten a target Fudo card that has not produced Gold this turn.
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L5R Singles


Nonhuman • KeukegenReaction: Even if this card is bowed, after another player's personality straightens: Straighten this card.
Bayushi Shigeru
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Shigeru

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Samurai. Political Reaction: After Shigeru enters play: A target player loses 1 Honor.
Malevolent Kappa
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L5R Singles

Malevolent Kappa

Nonhuman • Kappa. This card has +2F/+1C while opposing a Samurai.
Temple of Tsukune (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Temple of Tsukune (Spanish)

Temple. After a Personality enters play from this province: Bow him. Reaction: After a non-Personality card (including this card) enters play from this province: Refill this province face-up
Certain Death
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L5R Singles

Certain Death

Open: Pay Gold equal to the attachment’s Gold Cost minus 3: Destroy another player’s target attachment.
Setting Sun Strike
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L5R Singles

Setting Sun Strike (Spanish)

Heroic. Reaction: After another player’s action targets your Hero Personality during a Combat Segment: Give the Hero +3F. Straighten him before this battle’s resolution.
Hida Manoru
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L5R Singles

Hida Manoru

Crab Clan * Samurai * Scout * Jade Legion Recon Open: Target a province. Your Crab Clan Personalities have +1F, and Shadowlands Personalities have -1F, while at that province's battlefield.
Transcendence of Flesh
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L5R Singles

Transcendence of Flesh

Maho Limited: Destroy this Spell: Give this Shugenja a +4F/-1C token. Permanently give him Shadowlands and Undead. Lose 3 Honor.
Adepts of Mighty Pokku
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L5R Singles

Adepts of Mighty Pokku

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin After this card enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Target an enemy attachment. Transfer it to this Personality or destroy it.
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L5R Singles


Ronin • Samurai After Yoshe enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Reaction: Before another Player’s action resolves that targeted Yoshe, bow all unbowed cards in Yoshe’s unit: Negate the action’s effects.
Blade of the Pure Soul
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L5R Singles

Blade of the Pure Soul

Weapon • Unique Battle: Bow this card: You may destroy a target Item in the enemy army. If there are now no Items in the enemy army, give this Personality +2F
Michio Exp
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L5R Singles

Michio Exp

Spider Clan • Monk • Paragon • Experienced • Unique • Dark Dominion. Reaction: After an action resolves: Bow or straighten a target Personality who performed it.
Hida Nichie Exp
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L5R Singles

Hida Nichie Exp

Crab Clan • Monk • Berserker • Hero • Experienced • Unique. Reaction: After one of your Berserker Personalities at Nichie’s battlefield is destroyed: Nichie gains a Force bonus equal to the Force of the Personality when he was destroyed.
Hida Tajima
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L5R Singles

Hida Tajima

Crab Clan · Samurai · Hero Heroic Battle: Destroy a target enemy attachment.
Matsu Nao (Spanish Language)
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L5R Singles

Matsu Nao (Spanish Language)

Lion Clan • Samurai • Hero • Wandering Lion • Paragon. Reaction: Even if Nao is bowed, after a Bushido Virtue card enters a discard pile: Straighten a target Personality at Nao’s location
Hida Haruko
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L5R Singles

Hida Haruko

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero Heroic Battle/Open: Straighten a target Hero card.
Imperial Handmaidens
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L5R Singles

Imperial Handmaidens

Imperial. Retainer. Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow this card: Target a Personality in play or face-up in a province. Lower his Honor Requirement by 3.
Isawa's Blood
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L5R Singles

Isawa's Blood

Isawa Scroll · Maho · Singular After this Spell leaves play: For the rest of the turn after any of your Personalities enters play, give him a -1C Corruption token. Open: Permanently give this personality -2C: Permanently give this Spell any element keyword.
Kusari Gama
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L5R Singles

Kusari Gama (Spanish Language)

Battle: Bow this card: Give a target enemy Personality -2F. If this card is attached to a Ninja, give the target a -1F/-1C Poison token.
Isawa Emori Exp (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Isawa Emori Exp (Spanish)

Phoenix Clan · Elemental Master · Shugenja · Earth · Experienced · Unique. Your Earth Shugenja need not bow as a cost to perform Earth actions. Earth Battle: Bow a target unbowed card opposing Emori. Raise or lower the current battlefield's province stren
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