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Isawa Kyoko
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Isawa Kyoko

Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja
Kitsuki Taiko Exp
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Kitsuki Taiko Exp

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • Experienced • Unique Battle: You may target and bow your Scorpion Clan Personality; if you do not, discard a card: Target an enemy Personality with Personal Honor lower than Taiko's Chi. Move him home. Gain 2 Honor.
Kuni Daigo Exp
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Kuni Daigo Exp

Crab Clan • Earth • Jade • Shugenja • Experienced • Unique • Jade Champion Battle: Bow a target enemy card. Destroy it if it is Shadowlands.
Hiruma Aki
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Hiruma Aki

Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker
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Stables Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Unicorn Clan player.
Celestial Alignment
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Celestial Alignment

Until your next turn begins, Shugenja Personalities need not bow as a cost of Kiho or Spell actions they perform.
The New Order
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The New Order

You may destroy your rightmost Province; if you do so, permanently increase the amount of Honor needed to achieve an Honor Victory by 10.
A False Accusation
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A False Accusation

Political Reaction: After the resolution of another player's action, if the action dishonored any of the player's own Personalities: Target and destroy one of those Personalities. Battle: Target a Personality with the lowest Personal Honor at this battlefield (you choose if there is a tie). Reduce his Force to 0.
Imperial Command
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Imperial Command

Political · Imperial Reaction: After a target card is destroyed: Remove it from the game. Reaction: When an action would target your Unique Personality, pay 2 Gold: The action targets another of your Personalities instead, if legal.
Opportunistic Ronin
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Opportunistic Ronin

Ronin Battle: Destroy a target Terrain.
Seven Fold Palace
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Seven Fold Palace (Spanish)

Political. Open: Even if this card is bowed, target your Personality with 1 or higher Personal Honor: Take the Imperial Favor.
Mirumoto Takehiro
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Mirumoto Takehiro

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Tactician Battle: Target an enemy Personality. Neither Takehiro nor the targeted Personality may perform actions until this battle ends.
Ikoma Hagio
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Ikoma Hagio

Lion Clan • Samurai Hagio has +1F while attacking. Reaction: Even if Hagio is bowed, before battle resolution, if he is at the current battlefield: Straighten him.
Ikoma Tomoi
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Ikoma Tomoi

Lion Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Warden • Unique Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield: Move your target Personality there. You may discard a Bushido Virtue card; if you do, straighten him.
Asako Suda
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Asako Suda

Phoenix Clan • Void • Monk. Battle: Discard a Kiho card or Spell: Bow a target enemy card
Bayushi Ishikura
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Bayushi Ishikura

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Commander • Bitter Lies • Unique. Your other personalities with a keyword that includes “Bitter Lies” have +1F. Battle: Bow Ishikura or one of his Weapons: Destroy a target enemy Follower or Personality with lower Chi th
Kincho the Sixth
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Kincho the Sixth

Innkeeper of the House of the Blue Tanuki. Battle: Even if Kincho is home: Straighten all Followers attached to a target Commander or Tactician.
Inexplicable Challenge
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Inexplicable Challenge

Political. Battle: Target your Courtier at any location: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. Choose a player, who either gains or loses 2 Honor
Ogre Savagery
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Ogre Savagery

Fear. Battle: Target your unbowed Nonhuman Shadowlands Personality: Bow a target enemy Personality.
Cavalry Officer
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Cavalry Officer

Cavalry. Reaction: After this card enters play: Create a 1F Cavalry Follower and attach it to a target Personality without Followers.
Shosuro Miyoto
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Shosuro Miyoto

Scorpion Clan * Ninja Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with a Poison token.
Togashi Chunoken
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Togashi Chunoken

Dragon Clan * Monk * Tattooed Reaction: After a Combat Segment ends, even if Chunoken is bowed, if he is at the current battlefield: Straighten him.
Skin of the Naga FOIL (Spanish)
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Skin of the Naga FOIL (Spanish)

Unique This Personality has Nonhuman and Naga. Negate all penalties to his Force or Chi.
Silent Rot FOIL
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Silent Rot FOIL

Ninja Battle: Target your unbowed Ninja: Target a card opposing him. Bow the card if it has no attachments. Destroy the card if it has any Poison tokens.
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