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Iaijutsu Challenge
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L5R Singles

Iaijutsu Challenge

Limited: One of your Personalities challenges another player's Personality. If the challenge is refused, Iaijutsu Challenge dishonors the other player's Personality and causes the other player to lose 7 Honor. The winner's controller gains 5 Honor.
A Favor Returned FOIL
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L5R Singles

A Favor Returned FOIL

After determining the starting player but before shuffling, if you are not the starting player, you may search your deck for this card and put it into play, bowed. If you do, this card may not straighten before your third Straighten Phase. Play only one copy this way per game. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 3 Gold if paying for a Holding
Imperial Edicts FOIL
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L5R Singles

Imperial Edicts FOIL

Political Open: If it is the Action Phase, discard the Imperial Favor: Give each of your Provinces +4 strength. Political Reaction: Before a Kiho or an action on a Spell or Shuganja resolves, discard the Imperial Favor: Negate the action's effects
Yoritomo Tokaro
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Tokaro (WoL)

Mantis Clan Bushi · Pirate · Naval. Raid Battle: If Tokaro is attacking during a Raid battle, bow him: Target a Holding controlled by the Defender and a Personality who has not been opposed this attack. Lose 2 Honor. The Defender may give you control of the Holding. If you gain it, move the Personality home and bow him; otherwise, destroy the Personality...
Castle of the Wasp
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L5R Singles

Castle of the Wasp (Spanish)

You may combine Ranged Attacks from different units. Once per battle, you may target the current Province with an uncombined Ranged Attack from an attacking card you control at that battlefield. The attack reduces the Province's strength by its strength. Once per battle, a card you control needs not bow to produce a Ranged Attack targetting cards opposing it
Aramasu's Pride
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L5R Singles

Aramasu's Pride (Spanish)

Raid Limited: Declare an additional Attack Phase. This is a Raid attack. During it, battles are Raid battles, and battle resolution does not destroy armies or Provinces and does not bow Pirate cards. After it, target a number of Holdings up to the number of battles you won (even against no units at resolution). Raise their Gold production by 4
Banish All Shadows
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L5R Singles

Banish All Shadows (Spanish)

Kiho Limited: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Look at the top four cards of your Fate deck. Put one in your hand. Shuffle the deck
Kuruma Date
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Kuruma Date

Undead · Creature · Siege · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. Ranged Attacks cannot target cards in this unit. Battle: Bow this card: Target an opposing Follower or an opposing Personality with no Followers. Destroy it.
Crippled Bone Runner
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Crippled Bone Runner

Ratling · Creature · Scout. Costs 1 less Gold for Ratling players. Battle: If this card is at the current battlefield, bow and destroy it: Target a Terrain. Destroy it.
Brothers in Arms
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L5R Singles

Brothers in Arms (Spanish)

Will only attach to a Samurai or Bushi. Reaction: After this card enters play from your hand: Search your Fate discard pile, then deck, for a Brothers in Arms. Show it. Put it in your hand
You Walk With Evil
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L5R Singles

You Walk With Evil

Battle: Target a Samurai in an army that contains a Shadowlands card. Bow the Samurai. Dishonor him. Permanently give him the Shadowlands trait
Treachery and Deceit
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L5R Singles

Treachery and Deceit

Battle: Target a unit with more than 6 total Force. Move it home
Superior Strategist
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L5R Singles

Superior Strategist

Tactical Battle: Target a Tactician you control: Search your Fate deck for an Action card with a Battle or Open action or for a Formation card. If you find a card, take a Battle or Open action to play it.
Search For Advantage
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L5R Singles

Search For Advantage

Limited: Target and bow a Personality you control: Target a Dishonored Personality. Restore him to Honor. Shuffle him and all his attached cards into their owners' decks
Heavily Engaged
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L5R Singles

Heavily Engaged

Battle: Even if you control no units at the current battlefield: Each player targets an unbowed Personality he controls at the current battlefield, if possible. Bow all targets
Influenced from Afar
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L5R Singles

Influenced from Afar

Political Reaction: When paying a cost of discarding the Imperial Favor, target and bow a Personality you control: This action pays that cost. Battle: Target a Personality you control at the current battlefield: Target a Terrain. Destroy it
Imperial Summons
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L5R Singles

Imperial Summons

Political Open: If it is the Action Phase, bow your Stronghold or discard the Imperial Favor: Target a Personality. Bow him
Explored Territory
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L5R Singles

Explored Territory

Immediate Terrain. Battle: The next time a card you control at this battlefield, other than this card, would be destroyed by a card effect, negate the destruction and draw a card. (This does not affect destroying a card to pay a cost.)
Encircled Terrain
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L5R Singles

Encircled Terrain

Delayed Terrain. Battle: The Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each targets a unit he controls at the current battlefield. Move all other units there home.
Brutal Confrontation
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L5R Singles

Brutal Confrontation

Battle: Until the battle ends, all players may take the following actions any number of times. You may take one immediately if your current army has at least two units. ?Battle: Target and bow a Personality you control: He produces a Ranged 3 Attack.? ?Battle: Target and bow a Personality you control: Target a Personality opposing him. Yours issues the...
Iuchi Hira
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L5R Singles

Iuchi Hira

Unicorn Clan Air Shugenja · Cavalry · Baraunghar · Soul of Iuchi Katta. Limited: Target a Unicorn Clan Personality you control. Straighten him
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L5R Singles


Goblin · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 4 Honor. After the End Phase begins, you may bring this card into play from your discard pile, ignoring costs, if it was destroyed this turn during a battle or duel.
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L5R Singles


Goblin · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After Zeth enters play, pay 2 Gold: Attach a 1F Shadowlands Nonhuman Goblin Follower token to him
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L5R Singles


Cavalry · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor. After each time Ashura is destroyed while at a battlefield, target and destroy a Follower, or a Personality without Followers, at that battlefield. Battle: Fear 4
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