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Kokure's Lands
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L5R Singles

Kokure's Lands

UniqueThis province does not hold Dynasty cards.Limited: Bow this card: Draw a card.
Harbingers of War
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L5R Singles

Harbingers of War

UniqueUntil the game ends, equipping Followers and Items from your hand with a base Gold Cost of 1 to 4 is a [b]Battle/Open[/b] action for you and, after the first time each turn you do so, draw a card.
Kurohito's Perfection
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L5R Singles

Kurohito's Perfection

Fortune • UniqueWhen paying the cost of the rulebook Favor Political Limited action: You may ignore the cost of discarding a card; if you did, delay its effects until your End Phase begins.Limited: Discard this card and target a Personality: Permanently give him Cavalry, Duelist, or Tactician.
Shosuro Hawado Exp2
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Shosuro Hawado Exp2

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • Shadowspawn • Experienced 2 • UniqueLimited: Target a card in a province: Discard it. Refill the province face-up.
Wave Man
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Wave Man

Ronin Can only attach to a Samurai. After an Attack Phase ends: Straighten this unit.
Native Guide
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Native Guide

Bayushi Kasumi
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Bayushi Kasumi

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Elite(Elite cards contribute Force even if bowed.)
Tamori Kusugi
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Tamori Kusugi

Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Soul of Tamori SugiBattle: Even if Kusugi is not at the current battlefield, bow him: Raise or lower the current battlefield's province's strength by 4.
Tamahime Exp
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Tamahime Exp

Experienced • Ronin • Samurai • Sensei • Tactician • UniqueAfter Tamahime enters play or overlays: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities.Your other Ronin Personalities have Tactician.Your other Ronin cards enter play paying 1 less Gold.Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it.
Seppun Jiramu
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Seppun Jiramu

Courtier • Imperial • Samurai • SenseiAfter Jiramu enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities.Your provinces have +2 strength.You may use the Proclaim action twice per turn.
Two Stings
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L5R Singles

Two Stings

Battle: Bow your performing Personality or Follower: Ranged 4 Attack. Battle: If this card is in your discard pile, bow your performing Personality or Follower: Ranged 4 Attack. Remove this card from the game.
Out of My Sight!
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L5R Singles

Out of My Sight!

Open: Target another player's Personality: Permanently give him Brash (the Defender may draw a card each time a Brash card is assigned to attack).
Dragon Tattoo Exp
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L5R Singles

Dragon Tattoo Exp

Fire • Tattoo • ExperiencedLimited: Choose your performing unbowed Tattooed Personality who has not performed an action from a Dragon Tattoo this game: He is imbued with the mystical power of the Dragon. Permanently give him the ability, “Fire Limited: Give this Personality a +1F Fire token.”
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L5R Singles


WeaponMay attach to a Personality with exactly one Weapon. After this card attaches (or transfers): Dishonor this Personality unless he is Mantis Clan. This Personality may attach two Weapons.
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion Exp
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Weapon • Experienced • Unique • ChuretsuWill only attach to a Scorpion Clan Personality. This card has +1F for each Scorpion Clan Personality you control. After this card enters play: Choose a player. He loses 2 Honor. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. You may discard a card in the current battlefield’s province. If you discarded...
Celestial Sword of the Mantis Exp
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L5R Singles

Celestial Sword of the Mantis Exp

Weapon • Experienced • Unique • Nobori RaiuWill only attach to a Mantis Clan Personality. This card has +1F for each Mantis Clan Personality you control. After this card enters play: Gain 2 Honor. Battle: Pay zero or more Gold: Give this Personality a Force bonus equal to the amount paid plus two, or Melee Attack with strength equal to twice the amount paid.
Cavalry Detachment
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L5R Singles

Cavalry Detachment

CavalryReaction: After another player’s action targets this Personality, remove this card from the game: Create a 3F/1C/2PH Samurai • Cavalry Personality with your Clan alignment at the target’s location. Transfer the target’s attachments to the created Personality.
Moto Taigo
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L5R Singles

Moto Taigo

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Conqueror • Tactician • Loyal • Unique • ShogunTaigo may perform up to three Tactical actions per turn. Tactical Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow him. If he is Infantry, you may target and destroy a card without attachments in his unit.
Goju Asuka
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L5R Singles

Goju Asuka

Spider Clan • InfiltratorAfter Asuka enters play: You may give control of her to another player. Asuka may not assign, and will not move, into a defending army. After a Straighten Phase begins: choose your bowed non-Spider Clan Personality: Negate his straightening this phase.
Bayushi Shibata Exp
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Shibata Exp

Scorpion Clan • Imperial • Courtier • Resourceful • Scout • Experienced • Unique • Imperial ExplorerBattle: Even if Shibata is not at the current battlefield, target an attacking Personality: Shibata draws on his knowledge of the land. Bow the target. Give the current battlefield's province +3 strength if the target is dishonorable.
Doji Mitsuru
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L5R Singles

Doji Mitsuru

Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Magistrate • NavalBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Mitsuru duels him. Bow the duel’s loser.
Daidoji Kitahime
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L5R Singles

Daidoji Kitahime

Crane Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Iron Crane • ScoutBattle: Bow Kitahime unless you have Reconaissance: Ranged 4 Attack.
Asahina Akikusa
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L5R Singles

Asahina Akikusa

Crane Clan • Daimyo • Air • Shugenja • Loyal • UniqueReaction: After an action on your Air Spell resolves: Gain 1 Honor.
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