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Chuda Seki
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L5R Singles

Chuda Seki

Shadowlands • Shugenja • PlagueAfter Seki enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After Seki enters play, target a Personality: Give him a –1C Plague token.
Goju Yurishi Exp
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Goju Yurishi Exp

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • Experienced • Loyal • Unique • Dragon ChildAfter Yurishi enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Other players may not target Yurishi with actions if any other legal targets are available.
Shosuro Hawado Exp
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Shosuro Hawado Exp

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • Shadowspawn • Experienced • UniqueReaction: After a Battle action resolves, if Hawado is at the current battlefield, target a Personality that performed it: Move him from his current location to another.
Shiba Iaimiko
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Shiba Iaimiko

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Duelist • YojimboBattle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it –4F. If its Force is now 0 and you control a Shugenja, you may target and destroy a card without attachments in the target's unit.
Asako Rikate Exp
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Asako Rikate Exp

Phoenix Clan • Shadowlands • Earth • Monk • Golden Arm • Henshin • Experienced • Unique • Blood of Kinuye • Favored of the Earth DragonBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Reduce his Force to 0. Give him -2C.
Asako Kijo
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Asako Kijo

Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate • Overconfident(Each other player may draw a card after an Overconfident card enters or leaves play.) Other players’ maximum hand sizes are increased by one.
Ikoma Masumi
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Ikoma Masumi

Lion Clan • Imperial • Samurai • Brash • Scout(The Defender may draw a card after a Brash card is assigned to attack.) Battle: Taget an enemy card without attachments: Bow it
Tamori Takeshi
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Tamori Takeshi

Dragon Clan • Artisan • Incense MasterOpen: Target your Personality: Takeshi helps him meditate. Effects of actions the target perfoms will not be negated.
Kitsuki Minori
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Kitsuki Minori

Dragon Clan • Courtier • Duelist • Magistrate • OverconfidentMinori does not have Overconfident (in and out of play) if any other player is Lion Clan. (Each other player may draw a card after an Overconfident card enters or leaves play.)
Dark Experiments
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L5R Singles

Dark Experiments

UniqueChoose a province. Permanently give it -2 strength and destroy any Region attached to it. Until the game ends, after a Region attaches to it, destroy the Region, and after a Holding enters play from it, give the Holding a -1 Gold Production token.
The Topaz Armor Exp
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L5R Singles

The Topaz Armor Exp

Armor • Experienced • UniqueAttaches to a Topaz Champion ignoring costs.After this card enters play: Choose two keywords; Courtier, Samurai, Archer, Artisan, Cavalry, Duelist, Elite, Historian, Kensai, Magistrate, Stalwart. This Personality has the two keywords last chosen from the previous trait.
Mempo of the Amethyst Champion
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Mempo of the Amethyst Champion

UniqueAttaches to an Amethyst Champion ignoring costs.You may use Favor abilities one additional time per turn. After you announce the rulebook Favor Political Battle action: It may target any player's unit, and even if it is not attacking.Reaction: After you discard the Imperial Favor: Take the Imperial Favor.
Seppun Ichigo
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Seppun Ichigo

Imperial • SamuraiIchigo has +1F for each Dojo you control.
Seppun Ritisharu
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Seppun Ritisharu

RetainerBow this card: Produce 2 Gold.Battle: Even if this card is bowed, target your Personality: Give him +2F.
The Height of Courage (Alternate Art)
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The Height of Courage (Alternate Art)

Reaction: Before the resolution of another player’s action, choose your performing Personality: Negate his movement from the action’s effects. Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Give him and each of his Followers +1F.
Steel on Steel (Alternate Art)
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Steel on Steel (Alternate Art)

IaijutsuBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target an enemy Personality: Your performer duels the target. Destroy the duel’s loser.
Revenge (Alternate Art)
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L5R Singles

Revenge (Alternate Art)

Dark Virtue • DeterminationBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai and target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. Destroy it if another player’s action has destroyed one of your Personalities since the end of your last Battle action this battle.
Know No Fear (Alternate Art)
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L5R Singles

Know No Fear (Alternate Art)

Bushido Virtue • CourageReaction: After another player’s action targets your performing Samurai: Negate his bowing and movement from the action’s effects. Reaction: After a Fear action targets your performing Samurai: Negate its effects.
Encircled Terrain (Alternate Art)
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L5R Singles

Encircled Terrain (Alternate Art)

TerrainBefore this battle resolves: The Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each choose one of their units at the current battlefield. Move all other units there home. Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there.
Ambush (Alternate Art)
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L5R Singles

Ambush (Alternate Art)

Limited: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target another player’s Personality: Create a battlefield (not at any province). Assign your Personality to attack there. Assign the target to defend there, even if he is bowed. Other Personalities will not move there. Fight a battle there (after this action’s resolution). After the battle ends, lose...
Void Tattoo
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L5R Singles

Void Tattoo

Void • TattooBattle: Choose your performing unbowed TattoThe world has five smiles on one face.oed Personality, target a Tattoo Strategy in your discard pile, discard a card unless your Personality is Void, and remove this card from the game: Put the Tattoo into your hand. You may take an additional Battle action.
Twin Forks City
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L5R Singles

Twin Forks City

After an action resolves that created a duel your Personality won during a Combat Segment, once per Personality per battle: Negate his next bowing, movement, or destruction from other player's cards' effects.
Watchers in the Dark
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L5R Singles

Watchers in the Dark

ReconReaction: After engaging, choose your performing Scout at the current battlefield and target a card in a unit there: You have Reconnaisance there. Abilities on cards (now) in the target's unit may not be used
Strong Defenses
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L5R Singles

Strong Defenses

SiegeReaction: After a Ranged or Melee Attack is targeted: Give it -3 strenght. Battle: Choose your performing defendong Personality: Give him +5F. Straighten hime before this battle resolves.
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