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Shosuro Koshiba
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Koshiba

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate
Daigotsu Matsuda
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Matsuda

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Obsidian Claw • Soul of Daigotsu KuraiAfter Matsuda enters play: Lose 1 Honor.
Daigotsu Negishi
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Negishi

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Soul of Daigotsu ArimaAfter Negishi enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle/Open: Target your Personality: Straighten him.
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Monk • Unique • Soul of YodinReaction: After one of your Rings enters play, bow Yung: Search your Fate deck for a Ring, show it, and put it in your hand.
Moto Shunsuke
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L5R Singles

Moto Shunsuke

Unicorn Clan • Shugenja • Cavalry • Death Priest • Soul of Moto AkikazuShunsuke has a Force bonus equal to the highest number of dead Personalities in any one discard pile. Limited: Target another player’s discarded Personality: He becomes honorably dead.
Moto Taha
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L5R Singles

Moto Taha

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician • Soul of Moto Mumoru
Shinjo Baeshuko
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Shinjo Baeshuko

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Soul of Shinjo Huang
Shinjo Horibe
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Horibe

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Soul of Shinjo HwarangBattle: If Horibe is opposed, target a Personality: Bow or straighten him.
Shinjo Ki-Chang Exp
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Shinjo Ki-Chang Exp

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Tactician • Experienced • UniqueReaction: After your target Personality enters play: Create a 1F Cavalry Follower and attach it to him.
Kaiu Village
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Village

UniqueReaction: After your performing Personality enters play from a province, pay 2 Gold: Create a +1F/+1C Weapon Item and attach it to him. Reaction: After your performing Personality enters play from a province, pay 2 Gold: Create a +1F Armor Item and attach it to him.
Refuge of the Three Sisters
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L5R Singles

Refuge of the Three Sisters

SingularLimited: Destroy this card and remove your performing unbowed Personality from the game: Search your Fate deck for a card with a lower Focus Value than your Personality’s Chi. Show it and put it in your hand.
Kaiu House Guard
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Kaiu House Guard

Siege • UniqueWill only attach to a Crab Clan Personality. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments whose unit has lower total Force than this unit: Destroy the target. Gain 1 Honor.
Khol Regulars
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L5R Singles

Khol Regulars

CavalryBattle: Ranged 4 Attack. Reaction: If this card is at the current battlefield, after a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it +2 strength.
Stalking Tiger
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L5R Singles

Stalking Tiger

Nonhuman • CatBattle: Melee 6 Attack.
Ring of Water
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L5R Singles

Ring of Water

Water • UniqueAfter you resolve your fourth or later Battle action in one battle from cards with different titles: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, and choose your performing Personality: Move him home or to a battlefield with one or more enemy units. If he moved, straighten his unit.
Chikushudo's Trickery
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L5R Singles

Chikushudo's Trickery

Earth • ForestOpen: Choose one or two of your performing unb owed Nonhuman Spirit Personalities, target another player’s unbowed Personality, bow this Shugenja, and destroy this card: Create a battlefield. Negate all movement to it. Assign the target to attack there; he will not be destroyed during the battle’s Combat Segment. Assign the performing...
At Any Cost
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L5R Singles

At Any Cost

Dark Virtue • WillBattle: If you control any units at the current battlefield, choose your performing dead Samurai: Bring him into play at the current battlefield, paying all costs.
Face of Ninube
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L5R Singles

Face of Ninube

Open: Shuffle your hand into your Fate deck: Draw a number of cards equal to the number you shuffled in.
Feign Death
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L5R Singles

Feign Death

Reaction: After the resolution of an action or a battle that destroyed a performing Personality you own: Bring him into play (in your home), ignoring costs and Honor Requirement. Bow him. Dishonor him. Lose 2 Honor.
Gold and Steel
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L5R Singles

Gold and Steel

Battle/Open: Target one to three attachments with a Gold Cost of 0: Destroy them. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target an enemy Personality with an equal or lower Gold Cost: Bow him. You may move him home.
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L5R Singles


PoliticalReaction: Before a player gains or loses Honor from an action’s effects, bow your performing Courtier: Choose another player. If the Courtier’s Chi is higher than or equal to the Honor gain or loss, the chosen player instead of the original player takes the gain or loss.
Snake Tattoo
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L5R Singles

Snake Tattoo

TattooReaction: After another player’s Battle action targets your Tattooed Personality: Move him to an adjacent battlefield. If he is no longer a legal target for that action, negate its effects.
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