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Political Open: Permanently give a Human Personality with neither the Shugenja nor Samurai traits +1 Personal Honor and either the Shugenja or the Samurai trait. This action may target a face-up card in a Province as well as one in play. 
Control the Field
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L5R Singles

Control the Field

Battle: Target one of your Personalities in this battle with more than 2 Chi, the Tactician trait, or the Scout trait to destroy a Terrain. You may then play a Terrain. 
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Kiho Elemental Battle: Bow one of your Shugenja or monks to send home one opposing unit led by a Personality whose Force is lower than the caster's Chi. The unit is sent home without bowing.
Yogo Junzo's Army (Story Back)
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L5R Singles

Yogo Junzo's Army (Story Back)

You cannot gain or lose Honor. Your cards are immune to fear. Your Personalities may not swear fealty. You may not take Political Actions or actions which cause another player an honor loss. You may not ally or have allies. Reaction: Bow when bringing a Shadowlands card into play to produce four gold.
Strength of the Dark One
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Strength of the Dark One

Ritual Battle: Bow this Shugenja and any number of other Shugenja you control in this battle. Every unit in the opposing army is targeted with a Fear effect with a strength equal to the number of Shugenja in the Ritual. Lose honor equal to the number of Shugenja in the ritual.
The Light of Amaterasu
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The Light of Amaterasu

Reaction: Bow this shugenja to straighten a unit immediately after it bows at the end of the resolution phase of a battle. Shadowlands Personalities and dishonored Personalities may not be targeted with this effect.
Essence of Air
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Essence of Air

Elemental Air Limited: Bow this Shugenja, who may remain bowed: Turn all cards in your Provinces face-up. Your Provinces fill face-up, and cards filling them this way may not have their costs reduced. These effects last until this Shugenja is not bowed or in play, or a number of your Provinces equal to this Shugenja’s Chi fill in one turn.
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Monk All Meditation cards or meditating at a shrine, provides an additional 1F/2C bonus to Komaro for the same duration as the meditation bonus.
Seikua Exp
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Seikua Exp

Unaligned Monk. Experienced. Unique No Followers. Seikua gains +1F/+1C for each Elemental Ring in play. Battle: Give Seikua an additional 2F/2C bonus for each Elemental Ring in play. Seikua is destroyed after this battle's resolution phase.
Hida Yakamo Exp2
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Hida Yakamo Exp2

Crab Clan Thunder. Crab Champion. Samurai. Experienced 2. Unique. Tactician Will only join Crab Clan. May attach the Jade Hand and the Ancestral Sword of the Hantei without gold cost. Battle: Straight (if necessary) and assign Yakamo as a defender in any battle where there are Shadowlands cards in the attacking army. Yakamo need not be invited as an ally....
Bayushi Goshiu Exp
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Bayushi Goshiu Exp

Scorpion Clan Diplomat. Experienced. Unique Political Reaction: Bow Goshiu when another player is about to prevent a loss of honor. This action is negated and the honor loss occurs normally. Political Reaction: Bow Goshiu when someone is about to lose honor to redirect that honor loss to another player.
Togashi Yoshi Exp
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Togashi Yoshi Exp

Dragon clan Shugenja. Experienced. Unique. Reaction: after focus cards have been revealed in a duel (but before duel resolution) with one of your Personalities, bow Yoshi to draw and discard your top fate card. add that card as an additional focus for this duel.
Isha Exp
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Isha Exp

Naga Hunter. Experienced. Unique. Tactician Reaction: Before the Defender performs his first battle action, you may play a terrain card for this battle. Reaction: If Qamar is about to be destroyed, all cards and tokens attached to Qamar are attached to Isha. Until the end of the game, Isha is considered to be Qamar.
Kuni Sensin
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Kuni Sensin

Crab Clan Samurai Personalities with Shadowlands cards in their unit may not refuse challenges from Sensin.
The Sight of Death
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The Sight of Death

Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Shugenja or monks and target one of your Personalities with a Chi less than or equal to the acting Personality. Until the beginning of your next turn, if the target Personality is destroyed he is immediately afterwards returned to play in your fief, bowed. This will not protect a Personality who is destroyed by a card effect...
Toturi's Battle Standard
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L5R Singles

Toturi's Battle Standard

Unique May only be attached to a Toturi's Army Personality. Followers in this army attached to a Toturi's Army Personality receives a +1F. All opposing Toturi's Army Personalities receive a -1F penalty in battle. Reaction: Bow when a Toturi's Army Personality is destroyed to move one follower from that unit and attach it to this Personality.
Master Smith
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L5R Singles

Master Smith

Retainer Bow to produce 3 Gold. Limited: Bow to place a 2F/2C weapon token on a Personality. No Personality may have more than one Master Smith token at any time. This token counts as a weapon. (Clarification: The Weapon token is also an Item.) (Errata: Personalities may now have no more than one Weapon token, not Master Smith token.)
The Twelve Ronin
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The Twelve Ronin

Cavalry. Unique May only be attached to a Toturi's Army Personality. Battle: Ranged 3 attack, once per battle. This does not bow the Twelve Ronin. Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 attack.
Warrior Monks
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Warrior Monks

Will attach to a Monk Personality for 3 less Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, when a Spell targets this unit or any cards in it, cancel that Spell.
Shiryo no Asahina
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Shiryo no Asahina

Crane Clan Ancestor. Unique This Personality does not need to bow to lobby for the Imperial Favor. Items that require the discarding of the Imperial Favor can be attached to this Personality without discarding the Favor.
Shiryo no Yogo
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Shiryo no Yogo

Scorpion Clan Ancestor · Unique While this card remains in play, all of your Ninja cards have their cost reduced by two.
Jiujutsu Duel
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Jiujutsu Duel

Reaction: Play when you are entering a duel. All items controlled by both Personalities in the duel are bowed. These items give no bonuses and produce no effects during this duel.
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L5R Singles


Reaction: Play immediately after a Ninja card has all costs paid to bring it into play. That card is not considered a Ninja card until it uses an ability or attaches a ninja-only card. Ninja action cards are not affected by this card.
Kolat Spy
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Kolat Spy

Limited: Turn all of the face-down Dynasty cards in the target player's Provinces face-up. Lose 1 honor. Events are not resolved until that player's next event phase.
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