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The Trap is Sprung!
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L5R Singles

The Trap is Sprung!

Battle: If you have Reconnaissance, choose your performing unbowed Scout Personality, and target an enemy card: Bow it. Bow its unit if you are a Crane Clan player.
Useful Connections
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L5R Singles

Useful Connections

PoliticalOpen: Bow your performing Courtier and target one or more Personalities, up to an amount equal to your Courtier’s Chi: Give Cavalry to them and to each of their Followers.
Kyuden Hida Exp
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Kyuden Hida Exp

ExperiencedRecon Reaction: After engaging: You have Reconnaissance at the current battlefield. Create and attach a 0F Scout Follower to each of one to three of your Personalities in your current army. Remove those Followers from the game after the battle ends.
Winter Sled
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L5R Singles

Winter Sled

While you control a Winter card, other players' cards' effects will not negate this Personality's movement. Reaction: After engaging, if any enemy units are at the current battlefield, bow this cad: Move this Personality there.
The Turquoise Championship
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The Turquoise Championship (Spanish)

UniqueChoose one of your Personalities in play. Permanently give him Artisan and the ability, "Limited: Choose a player. He gains or loses 1 Honor."
Dragon's Breath Castle
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Dragon's Breath Castle

After another player’s Dynasty Phase begins, if he controls any Personalities and he assigned none of them to an attacking army this turn: Gain 2 Honor. Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, after engaging at a battlefield at one of your provinces: The Attacker targets and bows one of his Personalities there.
Insulting Gesture
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L5R Singles

Insulting Gesture

PoliticalOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Courtier: Take the Imperial Favor. Battle: Discard the Imperial Favor and target an enemy Personality: Dishonor him. Bow him. Move him home. His controller loses 2 Honor.
Bow Before My Will
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L5R Singles

Bow Before My Will

FearBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Paragon and target an enemy card: Bow it. Negate its next straightening (this turn) if your Paragon is Shadowlands. Lose 2 Honor.
Winds of Dismissal
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Winds of Dismissal

AirLimited: Bow this Shugenja and target another player’s Personality: If he is dishonorable, Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands, his controller loses Honor equal to his base Personal Honor. If this Shugenja is Air, gain 1 Honor.
Intervening Spirit
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L5R Singles

Intervening Spirit

WaterBattle: Even if this unit is not at the current battlefield, if any enemy units are there, target your Personality: Move him there. Straighten him if he moved. If he is an Ancestor and this Shugenja is Water, you may take an additional Battle action.
Kuronada Exp2
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Kuronada Exp2

Ronin • Samurai • Duelist • Hero • Kensai • Tactician • Experienced 2 • UniqueWill not gain a Clan alignment. Iaijutsu Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it.
Shinjo Sanenari
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Shinjo Sanenari

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Sacrosanct • Tactician
Soshi Neiru
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Soshi Neiru

Scorpion Clan • Air • Shugenja • ProdigyYou may equip Air Spells to Neiru as an Open action.
Yoritomo Sakuma
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Yoritomo Sakuma

Mantis Clan • Courtier • Bully • MerchantReaction: When paying a Gold Cost, bow Sakuma: Produce 2 Gold. Political Reaction: After another player’s Political action targets one of your Personalities, bow Sakuma: The player may pay 2 Gold. If he did not, negate the action’s (remaining) effects.
Rebuilding Kyuden Hida
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L5R Singles

Rebuilding Kyuden Hida

UniqueUntil your second turn from now begins, the Attacker may not announce a Battle action before the Defender’s first normal opportunity to act or pass in a battle.
Wall of Honor
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L5R Singles

Wall of Honor

Battle: Move your target opposed Personality home: Increase or decrease this province’s strength by the number of units on the enemy side at the current battlefield. Gain 2 Honor.
Fortuitous Alliance
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L5R Singles

Fortuitous Alliance

Battle: Look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. You may rearrange them. Draw a card. If there are any allying units on your side at the current battlefield (including your own if you are an ally), you may take an additional Battle action.
Fist and Blade
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L5R Singles

Fist and Blade

Battle: Bow your performing Monk and target an enemy Personality with lower Chi: His controller may transfer any of that Personality´s attachments to one other Personality of his choice in the same army. Destroy the enemy Personality.
Akodo Regulars
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Akodo Regulars

Battle: Discard a card: Give this card a Force bonus equal to the discarded card's Focus Value (until the turn ends).
Asako Meisuru
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L5R Singles

Asako Meisuru

Phoenix Clan · Water · ShugenjaBattle: Target a number of cards in Meisuru's army up to her Chi. Straighten them.
Fury of the Sea
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Fury of the Sea

WaterBattle: If this Shugenja is unbowed, bow him unless he is Water: In turn order, each player who now controls a unit in the current enemy targets and moves home one of his units there.
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L5R Singles


UniqueUntil the game ends, during each player's End Phase, he may draw an additional card if he brought any Followers into play from his hand that turn.
Matsu Sakaki
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L5R Singles

Matsu Sakaki

Lion Clan · Samurai · ParagonBattle: Target an enemy Personality with Force equal to or lower than Sakaki's Personal Honor: Bow the Personality.
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Battle/Open: Target an unaligned Personality: Give him -3F. Battle: Choose your performing Human Personality and target a Nonhuman Personality: Move it home.
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