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Moto Rena
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L5R Singles

Moto Rena

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Unique
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L5R Singles


Singular Limited: Bow this card: Straighten a target Magistrate.
The Water Dragon's Favor
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L5R Singles

The Water Dragon's Favor

Water • Kiho Battle: Bow your target Shugenja or Monk: Straighten your Target unit. If your Shugenja or Monk has the Water keyword, you may target and straighten another unit.
Shadowed Steel
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L5R Singles

Shadowed Steel

Ninja • Unique Battle: Bow a target card with one or more Poison tokens.
Seppun Blade
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Seppun Blade

Weapon Battle: Bow this card, and discard a card unless this unit is opposed: Draw a card.
Traveling Peddler FOIL
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L5R Singles

Traveling Peddler FOIL

Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold .Limited: Bow this card and pay 3 Gold: Draw a card.
My Grandfather's Daisho
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L5R Singles

My Grandfather's Daisho

WeaponBattle: Straighten a target Item in your army. You may bow a target enemy Item.
The War of Dark Fire
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L5R Singles

The War of Dark Fire

Choose another player. Until your next turn begins, negate all his Honor gains during Action Phases and Dynasty Phases.
Miya Shoin Exp
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L5R Singles

Miya Shoin Exp

Courtier · Imperial · Herald · Experienced · Unique Political Open: Bow Shoin: The player with the Imperial Favor discards it.
Traditions of Steel
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L5R Singles

Traditions of Steel

Focus Effect: Before this duel’s resolution, raise the Focus Value of each of your focused cards to 3. Battle: Target your opposed Samurai: Before this battle’s resolution, raise his Force to 6.
House of Exotic Goods
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L5R Singles

House of Exotic Goods

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Destroy this card: Put one or more face-up cards in your provinces at the bottom of your deck (and refill the provinces). Turn all cards in your provinces face-up.
Revered Sensei
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L5R Singles

Revered Sensei

Retainer • Singular Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Open: Bow this card: Your target Samurai Personality has +3F while he is opposed this turn.
Daidoji Murata
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L5R Singles

Daidoji Murata

Crane Clan • Samurai • Scout Recon Open: Target two provinces. During battles at their battlefields, actions may not be taken before the Defender’s first chance to take a Battle action or pass.
Doji Numata
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L5R Singles

Doji Numata

Crane Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • Governor Battle: Bow a target enemy dishonorable Personality. Increase or decrease the strength of this battlefield’s province by Numata’s Personal Honor.
Kakita Omori
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L5R Singles

Kakita Omori

Crane Clan • Artisan
Kakita Takashima
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L5R Singles

Kakita Takashima

Crane Clan • Samurai • Duelist Takashima has +1C during the resolution of any duel he is in.
Kitsuki Kenichi
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L5R Singles

Kitsuki Kenichi

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Open: A target dishonorable Personality has a minimum Chi of 1. Give him -2F/-2C.
Kitsuki Tsuboko
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L5R Singles

Kitsuki Tsuboko

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Justicar Reaction: Before Focus Effects resolve in a duel involving Tsuboko: All Focus Effects in that duel are negated.
Shiba Raiden
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L5R Singles

Shiba Raiden

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Gunso • Yojimbo • Legion of Flame. Battle: Bow or straighten a target Personality whose Force is different from his own base Force.
Shosuro Takagi
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Takagi

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • Yojimbo. Reaction: After another player’s Battle action targets a Courtier at Takagi’s location: That player loses 2 Honor.
Daigotsu Buroki
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Buroki

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark Stone. After Buroki enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Fear Battle: Target a unit. Bow each Follower in it with 3 or lower Force. You may discard a Dark Virtue card; if you do so, destroy all bowed Followers in
Daigotsu Yuhmi
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Yuhmi

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Nonhuman • Infiltrator • Unique. After Yuhmi enters play: Lose 5 honor. Fear Battle: Target an enemy Follower. Bow each Follower and Personality with 4 or lower Force in its unit. Destroy the targeted Follower.
Iuchi Hotaru
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L5R Singles

Iuchi Hotaru

Unicorn Clan • Water • Shugenja • Cavalry. Hotaru has Tactician while he has a spell attached.
Moto Juncheng
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L5R Singles

Moto Juncheng

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry.
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