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The Blasted Lands FOIL
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The Blasted Lands FOIL

Unique • Wasteland After this card turns face-up in one of your provinces, if you are a Scorpion Clan player: Destroy all cards attached to another player's target province and attach this card to it. After a Personality enters play from this province: Give him a -1F/-1C Corruption token.
A New Wall FOIL
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A New Wall FOIL

Search your Dynasty deck for a non-Unique Holding. If you find one, permanently raise its Gold cost by 1 and refill this Province with that card, face-up.
Black Heart of the Empire FOIL
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Black Heart of the Empire FOIL

Lobbying is not Political for you. You lobby by bowing a Shadowlands Personality regardless of Personal Honor. For purposes of any player lobbying, your Family Honor is considered the total printed Force of all Personalities you control if that total is higher than each other player's. Battle: Discard the Imperial Favor: Target a unit. Reduce the Force of...
Whispered Rumors FOIL
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Whispered Rumors FOIL

Political Reaction: When paying a cost of discarding the Imperial Favor, target and bow a Personality you control: This action pays that cost. Reaction: Before an Event resolves: Negate its effects
Inspire Fear (Formato Celestial)
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Inspire Fear (Formato Celestial)

Kiho Fear Water Battle: Target one of your unbowed Monks or Shugenja: Move home a target Human Personality opposing him. If the performer has the Water keyword, the Personality cannot move to battlefields this turn
Doji Hitomaro (Formato Celestial)
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Doji Hitomaro (Celestial Format)(Spanish)

Crane Clan · Samurai · Magistrate. Political Reaction: After one of your Personalities assigns opposing a dishonourable Personality: Gain 2 Honor.
Arrival of the Phoenix
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Arrival of the Phoenix

Until your second Events Phase from now, Samurai in armies with Shugenja have +2F, and Shugenja need not bow as a cost performing actions on Spells and Kihos while in an army with a Samurai.
Matsu Fumiyo FOIL
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Matsu Fumiyo FOIL (Spanish Language)

Lion Clan · Samurai. Fumiyo has +2F while attacking. Fear Battle: Target a unit with less Force than Fumiyo's unit opposing her. Move it home. If it moved, bow it and gain 1 Honor
Hida Otoya FOIL
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Hida Otoya FOIL (Spanish)

Crab Clan · Samurai · Veteran · Tactician · Unique · Loyal · Advisor from the Shogun. Open: Give Tactician to one of your target Personalities Battle: Even if Otoya is bowed or at home: Move one of your target Personalities home or to a battelfield where there is an enemy army.
Shiro Usagi FOIL
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Shiro Usagi FOIL (Spanish)

Your alignment is Hare Clan. Hare Clan personalities you own have your clan alignment. Reaction: Once per battle after you resolve an action: Move home one or more target Hare Clan personalities who performed it
Lion Mempo FOIL
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Lion Mempo FOIL

Mempo · Unique. Reaction: After a Personality in this battle is destroyed: This Personality copies a Battle action on the destroyed card (until the turn ends) and may take an additional battle action to perform it.
Etsushi FOIL
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Etsushi FOIL

Ronin · Samurai · Brother · Unique · Advisor from the Shogun Other Ronin Personalities in Etsuhi's army have +1F. Battle: Bow a target Unaligned Human Personality opposing Etsushi.
Shosuro Maru Exp2 FOIL
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Shosuro Maru Exp2 FOIL

Scorpion Clan · Courtier · Obsidian · Oracle · Experienced 2 · Unique. Your dishonorable Personalities have +2F. Political Open: Bow Maru: Target a Personality: Bow him if he is dishonorable. His controller may choose to dishonor him; bow him if his controller does not choose this.
Shosuro Jimen FOIL
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Shosuro Jimen FOIL

Scorpion Clan · Courtier · Unique · Poison Master. Open: Target a Personality. After any action he performs this turn resolves, bow him. Political Reaction: After a battle or duel ends: Dishonour a target Personality who opposed one of your Personalities in the battle or duel.
Tempered Resurrection
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Tempered Resurrection

Fire Open: Bow this Shugenja unless he has the Fire keyword: You may remove an honorably dead Personality you own from the game. Target a face-up Personality in one of your provinces. Reduce his Gold Cost by the Gold Cost of any Personality you removed. Bring the target into play (paying all costs).
Summon Maseru no Oni
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Summon Maseru no Oni

Spider Clan Shugenja attach this Spell paying 2 less Gold. Maho Limited: Bow and destroy this Spell: Lose 5 Honor. Create a 6F/3C Shadowlands Nonhuman Oni Personality
Naseru's Funeral
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Naseru's Funeral

Imperial. Until the end of the game, dead Personalities entering play from a discard pile have an additional entering-play cost of ?Pay 5 Gold,? which can not be waived.
Castle Moat
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Castle Moat

Castle · Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. While you have exactly one province, Personalities and Followers attacking you have -1F.
Forgotten Battleground
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Forgotten Battleground

Shadowlands · Lose 2 Honor. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Maho Limited: Destroy this card and remove a dead Personality you own from the game: Lose 4 Honor. Create a 4F/1C Undead Shadowlands Personality
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Crane Clan · Courtier · Unique · Loyal · Advisor from the Shogun. Political Limited: Bow Naoharu: Another target player shows a card at random from his hand. He may choose to lose 2 Honor and discard the card. If he does not choose this, you gain Honor equal to its Focus Value.
Kitsuki Berii
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Kitsuki Berii

Dragon Clan · Samurai · Magistrate. Battle: Move home a target Human Personality with the lowest Personal Honor at the current battlefield (you choose in case of a tie)
Togashi Kisu
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Togashi Kisu

Dragon Clan · Monk · Magistrate. Open: Target a Human Personality. Either give him +1PH or -1PH.
Akodo Shinichi
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Akodo Shinichi

Lion Clan · Samurai · Tactician. Tactical Battle: Move Shinichi home or to a battlefield.
Ikoma Noda
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Ikoma Noda

Lion Clan · Courtier · Omoidasu. After an attack is declared: Straighten Noda. Reaction: After engaging in a battle: Give each Lion Clan Personality in your current army +1F.
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