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Kuni Igarasu
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L5R Singles

Kuni Igarasu

Earth • Shugenja Invest 5, or 3 if any other player is Crane Clan: Give Igarasu two +1F/+1C tokens.
Dark Naga Ambusher
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L5R Singles

Dark Naga Ambusher

Naga • Nonhuman • Reserve • Scout(You may Equip a Reserve attachment, if it would be opposed, as a Battle action.)Interrupt: After you Equip this Follower, take an additional action.Battle, w: Ranged 2 Attack.
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L5R Singles


Merchant • Retainer w: Produce 1 Gold. Give this Holding a +1 Gold Production Wealth token if you are bringing a Holding into play.
Shigekawa's Court
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Shigekawa's Court

Retainer You are considered to have +5 Family Honor when Lobbying checks Honor.w: Produce 1 Gold.Open, w: Straighten a target Personality who Lobbied this turn.
Traveling Peddler
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Traveling Peddler

SingularBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow this card and pay 3 Gold: Draw a card.
Utaku Tsukiko
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L5R Singles

Utaku Tsukiko

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Battle Maiden • Cavalry • Paragon • Soul of Utaku Fusae
Wrathful Ancestor
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Wrathful Ancestor

FearBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Spirit and target an enemy Personality: Move him home. This movement will not be negated.
The Perfect Moment
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L5R Singles

The Perfect Moment

Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in wich you were the Defender. Create an additional Attack Phase with the previous phase's attacker as Defender. During this Attack Phase, you will not destroy more than one of the Defender's provinces and your Personalities may not assign and will not move unless they are Paragons or Battle Maidens.
Rise of the Dark Naga
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L5R Singles

Rise of the Dark Naga

Open: If you control two or more Nonhuman Personalities, choose your performing Nonhuman Personality face-up in your province: Bring him into play, payinga all costs. Refill the province face-up
Duel of Haiku
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L5R Singles

Duel of Haiku

PoliticalOpen: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target another player's Personality: Your Personality duels the other. In this duel, each Personality uses Personal Honor as his duel stat. The duel's winner´s controller gains 1 Honor. Bow and dishonor the duel's loser.
Shame Never Dies
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Shame Never Dies

Political Reaction: After the resolution of an action that moved home or destroyed a dishonorable Personality at a battlefield, target your Courtier, and bow him unless he is Scorpion Clan: The Personality's owner loses 3 Honor.
Hida Tatsuma (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Hida Tatsuma (Spanish)

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero Tatsuma has a Force bonus equal to his Personal Honor while he is the only Personality in an army
Legions of Fu Leng
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L5R Singles

Legions of Fu Leng

Limited Ritual: Bow this shugenja and any number of other shugenja you control. Add a 1F Shadowlands Nonhuman Fu Leng Follower token to one of your personalities for each shugenja with the Shadowlands trait participating in the ritual. These Followers can be split between your Personalities in any fashion you like.
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L5R Singles


Berserker. Battle: Once per battle: Give this card +2F. After the current battle ends, destroy this card if it was at the battlefield in resolution and its side's total Force was not greater than twice the opposing side's.
Dark Lord's Favor
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L5R Singles

Dark Lord's Favor

Shadowlands · You can play only one Dark Lord’s Favor per turn. You cannot play this card if another player has less Family Honor than you. Open: Target a Personality. Dishonor him. Lose 7 Honor. Limited: Target a player. He discards a card. Lose 7 Honor. Battle: Target a card. Reduce its Force to 0. Lose 7 Honor. Reaction: Before a player gains Honor:...
Renewed Lands
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L5R Singles

Renewed Lands

After a Farm Holding enters play from this province: Give it a +1 Gold Production token and refill this province face-up.
Hida's Avalanche
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L5R Singles

Hida's Avalanche (Spanish Language)

You may include up to 10 copies of this card in your deck. Heroic Battle: Target a Personality you control: If he does not have the Yu trait, give him Yu 3. If he is opposed, give him +3F and the Hero trait; otherwise, give him +1F
Mountain Pass
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Mountain Pass

This Province gains +4 strength. Provinces adjacent to this one have -1 strength. (If a province is destroyed, the one next to it becomes adjacent.)
Mirumoto Daini
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Daini

Dragon Clan • Samurai
The Hiruma Dojo
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L5R Singles

The Hiruma Dojo

Bow the Hiruma Dojo to produce 3 Gold. Reaction: When paying for a Samurai, bow the Hiruma Dojo to lower that Samurai's Gold cost by 4.
Traveling Ronin FOIL
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L5R Singles

Traveling Ronin FOIL

You may bring this card into play as an Open action. If you do, you may return it to your hand at the end of the turn if it is still in play.
Treasure Hoard
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L5R Singles

Treasure Hoard (Spanish)

Bow Treasure Hoard to produce 2 Gold. If you are a Ratling player, bow Treasure Hoard to produce 3 Gold.
Iaijutsu Challenge
L5R Singles

Iaijutsu Challenge (Spanish)

Limited: One of your Personalities challenges another player's Personality. If the challenge is refused, Iaijutsu Challenge dishonors the other player's Personality and causes the other player to lose 7 Honor. The winner's controller gains 5 Honor.
A Test of Courage
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L5R Singles

A Test of Courage

Reaction: Play when an action is moving one or more of your Personalities out of a battle. Target one of them. Cancel the action. You cannot bow the targeted Personality to pay action costs or target the Personality with actions until the end of the turn. 
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