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Kaiu Otogou
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Otogou

Samurai • Siege Invest 1: Create a Fortification Holding with the trait "This Province has +1 strength" and attach it to your target Province.Open: If it is not your turn, target your Fortification. Before this turn ends, if it is still in play, gain 1 Honor.
Ashigaru Gunso
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Ashigaru Gunso

Ashigaru • Commander After Ashigaru Gunso enters play, if your Sensei is Hikahime, create a 0F/1C/0PH Ashigaru • Conscript Personality.Battle: Bow one or more of your target unbowed Ashigaru Conscripts. Ranged Attack equal to the number this bowed.
Courage Beyond Question
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Courage Beyond Question

Discipline 1Interrupt: Negate all Force bonuses and penalties from the action.Battle: Give your target Samurai Conqueror. Straighten his unit after this battle resolves. (A Conqueror's unit doesn't bow after battle.)
Hida Ayameko
L5R Singles

Hida Ayameko

Samurai • Tactician(Battle: Discard a card to give this Tactician a Force bonus equal to the card's Focus Value.)Courtesy: Ayameko has Resilient. (Courtesy traits do not take effect if you went first. Once per game per card, a Resilient card does not die in battle resolution.)
Hidden Machinations
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Hidden Machinations

Kata • Kharmic • PoliticalBefore the Action Phase ends, you may take an additional action.Political Open: Put this Kata into play. Discard your other Kata in play.Open, w: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may put it at the bottom.
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Conqueror • Kensai • Monk • Naval(A Conqueror's unit doesn't bow after battle. Kensai may attach two Weapons, as long as neither is Two-Handed. Once a turn, the Attacker gets the first Battle action, if it's from a Naval Personality's unit.)
Hida Kurabi
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Hida Kurabi

Berserker • Crab Clan • Destined • Hero • Imperial • Reserve (You may Recruit a Reserve card, if it would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)(Draw a card after your Destined card enters play.)
Yoritomo Tansen
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Yoritomo Tansen

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • ScoutBattle: Ranged 3 Attack or give the current battlefield's province -3 strength.
Matsu Yoshito
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Matsu Yoshito

Lion • Samurai • Cavalry • ParagonYoshito has +1F when attacking, or +2F if the Defender is Dragon Clan.
Help from the Shadows
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Help from the Shadows

NinjaBattle: Choose your performing Personality in a Ninja unit: Move him to the current battlefield. Straighten his unit if he moved.
Asako Megu
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Asako Megu

Phoenix Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Inquisitor • MagistrateBattle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow him. You may target and straighten a Personality. If the enemy Personality is Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands, gain 2 Honor.
Forgotten Outpost
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Forgotten Outpost

Castle • ForestBow this card: Produce 5 Gold. Limited: If another player has higher Family Honor than you: Gain 1 Honor.
Shiba Sansesuke
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Shiba Sansesuke

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo • Soul of Shiba DanjUroReaction: When an action would target your Shugenja at Sansesuke’s location, bow Sansesuke: The action targets him instead, if legal.
The Empress' Address
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The Empress' Address

PoliticalReaction: After the resolution of an action or a battle that destroyed any of your Personalities in a defending army, bow your performing Courtier or Empress and target your non-Unique Personality with your Clan alignment in your discard pile: Bring him into play (in your home), ignoring costs. Gain 2 Honor.
The Light of Justice
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The Light of Justice

Imperial • PoliticalBattle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Magistrate Personality at home: Move him to the current battlefield. If he moved, straighten his unit. If any dishonorable Personalities are now opposing him, you may take an additional Battle action.
Ancient Feud
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Ancient Feud

TerrainThis battlefield’s province has a maximum strength equal to its base strength. Battle: Destroy all other Terrains at the current battlefield. Put this card into play there.
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Battle: Choose your performing Kensai: Straighten him and all his Weapons. Battle abilities on his Weapons may be used a second time this turn. You may take an additional Battle action.
Kitsuki Horume
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L5R Singles

Kitsuki Horume

Dragon Clan • Courtier • Duelist • Gamekeeper • Justicar • MagistrateReaction: After Horume enters play: Choose a player. He gains or loses 1 Honor. Reaction: After a duel ends that Horume won: He boasts of his talents. Gain 1 Honor.
Pearl of Embers
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Pearl of Embers

PearlBattle/Open: Bow this card: Straighten this Personality
Shinjo Junpei
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Shinjo Junpei

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • TacticianBattle: Even if Jumpei is not at the current battlefield, target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. If it is a personality, negate his next movement.
Mirumoto Kojinrue
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Mirumoto Kojinrue

Dragon Clan • Samurai • KensaiBattle: Bow Kojinrue or one of his Weapons, and target an enemy cardwithout attachments: Destroy it.
Reckless Rush
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L5R Singles

Reckless Rush

Battle: Bow your performing Personality and target an enemy card without attachments: Bow it. Destroy it if it is an attachment or its base Gold Cost is 0. Before this battle’s resolution, straighten your Personality.
Hida Defenders
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L5R Singles

Hida Defenders

Reaction: After the resolution of your action that bowed, destroyed, or moved a Personality who has opposed this card at the current battlefield: Gain 2 Honor.
Retribution (Alternate Art)
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L5R Singles

Retribution (Alternate Art)

Reaction: After the end of an Attack Phase in which you were the Defender: Create an additional Attack Phase of your own in which you must choose the previous phase’s Attacker as the Defender. Neither player may invite allies and you may only assign one unit. Give the Personality and each Follower in that unit +1F after it assigns.
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