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Split the Reed
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L5R Singles

Split the Reed

Battle: Target your Kensai Personality: Destroy a target enemy attachment. If your Kensai now has a Weapon attached, you may take an additional Battle action.
Armor of the Heavens
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L5R Singles

Armor of the Heavens

Armor • Imperial. Political Reaction: After another player targets this Personality with an action: Either gain 2 Honor, or have the other player lose 2 Honor
Layered Plates
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Layered Plates

Armor. Negate effects that move this unit to a battlefield. Reaction: Before this Personality is destroyed, destroy this card: Negate that destruction of the Personality.
Utaku Kioko
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L5R Singles

Utaku Kioko

Unicorn Clan * Battle Maiden * Samurai * Cavalry Reaction: After an enemy Personality assigns or moves to Utaku Kioko's battlefield: Gain 2 Honor.
Hida Ubogin
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Hida Ubogin

Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker • Commander • Brute Fear Battle: Move your target Personality to Ubogin’s battlefield. This movement can not be negated.
Tsi Blade
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L5R Singles

Tsi Blade (Spanish)

Weapon. Reaction: After this Personality assigns, bow this card: Draw a card.
Seat of Power
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L5R Singles

Seat of Power

Legacy · Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: When an action would target one of your Unique Clan Champion or Daimyo Personalities: The action instead targets one of your legal Personalities with the same Clan alignment at his location.
Doomed Intentions FOIL (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Doomed Intentions FOIL (Spanish)

Reaction: After another player's action resolves that dishonored any of his own Personalities: Destroy one of those target Personalities. Battle: If there are enemy units at the current battlefield: Move one of your target units there. If it moved, straighten it. If you are the Defender, take an additional Battle action printed on a card in the unit
Hida Dayu
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L5R Singles

Hida Dayu

Crab Clan · Samurai · Hero. Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Create a 2F Follower card and attach it to one of your target Crab Clan Hero Personalities
Bend Like a Reed
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L5R Singles

Bend Like a Reed

Reaction: Play this card when your opponent calls a strike in a duel. You gain two Chi from this card as if it were played as a focus. You may not play more than one Bend Like a Reed in a duel.
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L5R Singles


Force of Will
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Force of Will

Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja, target a Personality, and destroy this card unless you control the Personality: Switch his Personal Honor and Chi.
Colonial Farm
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Colonial Farm

FarmEnters play paying 1 less Gold if you are a Lion Clan player.Bow this card: Produce 5 Gold.Limited: Bow this card and target your Personality: Create a 1F Ashigaru and attach it to him.
Feign Death
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L5R Singles

Feign Death

Reaction: Play after a Personality is destroyed to return the Personality to play, bowed, in his previous controller's home, ignoring all costs and restrictions. (Entering-play effects occur. Cards attached to the Personality are not returned to play.) Dishonor the Personality. Lose 2 Honor.
L5R Singles


Weapon · Unique. This Personality has a minimum Chi of 5. If he is ever not Crane Clan, destroy him. Cards you focus go to the bottom of your deck, along with your Focus Pool, instead of to your discard pile. Reaction: After a duel ends that you won: Target a Personality. Straighten him
Arrows From the Woods
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L5R Singles

Arrows From the Woods

Battle: Ranged 2 Attack. Reaction: After you target another player’s card with a Ranged Attack: Increase that Ranged Attack’s strength by 2.
Entrapping Terrain
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L5R Singles

Entrapping Terrain

TerrainBefore this battle's resolution: Move home all units at the current battlefield, and this battle's Resolution Segment does not occur.Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there
Deeds, Not Words
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L5R Singles

Deeds, Not Words

Political Open: Target a player. Until the end of the turn, that player gains 1 Honor in addition to any other award when one of his Personalities wins a duel, and 1 additional Honor for each opposing card destroyed in the Resolution Segment of battle. Honor gains from any other source are counted as losses instead of gains for that player.
The Iron Legion
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L5R Singles

The Iron Legion (Spanish)

Will only attach to a Samurai, Bushi, or Crab Clan Personality. Ranged attacks may not target The Iron Legion. After The Iron Legion enters play from your hand, you may give this Personality a +0F Weapon Item token, a +0F Armor Item token, or both.
Hiruma Tatsuzo FOIL
L5R Singles

Hiruma Tatsuzo FOIL

Crab Clan Samurai * Yu 4Reaction: When Tatsuzo is targeted by an action while he is in an army, bow a follower attached to him to cancel the action. This can be done once per battle. 
Crippled Bone Blade
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L5R Singles

Crippled Bone Blade (Spanish)

Weapon. After this card attaches to a Human Personality from a player's hand, dishonor the Human, then lose 4 Honor. Ratling Personalities have the Samurai trait while in an army with this card
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L5R Singles


Ratling · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of Kiii in your deck. While you control 3 or more Stained Paw Tribe cards, Kiii has +2F/+1C and the ability, ?Reaction: When paying for a Fate card, bow Kiii: Produce 3 Gold.?
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L5R Singles


Ratling · Tattered Ear Tribe · Creature · Loyal. You may have up to 6 copies of Akatch in your deck. While you control 3 or more Tattered Ear Tribe cards, Akatch has +2F/+1C and the ability, ?Reaction: After a Ratling Personality enters play from a Province, bow Akatch: Target a Ratling you control. Attach a 1F Ratling Creature Follower token to him.?
Hida Renga
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L5R Singles

Hida Renga

Crab Clan Samurai. Battle: Target and bow a Follower attached to Renga: The enemy leader targets an unbowed Follower, or unbowed Personality, opposing Renga. Bow it.
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