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Tsuruchi Armband
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Armband

If this is a Mantis Clan Personality, you may bow this card instead of him as a cost of an action during a Raid battle.
City of Blood
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L5R Singles

City of Blood

Phoenix Clan Shugenja you control have the Bloodspeaker trait. Ignore Phoenix Clan Shugenja Honor Requirements. Maho Limited: Bow a Bloodspeaker Personality you control: Once per turn, look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. You may show one Spell or Maho card, then put it in your hand. You may shuffle the deck.
The Fortunes Smile (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

The Fortunes Smile (Spanish)

When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel, gain 2 Honor and draw a card. Battle: Target a Personality you control and an opposing Personality. Give your Personality a Force bonus equal to his or the other target's Personal Honor, whichever is greater. Give the other Personality a Force penalty of the same amount.
Legendary Confrontation FOIL (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Legendary Confrontation FOIL (Spanish)

Reaction: After a Duelist Personality you control wins a duel, pay 3 Gold or bow a Duelist Personality you control: Gain 2 Honor. Draw 3 cards. Only one Legendary Confrontation can be played per duel.
Hordes of the Nezumi
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Hordes of the Nezumi

Before your turn ends, if this card is in your discard pile and you discarded it to pay a cost this turn, you may put it in your hand. Limited: Bow Ratling Personalities you control with total Force greater than 10: If you are a Ratling player, gain a Province to the left of your leftmost Province.
Hitomi Kichi
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Hitomi Kichi

Dragon Clan Monk Reaction: Kichi gains +2F until the beginning of your next turn after one of your Dragon Clan Personalities is destroyed. 
The Phoenix is Reborn
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The Phoenix is Reborn

Ritual Limited: Bow this shugenja and any two other shugenja you control. Any event that are currently in play with continuing effects are discarded. The continuous effects of these events are cancelled.
Toku Exp
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Toku Exp

Unaligned Samurai. Experienced. Unique Toturi's Army All exhaustion tokens are removed from Toku during your straighten phase. Open: Straighten Toku and give him a -1C exhaustion token. Toku cannot bow to perform any action more than once per turn.
Hida Amoro Exp
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L5R Singles

Hida Amoro Exp

Crab Clan Undead Berserker. Shadowlands. Experienced. Unique Lose 5 Honor. May only attach zombie and skeleton Followers, but may do so without gold cost. When Amoro is brought into play, experienced, other Followers attached to Amoro are destroyed. Amoro is unaffected by Plague tokens.
Izaku Library
L5R Singles

Izaku Library

Holding Bow the Library to produce 5 gold when bringing a spell into play.
Wanton Destruction
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L5R Singles

Wanton Destruction

Battle: Target one of your Shadowlands Personalities in this battle and two Personalities opposing it. Your Personality issues an unrefusable challenge against each opposing target, one at a time, in the order of your choice. Both duels are duels of Force. Give your Personality -4F after the first duel ends.
Akodo Ijiasu
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Akodo Ijiasu

Lion Clan War Leader. Samurai. Tactician  
Togashi Mio
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Togashi Mio

Dragon Clan Spirit. Samurai Reaction: Once per turn, when a card or Stronghold effect is moving Mio out of a Battle, negate the effect. 
Dragon Dancers
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Dragon Dancers

Bow Dragon Dancers to produce 2 Gold. Bow and destroy Dragon Dancers to produce 4 Gold. 
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Monk Inkyo's Force equals the number of Elemental Rings in play. Inkyo cannot cast Kihos. 
Luring Tactics
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Luring Tactics

Tactical Battle: Move the performing Tactician you control and an opposing Personality from the current battle to an adjacent one. 
Otaku Sahijir
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L5R Singles

Otaku Sahijir

Unicorn Clan Battle Maiden. Magistrate. Cavalry. Samurai Sahijir's Followers must be Cavalry. Battle: Once per battle, Sahijir gains a force bonus equal to the number of her followers.
The Emperor Returns
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L5R Singles

The Emperor Returns

Battle: Each of your Personalities from your Faction in this battle gains +1F/+1C for each Personality from your Faction in this army that has the Champion, Daimyo, or Hero trait.
City of Tears
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L5R Singles

City of Tears

Elemental battle Terrain: If you have the ring of water in play, you may destroy this terrain, then get a terrain from your fate dck or discard pile and immediatly resolve it. Shuffle the deck if the terrain came from it.
Stale Wind
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L5R Singles

Stale Wind

Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja: Give Shadowlands to all Personalities with 1 or 0 Personal Honor.
Levy Troops
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L5R Singles

Levy Troops

Limited: Target your unbowed Samurai Personality: For every 3 gold spent on this action, create a 1F Ashigaru Follower and attach it to the target. Lose 1 Honor after each of these Followers are destroyed or removed from the target.
Impassable Terrain
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L5R Singles

Impassable Terrain

TerrainBefore this battle's resolution: The Attacker and Defender (starting with the active player) must target and bow three of their Personalities or Followers at this battlefield. For each card they target, they may discard a Fate card instead of bowing it, but if they do not discard, the bowing still occurs. Battle: If there are no Terrains at the...
Corrupted Ground
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L5R Singles

Corrupted Ground

TerrainShadowlands Personalities and Followers at this battle have +1F. Battle: If there are no Terrains at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there.
Yogo Shidachi
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L5R Singles

Yogo Shidachi

Scorpion Clan Shugenja Battle: Switch the positions of two of your unbowed Personalities. This can be done once per turn.
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