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Doji Yasuyo
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L5R Singles

Doji Yasuyo

Crane Clan Samurai. Soul of Doji Kuwanan
Celestial Sword of the Scorpion
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L5R Singles

Celestial Sword of the Scorpion

Weapon. Unique If you are a Scorpion Clan player, each other player loses 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Scorpion counts as the Ancestral Sword of the Scorpion for uniqueness. While attached to a Scorpion Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Scorpion gains +1F/+1C for each Scorpion Clan Personality you control.
Hida Ishi
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Hida Ishi

Crab Clan BerserkerIshi has +2F/+2C while opposed by an army with more units than his own army has.Ishi may not be bowed by other players' card effects. 
The Doji Plains
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L5R Singles

The Doji Plains

RichAfter this Region enters play, target your Holding: While this Region remains in play, the Holding produces additional Gold equal to its base production. After this Region is destroyed: Destroy the Holding its first trait last targeted
The Bear Returns
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The Bear Returns

You may focus this card face-up. If you do, and it is the second or later duel during an Action Phase, draw 2 cards, end the duel without resolution, and challenges may not be issued this Phase. Battle: Target a Samurai or Bushi you control with Force greater than 5: Target a card opposing him with Force less than 4. Destroy it.
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L5R Singles


Ratling Creature · Grasping Paw Tribe · Bushi. Battle: Discard Chi'kel: If you are a Ratling player and Chi'kel is in the current battle, target a discarded Ratling Personality you own. Bring him into play at the current battlefield, ignoring costs. Chi'kel may not enter play this turn.
Naga Spearmen
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Naga Spearmen

Naga. Nonhuman Battle: Bow the Naga Spearmen for a Ranged 2 Attack.
The Fist of Osano-Wo
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The Fist of Osano-Wo

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Target a Holding. Destroy it.
Shinsei's Legion
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Shinsei's Legion (spanish)

Unique. After Shinsei's Legion enters play, set its printed Force to this Personality's printed Force. Shinsei's Legion copies this Personality's Cavalry and Naval traits. These changes last until Shinsei's Legion leaves play.
Plains of Otosan Uchi
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Plains of Otosan Uchi

Imperial * Unique This Province holds two Dynasty cards. You control the order in which they are revealed and refilled. Discard one of those cards if Plains of Otosan Uchi is destroyed. Lose 10 Honor if this Province is destroyed while Plains of Otosan Uchi is attached.
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L5R Singles


Singular Limited: Once per turn, pay 2 Gold to attach a 1F Follower token to one of your Personalities.
Moto Chagatai Exp2
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Moto Chagatai Exp2

Unicorn Clan Champion * Samurai * Cavalry Tactician * Experienced 2 * Unique Will only join a Unicorn Clan player. Before each time Chagatai is moved out of a battle by another player's effect, you may negate the movement. Battle: Once per battle, attach an Item to Chagatai from your hand. Lower its Gold cost by Chagatai's Force. 
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L5R Singles


Ratling Guide * Crooked Tail Tribe * Creature Soul of Mack'uk Nir'um'tuk will not attach more than one Follower. Open: Once per turn, target one of your Ratling Personalities with fewer than two Followers. Nir'um'tuk, that Personality, and both units' Followers gain Cavalry. 
Hida Isamu
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Hida Isamu

Crab Clan Samurai * Unique * Soul of Hida Tsuneo Your other Personalities gain +2F while in a defending army with Isamu.
Aid of the Grand Master
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Aid of the Grand Master

Kiho Limited: Bow one of your Monks to search your Fate deck for a card. Remove the card, shuffle the deck, then place that card on either the top or bottom of the deck. 
Kuro's Fire
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L5R Singles

Kuro's Fire (Spanish)

Elemental Battle: Bow this Shugenja to make a number of consecutive ranged attacks up to the Shugenja's Chi. The ranged attacks' total strength cannot exceed the Shugenja's Force plus Chi. (Consecutive ranged attacks are targeted and resolved one at a time.)
Kyuden Doji
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L5R Singles

Kyuden Doji (Spanish)

Political Reaction: When one of your Personalities enters a duel, target and bow one of your Crane Clan Samurai to have that Samurai enter the duel instead. Political Limited: Bow Kyuden Doji to permanently give Courtier to one of your Crane Clan Personalities.
Strength of Purity
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Strength of Purity

Battle: Give +3F/+3C to a Personality with more than 2 Personal Honor. 
Shosuro Technique
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Shosuro Technique

This card costs 2 less Gold if your Personality is Scorpion Clan or a Ninja. Reaction: When one of your Personalities enters a duel against a Personality with higher Chi, raise your Personality's Chi to equal the other's Chi. Battle: Target one of your Personalities in this battle and an opposing Personality with higher Force. Raise your Personality's...
Primal Rage
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L5R Singles

Primal Rage

When you play this card as a Focus card in a duel for a Shadowlands or Creature Personality, set its Focus value to the Personality's printed Force plus 2.
Let Your Spirit Guide You
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L5R Singles

Let Your Spirit Guide You (Spanish)

When you play this card as a Focus card in a duel or use its Focus value for a Tactical action performed by a Personality, set its Focus value to the Personality's Personal Honor plus 3.
Czinn'tch FOIL
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L5R Singles

Czinn'tch FOIL (Spanish)

Ratling Brutalizer · Scout · Creature. Recon Limited: Destroy Czinn'tch: Target a Personality you do not control. Lose 5 Honor. Declare an attack against his controller. Create a battlefield not associated with any Province. It is the only battlefield this attack. Assign any number of Ratling Personalities you control to attack there. The target assigns...
Chuda Isoruko
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L5R Singles

Chuda Isoruko

Shadowlands Shugenja · Bloodspeaker · Lose 4 Honor. You may give a ?1F/?1C token to a Shadowlands Personality after bringing Isoruku into play. Battle: Fear 4.
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