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Ogre Bandit · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 2 Honor. If Moshangoru is destroyed during a battle, the enemy leader gains the ability, ?Reaction: Once per game, when paying a Gold cost: Produce 5 Gold.? until his next turn ends
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Ratling · Creature · Bushi. After Nachin'check enters play, you may give him a Tribe trait that another Ratling Personality you control has. This trait lasts until Nachin'check is not in play
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Ratling · Creature · Shugenja · Third Whisker Tribe · Loyal. You may include up to 6 copies of this card in your deck. While you control at least 3 Third Whisker Tribe Ratlings, Achirin has the ability ?Limited: Bow Achirin: Target a face-down card that is not in play. Turn it face-up"
Shrine to Fukurokujin
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Shrine to Fukurokujin (Spanish)

Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Target a Personality you control, and bow this card: Draw a card. Show it. If its Focus value is greater than or equal to the Personality's printed Chi, discard it.
Obsidian Mine
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Obsidian Mine

Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Bow this card: Lose 3 Honor. Produce 4 Gold.
Kabuki Theater Troupe
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Kabuki Theater Troupe

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Bow this card: Gain 1 Honor
Iron Mine
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Iron Mine

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Crab Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.
Barley Farm
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Barley Farm

Bow this card: Produce 1 Gold. Reaction: When paying a Gold cost: Produce 1 Gold.
Winter Warfare
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Winter Warfare (Spanish)

Terrains cannot be played. Formations cannot be played. Actions cannot move units to or from battlefields. These effects last until the beginning of your second Events Phase from now.
Fortune's Gift
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Fortune's Gift (Spanish)

You may search your Fate deck for a Unique Weapon or Unique Armor. If you find one, show it and put it in your hand face-up; then you may bow a Samurai you control as a cost. If you do not, increase the found card's Gold cost by 2.
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Bow to produce 2 Gold, plus one Gold for each Market Place in play.
Otaku Baiken
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Otaku Baiken

Unicorn Clan Sergeant. Samurai Limited: Bow Baiken to attach a 1F cavalry Follower token to any of your Samurai.
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Wasp Clan Skirmsiher. Yortitomo's Alliance Battle: Bow Mukami for a Ranged 3 Attack, then remove this unit from the battle and return it to your fief.
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Fox Clan Daimyo. Shugenja. Experienced. Unique. Yoritomo's Alliance
Doji Reju
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Doji Reju

Crane Clan Samurai If Doji Reju is tied in a duel, he wins the duel instead.
Unscalable Walls
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Unscalable Walls

FortificationThis province has +4 strength.
Naga Shugenja
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Naga Shugenja

Shugenja. Nonhuman Open: Bow the Naga Shugenja. Each Naga card in play gains +1F until the turn ends.
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Shugenja Any kiho that the cultists bow to produce are considered Maho.
Grove of the Five Masters
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Grove of the Five Masters

Unique Limited: Bow Grove of the Five Masters to search your Fate deck for a Kiho. Show it to all players, put it in your hand, and discard one card from your hand.
Oni no Akuma Exp
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Oni no Akuma Exp

Unaligned Oni Overlord. Shadowlands. Nonhuman. Experienced. Unique When Akuma enters play it destroys the province from which it enters play. Lose 5 Honor. You must destroy a Follower you control in order to assign or move Akuma into a battle.
Ninja Shapeshifter
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Ninja Shapeshifter

Unaligned Ninja. Inexperienced. Unique Limited: Bow to challenge any Personality in play to a duel that cannot be refused. If the Shapeshifter wins the duel, he may permanently change his Force or Chi to that of the target, or may permanently gain one of the target's abilities. The Shapeshifter loses this change if it performs this action again. If the...
Bayushi Areru
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Bayushi Areru

Unaligned Ninja Followers must be Ninja. Open: Bow Areru and target a bowed Personality. Areru can remain bowed. While Areru remains bowed, the target cannot straighten. Any player can pay 6 Gold as an Open action to end this effect.
Hoshi Maseru
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Hoshi Maseru

Unaligned Monk. Tattooed Reaction: Straighten Maseru immediately after he bows to perform a kiho. He may do this once per turn.
The Song of Blood
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The Song of Blood

Reaction: Play after one of your Provinces has just been destroyed by an attacking army. Until the end of the game, all of your Personalities hazve a 1F/1C bonus while attacking that player's Provinces.
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