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Soshi Yorimi
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L5R Singles

Soshi Yorimi

Scorpion Clan • Air • Courtier • Shugenja • Unique • Soul of Shosuro Dazai ExperiencedTwice per turn, you may ignore the cost of bowing Yorimi, if it is the cost of a Political action or an action on a Spell.
Goju Kobashi
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L5R Singles

Goju Kobashi

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • ConsumerAfter Kobashi enters play: Lose 1 Honor. Battle: Target an enemy attachment: Kobashi consumes it. Destroy it. You may target one of your Ninja, create a 1F Shadowlands • Ninja Follower, and attach it to him.
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L5R Singles


Spider Clan • Monk • Kensai • Order of the Spider • Soul of Momiji
Ekichu no Oni
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Ekichu no Oni

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • UniqueAfter Ekichu enters play: Lose 8 Honor. Battle: Target an enemy card: Bow it. Battle: Target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it. Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Move him home.
Ikoma House Guard
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L5R Singles

Ikoma House Guard

Scout • UniqueWill only attach to a Lion Clan Personality. Battle: Melee Attack with strength equal to this Personality’s Personal Honor plus two. If this Melee Attack destroyed a card, gain 1 Honor.
Legion of Pain
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L5R Singles

Legion of Pain

Shadowlands • LostAfter this card enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Actions performed by Personalities with a Gold Cost of 7 or lower may not target this Personality.
Gift Armor
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L5R Singles

Gift Armor

ArmorNegate all current and new Chi penalties on this Personality. Negate any destruction of this card, except for its Personality being destroyed.
Tsuruchi Daikyu
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Daikyu

WeaponBattle: Bow this card: Ranged 5 Attack.
Ring of Air
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L5R Singles

Ring of Air

Air • UniqueAfter you resolve your third or later Spell or Kiho action in one turn from cards with different titles: You may put this card into play from your hand. Battle/Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand, and choose your performing Personality: Straighten his unit.
Ring of the Void
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L5R Singles

Ring of the Void

Void • UniqueAfter you resolve your fourth or later non- Kiho action from Strategies in one phase: You may put this card into play from your hand. Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: If any player has more cards in his hand than you do, or if this card is in play, draw a card.
The Kami's Blessing
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L5R Singles

The Kami's Blessing

KamiBattle/Open: Bow this card: Give this Shugenja a Force bonus equal to his Chi. Battle: Bow this card and target one or two Samurai: Give each of them a Force bonus equal to this Shugenja’s Chi.
Blind Rage
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L5R Singles

Blind Rage

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Berserker: Give him +5F. Lose 2 Honor.
Deception Revealed
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Deception Revealed

Reaction: After the resolution of an action that bowed a Ring: Straighten it. Battle: Target a Personality or Follower: Give it –4F. Bow it if you control a Ring.
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L5R Singles


Reaction: After a Ranged Attack is targeted: Give it a strength bonus equal to its current strength.
Wall of Honor
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L5R Singles

Wall of Honor

Battle: Move your performing opposed Personality home: Increase or decrease the strength of the current battlefield’s province by an amount equal to the number of units on the enemy side there. Gain 2 Honor.
Engulfing Flames
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L5R Singles

Engulfing Flames

Fire • KihoBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Monk: You may target and destroy an enemy attachment. If your Monk has any Fire tokens, Ranged 4 Attack.
Mastering the Elements
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L5R Singles

Mastering the Elements

UniqueReaction: After this card enters play, target your Spell and pay Gold equal to its base Gold Cost: This card permanently copies the Spell’s keywords, traits, and its base abilities that do not themselves copy abilities.
Shiba Kudome
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L5R Singles

Shiba Kudome

Phoenix Clan • Fire • Samurai • Duelist • Legion of Flame • YojimboIaijutsu Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Kudome duels him. Bow the duel’s loser. Give Kudome a +1F Fire token if she won and you control a Shugenja.
Isawa Mitsuko Exp
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L5R Singles

Isawa Mitsuko Exp

Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate • Experienced • Unique • Elemental MasterOpen: Target an Air Shugenja or a Holding: Straighten it. Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Bow him. Destroy him if he is Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands.
Asako Rikate
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L5R Singles

Asako Rikate

Phoenix Clan • Shadowlands • Earth • Monk • Golden Arm • Henshin • Blood of KinuyeMaho Battle: Target an enemy Personality: His controller may put any attachments in that unit into his hand. Give the Personality –2C.
Matsu Kasei Exp
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L5R Singles

Matsu Kasei Exp

Lion Clan • Samurai • Artisan • Experienced • Unique • Turquoise ChampionKasei has +2F while attacking. Battle: Target a defending Personality: Move him home.
Akodo Kamina
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L5R Singles

Akodo Kamina

Lion Clan • Samurai • TacticianTactical Open: Bow Kamina or discard a card, and target a Personality: Give him +4F.
Mirumoto Yumaru
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Yumaru

Dragon Clan • Samurai • KensaiBattle: Target an enemy Personality: If Yumaru has a Weapon, you may move her home and you may move the Personality home. Otherwise, move both of them home.
Hida Mimori
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L5R Singles

Hida Mimori

Crab Clan • BerserkerBattle: Target a bowed enemy card: Destroy it.
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