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Daikoku's Guidance
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L5R Singles

Daikoku's Guidance

After this card enters play: Target a Holding. While this card remains in plays, the Holding produces 1 additional Gold when bowed to produce Gold Limited: Discard this card. Bring a target Holding from your discard pile into play (Bowed), paying 3 less Gold
Hida Demopen
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L5R Singles

Hida Demopen

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero. Battle: Discard a Heroic Strategy: Ranged 5 Attack
Ide Kin
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Ide Kin

Unicorn Clan • Courtier • Recruiter Political Open: Bow Kin: Create a 1F Cavalry Follower and attach it to your target Personality.
Utaku Yu-Pan Exp2
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Utaku Yu-Pan Exp2 (Spanish)

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden • Daimyo • Paragon • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique Your other Battle Maidens have +1F and +1PH while attacking. Battle: Even if Yu-Pan is bowed: Straighten her. You may target and destroy an enemy Personality or Follower with 0 Force.
The Quiet Death
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The Quiet Death

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni After The Quiet Death enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle/Open: Target another player’s Personality. Negate his movement (this turn).
Hiruma Sniper
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Hiruma Sniper

Scout Battle: If a Recon action has targeted this battlefield’s province this turn: Ranged 4 Attack.
Iron Gauntlet Brothers
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Iron Gauntlet Brothers

Ranged Attacks targeting a card in this unit have -2 strength. Battle: Bow each card with lower Gold Cost than this card in a target unit. Destroy any cards with 0 Gold Cost in the unit.
Tetsubo of Earth
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Tetsubo of Earth

Earth If this Shugenja is Earth, Ranged Attacks targeting him have -2 strength.Limited: Once per game: Create a +3F/+0C Earth • Weapon Item with the ability “Reaction: After an action targets this Personality: Negate the action’s effects that would move him” and attach it to this Shugenja.
A Pure Heart
L5R Singles

A Pure Heart

Battle/Open: Choose your performing Paragon: Give him a Force bonus equal to his own Personal Honor.
Heedless Assault
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L5R Singles

Heedless Assault

Battle: Give your performing unbowed Berserker Personality a Force penalty up to his current Force: Give a target enemy Follower or Personality an equal Force penalty. Destroy your Berserker if he now has 0 Force and no attachments. Destroy the enemy card if it now has 0 Force and no attachments.
Questionable Charity
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L5R Singles

Questionable Charity (Spanish)

Fear • Maho • Kiho Spider Clan players may play this card paying 1 less Gold.Limited: Bow your performing Shugenja: Lose 6 Honor. You take in the families of the Dragonfly. Create two 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personalities.
Scouting Far Afield
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L5R Singles

Scouting Far Afield (Spanish)

Battle: Bow or destroy your performing opposed Personality: Put a target Battle Strategy from your discard pile into your hand. If your performer’s Force was 6 or higher when you chose him, you may take an additional Battle action.
Ao-bozu's Blade
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Ao-bozu's Blade

WeaponMay not be included in decks.
Writ of Reprimand
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L5R Singles

Writ of Reprimand

Writ Will only attach to a Courtier or Magistrate Personality. Limited: Destroy this card: Dishonor a target Personality.
To Do What We Must
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To Do What We Must

Battle: Choose one of your units. Destroy this unit and one opposing unit with a total Force less than or equal of this unit plus your Personality's Personal Honor. Add two to the Force of this action if it is being performed by a Crane Personality.
Superior Tactics
L5R Singles

Superior Tactics

This card may only target one of your Personalities with a Chi of 3 or higher. Battle: You may either move this Personality's unit to a different Provinde, or force a Terrain card to be destroyed.
Poisoned Weapon
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L5R Singles

Poisoned Weapon (Spanish)

Reaction: Play after Focus Cards have been revealed in a duel (but before duel resolution) to reduce the Chi of your opponent by 3 until the end of the turn. Lose 4 Honor.
Dark Lord's Favor
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L5R Singles

Dark Lord's Favor

Shadowlands • You can play only one Dark Lord’s Favor per turn. You cannot play this card if another player has less Family Honor than you. Open: Target a Personality. Dishonor him. Lose 7 Honor. Limited: Target a player. He discards a card. Lose 7 Honor. Battle: Target a card. Reduce its Force to 0. Lose 7 Honor. Reaction: Before a player gains Honor:...
Bayushi Saya
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Saya

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Courtier Political Open: Once per turn, target a Personality. After the next time this turn he assigns or an action resolves that he performed, his controller loses Honor equal to his Personal Honor, then he is dishonored.
Mirumoto Hitomi
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Hitomi (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Samurai Followers in this unit are immune to Fear.
Evil Feeds Upon Itself
L5R Singles

Evil Feeds Upon Itself

The Player or Players with the lowest Family Honor lose their rightmost Province (it is destroyed).
Thunder Dragon Bay
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L5R Singles

Thunder Dragon Bay (Spanish)

Thunder After the resolution of one of your Thunder actions: Give your target Personality +1F. Battle: Lightning strikes your enemies. Ranged 4 Attack.
Heavy Elite
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L5R Singles

Heavy Elite

Elite Ranged Attacks targeting cards in this unit have -2 strength. Battle: Destroy a target enemy card with equal or lower Force and no attachments. Draw a card.
Moto Kushi
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L5R Singles

Moto Kushi

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments.
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