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Private Trader
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L5R Singles

Private Trader

Legacy. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold when paying a Gold Cost on an Action card.
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L5R Singles


Until the game ends, during each player's End Phase, he may draw an additional card if he has played any Followers from his hand that turn.
Hired Killer FOIL
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Hired Killer FOIL

Limited: Pay Gold equal to the target's unit's Gold Cost plus 2: Lose 3 Honor. Destroy a target Personality.
Barracks of the Damned FOIL
L5R Singles

Barracks of the Damned FOIL

Your Crab Clan Shadowlands Personalities have +1F. Battle: Target one of your Crab Clan Personalities: Target a card opposing him. Bow it if it has less Force. If both targets are Shadowlands, destroy them.
Ceremony of Planting
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Ceremony of Planting (Spanish)

Each player who controls any Farms or Ashigaru permanently gains +2 Province Strength to each of his provinces.
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I-m'jek (Spanish)

Ratling · Nonhuman · Bushi · Naval · Chipped Tooth Tribe · One Tribe. Open: Give one of your target Nonhumans Naval or One Tribe
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Krn'n (Spanish)

Ratling · Nonhuman · Bushi · Scout · One Tribe. If your family Honor is 1 or less, Krn?n has -2 Gold Cost during the Dynasty Phase. Your One Tribe cards have +1F
Usagi Heiji
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L5R Singles

Usagi Heiji

Hare Clan · Samurai · Scout · Cavalry. Recon Open: During battles at a target province this turn, your non-Shadowlands Hare Clan and Unaligned Human Personalities have +1F.
Summoned to Justice
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Summoned to Justice

Political Battle: Target one of your unbowed Courtiers at any location: Move home a target attacking Personality. If he moved, bow him. If he is dishonorable, his controller loses Honor equal to his base Personal Honor
Ronin Scout
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L5R Singles

Ronin Scout

Ronin · Scout. Battle: Move this Personality to a battlefield with an enemy army where he has not been this turn.
Wandering Sohei
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L5R Singles

Wandering Sohei

Once per turn, this Personality can perform an action from a Kiho ability on a card in your discard pile (observing the Kiho's restrictions); then, remove the card from the game.
Crippled Bone Berserker (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Crippled Bone Berserker (Spanish)

Ratling · Creature ? Berserker · Crippled Bone Tribe. This card has +2F while attached to a Ratling with a Gold Cost of 6 or more. Battle: Target one or two Followers opposing this card. Bow them
Cool Heads Prevail
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L5R Singles

Cool Heads Prevail

Focus Effect: If your Personality was challenged to this duel, the other player in the duel chooses whether you gain 5 Honor, or you win the duel and he loses in resolution. Battle: Bow a target attacking Personality with at least 2 more Force than Chi. He cannot straighten during this battle
Restoring Order (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Restoring Order (Spanish)

Political Battle: Target one of your unbowed Magistrates: Move home a target Personality opposing him with Personal Honor less than your Magistrate's Chi. Bow the Personality if he moved. Destroy him if he is dishonorable.
Moto Chagatai Exp4 (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Moto Chagatai Exp4 (Spanish)

Unicorn Clan · Clan Champion · The Khan · Samurai · Cavalry · Tactician · Experienced 4 · Unique · Loyal. Other player's actions cannot move Unicorn Clan Personalities in Chagatai's army. Battle: Even if Chagatai is bowed or has been in a battle resolution this turn: Move him to the current battlefield. If he is now opposed, straighten him.
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L5R Singles


Shadowlands · Goblin · Nonhuman · Scout. Lose 2 Honor. Recon Open: Target a province. Before this turn ends, bring into play each dead Goblin Personality you own who was destroyed during the Combat Segment at that province's battlefield this turn, waiving Gold Costs.
Wrath of the People
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L5R Singles

Wrath of the People

Until the end of the game, abbilities on Personalities cannot produce gold, and your unaligned human personalities have +2F
Strike of the Dragon
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Strike of the Dragon

Kiho Battle: Bow one of your Rings and one of your target Monks: Bow one to three target Personalities opposing him, each with Force higher than his own Chi.
Blackmailed Bride
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Blackmailed Bride (Spanish)

Political Limited: Target and bow a Courtier you control: Target a Dishonored Personality controlled by another player. That player may give you control of the Personality, who swears fealty to you. If he chooses not to, he loses 7 Honor. This cannot take him below the Personality's Honor Requirement (if any).
Usagi Genchi
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L5R Singles

Usagi Genchi

Hare Clan Yojimbo · Samurai · Oni-Slayer. Battle: Bow Genchi: Destroy a target Oni card opposing Genchi.
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L5R Singles

Tchik (Spanish)

Ratling · Creature · Crippled Bone Tribe. After Tchik enters play from a Province, create a 2F/2C Ratling Crippled Bone Tribe Personality.
Tsuruchi Chion
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Chion

Mantis Clan Samurai. Battle: If Chion is at the current battlefield: Take up to three consecutive Battle actions producing Ranged Attacks. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack.
Strength of the Crab
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L5R Singles

Strength of the Crab

Battle: Target an opposed Crab Clan Personality: Give him +4F. Until the end of the battle, enemy players must discard 2 cards as additional cost to target this Personality.
Aikido Demonstration
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L5R Singles

Aikido Demonstration

When revealed as a focus in a duel, the loser bows and other effects of the duel on the loser are negated. The winner gains 3 Honor, in addition to any other results. Battle: Target and bow a Personality you control at the current battlefield: Send home a target opposing Personality with less Personal Honor.
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