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Broad Front FOIL
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Broad Front FOIL (Spanish Language)

Battle: Target two battlefields that have a unit you control. Move all units at the first to the second. At the resolution of the second one's battle, if the attacking army exceeds the defending army's Force by more than the combined Strength of both Provinces, the battle destroys both Provinces.
Reinforcements Arrive FOIL
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L5R Singles

Reinforcements Arrive FOIL (Spanish)

Battle: Target any number of units you control, each at a different battlefield. Give each unit two 1F Ashigaru Follower tokens
Toturi's Battle Standard Exp
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Toturi's Battle Standard Exp

Experienced · Unique. Non-Shadowlands cards with the Samurai, Ronin, or Ashigaru trait and without a Faction Alignment have +2F while in an army with this card. Open: Bow this card: Target a Dishonored Personality. Restore him to Honor. Permanently remove any Faction Alignment he has
Unexpected Resources (spanish)
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L5R Singles

Unexpected Resources (spanish)

Reaction: After another player's action destroys an attached card you own: Attach it, and another attachment in your discard pile, to a different Personality you control in the same location, ignoring costs
Broken Shinbone Warren
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Broken Shinbone Warren

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 3 Gold if it is the Attack Phase. Reaction: After an Attack Phase begins: Straighten this card. Bow this card after the Attack Phase ends
Shinbone Pack
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L5R Singles

Shinbone Pack

Ratling · Broken Shinbone Tribe · Creature. May not challenge or be challenged. May not be brought into play by Battle actions. Open: Pay 2 Gold: Search your Dynasty deck, then discard pile, for a Shinbone Warrior. Bring it into play at this location, ignoring costs
Set'tch'chet (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Set'tch'chet (Spanish)

Ratling · Broken Shinbone Tribe · Chieftain · Rememberer · Bushi · Creature. Battle: If Set'tch'chet is opposed by a unit with 4 or more Force: Give all Ratling cards in this army +1F.
Hitomi Tatsumi
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Hitomi Tatsumi

Dragon Clan Monk · Tattooed. Reaction: After one of your Kiho resolves, if Tatsumi is at the current battlefield: Target up to two Monk Personalities at the current battlefield. Straighten their units
Shosuro Toma
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Shosuro Toma

Scorpion Clan Ninja · Duelist · Ninjutsu 2. Reaction: After another player targets Toma with an action: Target a Ninja Personality you control at Toma's battlefield and an opposing Personality. The Ninja issues the other Personality an unrefusable challenge. The Ninja has +1C while in this duel
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L5R Singles


Ratling Shugenja · Creature. Limited: Targ and bow another Ratling card you control, and bow Gr'tik-er: Draw a card
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L5R Singles


Mantis Clan Orochi · Shore Hunter · Creature · Cavalry · Naval · Unique. Cannot attach non-Storm Rider Followers. Reaction: After Hisaki is destroyed, remove it from the game: Target up to two other Orochi Personalities in your discard pile. Bring them into play, ignoring costs and entering-play effects
Yotsu Bodyguards (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Yotsu Bodyguards (Spanish)

Reaction: After an Action card targets a card in this unit, cancel it if there is another copy of that card in any discard pile.
Hida Tonoji
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Hida Tonoji

Crab Clan Berserker. Bushi. Fourth Legion Commander Bow Tonoji at the start of each of your Dynasty Phases if he was not in an attacking army that turn.  
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L5R Singles


Maho Kiho Battle: Bow one of your Shugenjas or Monks to target a Personality. Contagion destroys any number of cards attached to that Personality, determeined by his controller. Then Contagion gives the Personality -3C for each card still attached to him.
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L5R Singles


Ratling Shugenja · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature. Limited: Once per turn, target a number of Ratlings up to the number of different Tribe traits on cards in play. Give each a 1F Ratling Creature Follower token. Reaction: After Mak'irtch enters your discard pile: Target a Ratling Personality you control. Give him a 1F Ratling Creature Follower token....
Tsuruchi Shiroko (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Tsuruchi Shiroko (Spanish)

Mantis Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Pirate Ally · Unique. Raid Reaction: After you win a Raid battle, even against no units at resolution, turn all cards in the current Province face-up. You may pay 6 Gold as a cost to target one Personality in the Province and bring him into play in your home, ignoring all other costs.
Hoshi Masote
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L5R Singles

Hoshi Masote

Dragon Clan Tattooed Monk · Duelist. Battle: Once per battle, target an opposing Personality. Give him +2C. The target issues an unrefusable challenge to an opposing Personality with less Chi. The challenged Personality may not strike in this duel unless he has focused or cannot strike.
Hida Shara Exp
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L5R Singles

Hida Shara Exp

Crab Clan Samurai · Magistrate · Yu 4 · Experienced · Unique. Ranged attacks and Fear effects affecting cards in this unit have ?3 strength. Shara has +2C during duels. You may attach Followers from your hand to Shara as a Battle action.
Monkey House Guard
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L5R Singles

Monkey House Guard

Unique * Imperial Magistrate This Personality has +1 Personal Honor. Political Limited: Bow Monkey House Guard to restore a Dishonored Personality to honor. 
Ghul Lord
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Ghul Lord

Undead * Nonhuman * Shadowlands Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Destroy one of your Undead cards in this army to bow an opposing Follower. Battle: Fear 3. 
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L5R Singles


Battle: One of your Personalities challenges an opposing Personality to a duel of Force. Bow the loser. If the challenge is refused, you may search your Fate deck for a Battle Action card and immediately play it for one of its Battle actions. 
Corrupted Region
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L5R Singles

Corrupted Region

Region All Shadowlands Personality and Followers in a battle at this Province receive a +1F. All other non-Shadowlands Personality bowing to produce spell effects during a battle at this region receive a -1C corruption token.
Obsidian Blade
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L5R Singles

Obsidian Blade

Weapon May only be attached to a Shadowlands Personality. Obsidian Blade has an additional +2C bonus when this Personality is facing a non-Shadowlands Personality in a duel.
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L5R Singles


Open: Bow the Sailors to bow any Port, Geisha House or Sake Works in play. Open: Bow the Sailors to increase the gold production of any one Port Geisha House or Sake Works by two until the end of the turn.
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