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L5R Singles


Unique Reaction: Before this Personality is destroyed, bow and destroy Decoy to negate the destruction.
Kaiu Endo
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Endo

Crab Clan Engineer Reaction: Immediately after a Fortification enters play, bow Endo to turn the face-down card in the Fortification's Province face up. If the card is an Event, discard it and replace it with a face-down card.
Pearl Magic
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Pearl Magic

Kiho Battle: Bow one of your Naga Shugenja in this battle to make Ranged 2 Attacks targeting all opposing Followers and Personalities without Followers, in this battle. The Ranged Attack Strength cannot be raised.
Ryoshun's First Gift
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Ryoshun's First Gift

Reaction: Before this Shugenja bows to cast a Kiho, bow this Spell instead of the Shugenja. Casting this Spell does not bow the Shugenja.
Soul's Sacrifice
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Soul's Sacrifice

Battle: Target an unbowed Samurai you control with more than 2 Personal Honor: Target a unit opposing him. Permanently give your Samurai the Undead and Shadowlands traits. Move the unit home.
Primal Rage
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Primal Rage

When you play this card as a Focus card in a duel for a Shadowlands or Creature Personality, set its Focus value to the Personality's printed Force plus 2.
Iaijutsu Challenge
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L5R Singles

Iaijutsu Challenge

Limited: One of your Personalities challenges another player's Personality. If the challenge is refused, Iaijutsu Challenge dishonors the other player's Personality and causes the other player to lose 7 Honor. The winner's controller gains 5 Honor.
Come One at a Time
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L5R Singles

Come One at a Time

Immediate Terrain. Battle: While there is exactly one defending Personality at this battlefield, each player may take the action "Battle: Target an attacking unit you control. Move it home, bowed," and the defending Personality may perform, "Battle: Target an opposing Personality. Issue him an unrefusable challenge." This second action may be taken...
Sentei no Oni FOIL
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L5R Singles

Sentei no Oni FOIL (Spanish Language)

Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Lose 10 Honor. May not be put under a Sensei. Before your Events Phase, if Sentei no Oni is dead, you may bring it into play, ignoring costs. Negate all permanent effects on it. Battle: Target an opposing non-Unique card. Destroy it. If you used this ability previously this battle, move Sentei no Oni home before the Resolution...
Tsuno Swamps
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Tsuno Swamps

Unique Reaction: After a Personality bows, bow this card which may remain bowed: Target the Personality. He cannot straighten until this card straightens or leaves play.
Ninja Sabotage
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L5R Singles

Ninja Sabotage

Ninja Battle: Bow a Ninja Personality you control: He produces a Ranged 3 Attack that is compared against Chi and may target a Personality even if he has Followers. Ninja Battle: Target a Ninja Personality you control: Target a Follower, Item, or Spell opposing the Ninja. Lose 2 Honor. Move the card to the Ninja, even if illegal.
Outmaneuvered by Tactics
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Outmaneuvered by Tactics

Tactical Battle: Create two 2F/1C 2 Personal Honor Personality cards aligned with your Faction in the current battle
Darkwater Bay
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Darkwater Bay

Singular. When you discard down to your maximum hand size, you may discard any of these cards to the top of your Fate deck instead of your discard pile. Reaction: After your End Phase begins, bow this card: If your hand size is below your maximum hand size, draw a card. Discard a card.
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L5R Singles

O'kichit (Spanish)

Ratling Marauder · Crippled Bone Tribe · Creature · Unique. Reaction: After O'kichit is destroyed: Target a discarded Ratling Personality with a Gold cost less than 7 in your discard pile. Bring him into play, ignoring costs. Limited: Bow O'kichit: target up to two face-up Personalities in Provinces. Reduce each target's Gold cost by 1.
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L5R Singles


Ratling · Naga · Nonhuman · Singular. Zamalash is not a Creature. Reaction: After a Battle, Limited, or Open action on a Personality with the printed Ratling trait resolves: Once per turn, Zamalash performs a copy of the action, paying all costs.
Kakita Osei
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L5R Singles

Kakita Osei

Crane Clan Courtier · Harrier Liaison. Reaction: After Osei enters play from a Province: Search your Dynasty deck for a Holding. Reduce its Gold cost by 2. Put it into play bowed, paying all costs. Limited: Once per turn, target a Holding that produced Gold to pay for a Follower, Item, or Spell this turn. Straighten the Holding.
L5R Singles


Adds an additional two to the Chi of the Shugenja to which he is attached for the purposes of casting spells. (Errata: Additional +2C also applies when bringing spells into play and when using Innate Abilities.)
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L5R Singles


StablesBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Unicorn Clan player.
Sanctified Temple
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L5R Singles

Sanctified Temple

TempleBow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow this card and pay 2 Gold: Gain 2 Honor.
Matsu Agetoki
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Matsu Agetoki

Lion Clan Samurai. Cavalry This unit cannot be the target of ranged attacks.
Touch of Death
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Touch of Death

Maho Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this Spell: Destroy a target bowed Personality with equal or lower Chi.
Superior Tactics
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Superior Tactics

Battle: Target one of your Personalities with over 2 Chi in a battle. Either move the Personality's unit to another of the Defender's Provinces or destroy a Terrain in play for the Personality's battle.
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L5R Singles


Limited: Target a Holding. Destroy it.
Entrapping Terrain
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Entrapping Terrain

Delayed Terrain Battle: This battle ends without resolution. All units go home without bowing.
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