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L5R Singles


Unaligned Samurai. Cavalry
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Legacy of the Naga. Unicorn Clan. Human Limited: Once per turn, give Akasha one of the following until the beginning of your next turn: Cavalry, Double Chi, Samurai, Tactician, Battle: Ranged 2 Attack, or the ability to cast Kihos as a shugenja. Each benefit may be gained only once per game with this ability.
Shield Wall
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Shield Wall

This unit cannot be targeted by Ranged Attacks.
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Naga Youth. Nonhuman Limited: Bow Ashamana and discard him from play. Take any one of your honorably dead Naga Personalities and return it to play, bowed. You may not bring back a Personality that swore fealty to Naga.
Yoshi Exp
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Yoshi Exp

Unaligned Monk. Shugenja. Unique. Experienced Togashi Yoshi Reaction: After Focus Cards have been revealed in a duel (but before duel resolution) with one of your Personalities, bow Yoshi to draw and discard your top Fate Card. Add that card as an additional Focus of this duel.
Shuriken of Serpents
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Shuriken of Serpents

Battle: Destroy the Shuriken to produce a Ranged 6 Attack from the Shuriken.
Ring of the Void
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Ring of the Void

Void. After you successfully resolve your fourth or later non-Kiho action from Action cards in one phase: You may put his card into play from your hand. Open: Bow this card or discard it from your hand: If any player has more cards in his hand than you do, or if you bowed this card, draw a card.
The Code of Bushido
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The Code of Bushido

Reaction: Play this card when Samurai takes an action, or creates an optional effect, that would dishonor him or her or cause his or her controller to lose Honor. Cancel the action, or prevent the Samurai from creating the eefect.
Fantastic Gardens
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Fantastic Gardens

Fantastic Gardens costs 2 less Gold for Crane Clan players. Limited: Bow Fantastic Gardens to gain 2 Honor.
Alhundro Cornejo
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Alhundro Cornejo

Unaligned Explosives Master Limited: Bow to destroy any Fortification. Limited: Bow to permanently reduce the strength of a Province by one. Open: Bow to bring any Explosives card into play at no cost. (Errata: The Explosives ability is a Reaction, not an Open.) (Clarification: Cannot reduce a Province strength below 0.)
Winds of Change
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Winds of Change

Limited Elemental: Bow this Shugenja to discard the Dynasty card in a target Province and replace it with the next card from that Player's Dynasty Deck.
Bayushi Saya
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Bayushi Saya

Scorpion Clan Samurai · Courtier. Political Open: Target a Personality. After the next time this turn his controller assigns him or an action resolves that he performed, his controller loses Honor equal to his Personal Honor, then he is Dishonored.
Bayushi Shusui
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Bayushi Shusui

Scorpion Clan Student of Bitter Lies · Samurai · Ninja. After each Action card you play resolves, give Shusui +1F. Battle: If you are a Scorpion Clan player, pay 3 Gold: Draw 3 cards. Destroy Shusui when the Battle Action Segment ends.
Tsuruchi Etsui
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Tsuruchi Etsui (Spanish)

Mantis Clan Bushi · Pirate · Naval. Raid Battle: If it is a Raid battle, once per Battle: Target a Personality who has not been opposed this attack. Bow him. He may not straighten before the beginning of your next turn.
Rain of Death
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L5R Singles

Rain of Death

Center Formation · Formed by two Personalities with the printed Tactician trait. Tactical Battle: Target a Tactician you control at the current battlefield: He produces two consecutive Ranged 3 Attacks. Tactical Battle: Bow and destroy a Tactician you control at the current battlefield: Target two cards opposing him that have no unbowed cards attached....
Kyuden Toketsu
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Kyuden Toketsu

Reaction: Even if your Stronghold is bowed, before a Crab Clan Personality is destroyed by it, or receives a Chi penalty from, a card effect: Delay the destruction or penalty until immediately before the turn ends. Battle: Target a unit you control led by a Crab Clan Personality: Target a unit opposing it with less total Force. Bow the opposing unit's...
Fist of Osano-Wo
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Fist of Osano-Wo

Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: Target a Holding. Destroy it
Tattooed Acolytes
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Tattooed Acolytes

Battle: If this Personality is a Monk and opposed, even if this card is bowed, destroy this card: Draw 2 cards
Well-Laid Plans
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Well-Laid Plans (Spanish)

Limited: Target and bow a Courtier Personality you control and discard 3 Political Action cards: Draw 3 cards. Limited: Target and bow a Samurai Personality you control and discard 3 Battle Action cards: Draw 3 cards. Limited: Target a Courtier Personality you control and a Samurai Personality you control, and discard 2 cards: Draw 3 cards
Stance of the Wall
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Stance of the Wall (Spanish)

Heroic Battle: Target a Personality that has been targeted by a Shell of Stone this turn: Raise his army's total Force by 5. You may target, bow, and destroy a Personality opposing him
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Reaction: After a Personality you control at the current battlefield is destroyed, bowed, or moved home by another player's action: The enemy leader targets a card in his current army. If your Personality was destroyed or bowed, apply the same effect to the target; otherwise, move the target's unit home.
Heart of Rokugan
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Heart of Rokugan

Delayed Terrain. Battle: Give each Human Personalitiy and Human Follower you control at the current battlefield +1F. Give each Nonhuman Personality and Nonhuman Follower at the current battlefield ?1F
Utaku Tama
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Utaku Tama

Unicorn Clan Samurai · Battle Maiden · Cavalry · Soul of Otaku Tetsuko. Tama has +2F for each of your Provinces that has been destroyed this game
Shio no Oni
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Shio no Oni

Oni · Nonhuman · Shadowlands · Soul of Fushiki no Oni · Lose 4 Honor. Battle: If Shio no Oni is at the current battlefield: Target a Region attached to the current Province. Destroy it. Permanently give Shio no Oni +1F.
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