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Isawa Emori
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Isawa Emori

Phoenix Clan Shugenja · Master of Earth. Battle: Bow a target card with no attachments opposing Emori. Gain Honor equal to the number of different Element traits in Emori's army.
Togashi Kadoma
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L5R Singles

Togashi Kadoma (Spanish Language)

Dragon Clan Monk. If you control 1 or more Rings, Kadoma has Cavalry; if 2 or more Rings, Kadoma has Tactician; if 3 or more Rings, before the first time each battle Kadoma would be destroyed, bow him instead.
Hida Wakou
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Hida Wakou

Crab Clan Samurai · Yu 3. Reaction: Once per battle, after you resolve a Heroic Battle action in a battle Wakou is in: Take another Heroic Battle action.
East Hub Village
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East Hub Village

Singular. Costs 1 less Gold for a Unicorn Clan player. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or produce 4 Gold if paying for a Human Follower or a face up Unaligned Personality.
Honor's Cost
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Honor's Cost

Political Open: Play during the Action Phase to bow a Personality. The printed Gold cost of this card equals the target's Chi plus Personal Honor. 
Strength of the Nezumi
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Strength of the Nezumi

Battle: Target a Ratling Personallity: Target an item or follower in a discard pile. Attach it to the Ratling, reducing its cost by the Ratling's gold cost.
Strength of the Lion
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Strength of the Lion

Battle: Target an opposed Lion Clan Personality: Give him +4F. You may immediately take another Battle or Open action.
K'mee Exp
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K'mee Exp

Ratling Shugenja · Creature · Third Whisker Tribe · Enlightened · Experienced · Unique · Loyal. Attaches Jingasa cards without Gold cost. Limited: Bow K'mee: Put a Ring in a discard pile into play under your control. The Ring does not count for Enlightenment while in play. If K'mee leaves play at any time, destroy the Ring.
Mystic Waterfall
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Mystic Waterfall

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Bow this card: Produce 4 Gold for an Enlightened Personality. Reaction: Even if bowed, after one of your Enlightened Personalities is targeted by another player's action: Draw a card.
Festival of Inari
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Festival of Inari

Until the end of your next turn, Unaligned Human Personalities have +2F; and Farm, Ashigaru, and Peasant cards have their Gold cost reduced to 1, and may bow when paying a Gold cost to produce 1 Gold.
Dragon's Heart Dojo
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Dragon's Heart Dojo

You may not win via Enlightenment. Reaction: After you assign a Monk Personality: Put a Ring into play from your hand.
Guarded by Chi
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Guarded by Chi

Singular. Reaction: Any number of times per turn, after a Battle or Open action taken by another player resolves, bow this spell: Ranged 4 Attack
Shiba Gyousei
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Shiba Gyousei

Phoenix Clan Ghost Samurai · Duelist. Reaction: After Gyousei dies Honorably during a battle: Target a Personality who opposed him when he died. At the start of your next turn, Gyousei enters play in your home and issues the target an unrefusable challenge. Destroy Gyousei (after the duel, if any).
Kakita Korihime Exp
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Kakita Korihime Exp

Crane Clan Samurai · Courtier · Duelist · Loyal · Champion of Chugo · Experienced · Unique. If Korihime wins a duel by 4 or more points, negate the effects of winning, gain 3 Honor, and bow both Korihime and the other Personality in the duel
Harvest Festival
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Harvest Festival

Target a Gold-producing Holding you control. For the rest of the game, straighten it and remove all tokens from it after the beginning of each of your Dynasty Phases.
Lone Magistrate
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Lone Magistrate (Spanish)

Magistrate. Open: Bow this card, which may remain bowed: Target a Dishonored Personality; he must be at this card's battlefield if used during an attack. Give him -1C and a maximum Force of 0 until this card is unbowed or not in play
Kyoso's Hunters
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Kyoso's Hunters

Shadowlands · Nonhuman · Oni · Lose 4 Honor. Battle: Bow and destroy this card: Target an opposing Shadowlands card with no attached Shadowlands cards. Destroy the target
Moto Tsume Exp3
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Moto Tsume Exp3 (Spanish)

Shadowlands Samurai · Lost · Undead · Cavalry · Tactician · Experienced 3 · Unique · Obsidian Champion · Lose 5 Honor. Tactical Battle: Pay 4 Gold: Target a dead non-Unique Human Personality. Bring him into play in Tsume's army, ignoring costs and requirements. Permanently reduce his Personal Honor to 0, and give him the Lost, Undead, and Shadowlands traits
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L5R Singles


Unaligned Samurai · Ronin. After Tawagoto enters play, target a Holding you control. Until Tawagoto is not in play, the Holding produces 1 additional Gold each time it bows to produce Gold. Battle: Destroy Tawagoto: Target a Samurai at the current battlefield. Straighten him.
Hida Iseki
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L5R Singles

Hida Iseki (Spanish Language)

Crab Clan Samurai · Hero · Yu 3 · Unique. Actions may target Iseki as if she has been targeted with Hida's Avalanche this turn.
Kenku Duelist
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Kenku Duelist

Nonhuman After one of your Personalities enters a duel, you must move Kenku Duelist onto that Personality if he can legally attach it. This effect may only move this card once per turn.
Yasuki Hachi Exp2 (Crane)
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Yasuki Hachi Exp2 (Crane) (Spanish)

Emerald Champion. Crab Clan. Crane Clan. Samurai. Double Chi. Magistrate. Experienced 2. Unique Battle: Once per turn, Hachi challenges an opposing Personality to an unrefusable due of Force or Chi. If Hachi wins, he gains +3F if you are a Crab Clan playe
Sai no Oni
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L5R Singles

Sai no Oni

Nonhuman. Shadowlands Lose 5 Honor. Reaction: After this army destroys an army or Province in battle, destroy Sai no Oni to destroy a Holding controlled by the opposing player.  
Shi-Tien Yen-Wang Temple
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L5R Singles

Shi-Tien Yen-Wang Temple

Singular If you are a Unicorn Clan player, your Provinces have +1 Strength while Shi-Tien Yen-Wang Temple is in play. Bow Shi-Tien Yen-Wang Temple to produce 3 Gold. Reaction: Once per turn, before another player's action targets one of your Personalities
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