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Let Your Spirit Guide You
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Let Your Spirit Guide You

When you play this card as a Focus card in a duel or use its Focus value for a Tactical action performed by a Personality, set its Focus value to the Personality's Personal Honor plus 3.
Deeds, Not Words
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L5R Singles

Deeds, Not Words

Political Open: Target a player. Until the end of the turn, that player gains 1 Honor in addition to any other award when one of his Personalities wins a duel, and 1 additional Honor for each opposing card destroyed in the Resolution Segment of battle. Honor gains from any other source are counted as losses instead of gains for that player.
Moto Tsusung
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L5R Singles

Moto Tsusung

Unicorn Clan Shugenja * CavalryReaction: After a battle in which Tsusung's army defeated an opposing army, straighten one unit that was in Tsusung's army. This ability may be used while Tsusung is bowed. 
Dairya Exp
L5R Singles

Dairya Exp

Toturi's Army • Samurai • Cavalry • Double Chi • Experienced • UniqueBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow Dairya: Ranged 3 Attack.Reaction: Once per challenge, after Dairya is challenged, bow him: He may refuse it even if it is unrefusable. Negate any Honor loss and dishonoring of Dairya that is conditional upon his refusing
Whispering Winds
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Whispering Winds

Battle/Open: Bow this Shugenja, destroy this card, and target a player: Look at his hand.Reaction: After another player focuses in a duel involving your Personality, bow this Shugenja and destroy this card: You may look at all cards focused for the duel
Calling the Elements
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L5R Singles

Calling the Elements

Elemental • RitualReaction: Before any player's Infantry Maneuvers Segment, bow this Shugenja and zero or more of your other performing Shugenja and target an equal number of cards: Remove Cavalry from them
Pearl of Wisdom
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Pearl of Wisdom

Pearl • UniqueAll players may target one or more of their Shugenja. They quest for the Pearl. Bow all the targets and destroy any Black Scrolls they have attached. While the targets remain bowed, their controllers may negate their straightening, and each time a target's controller chooses to do so, destroy a Corruption token on that Shugenja.
Ride Until Dawn
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L5R Singles

Ride Until Dawn

Battle: Target your unbowed Cavalry Personality in your home: Move him to the current battlefield. Cards in his unit will not straighten until after your next Straighten Phase ends
Third Mask of Iuchiban
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L5R Singles

Third Mask of Iuchiban

Unique. Shadowlands Lose 4 Honor. A Bloodspeaker can attach the Third Mask of Iuchiban for 4 less Gold. Reaction: Immediately before you attach a Spell to a Shugenja with the Shadowlands trait, bow the Third Mask of Iuchiban to lower the Spell's gold cost by the Shugenja's Chi.
Miya's Sasumata
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Miya's Sasumata

Spell Open: Target another Personality without a Weapon. Bow this Shugenja and discard the top two cards of your Fate deck to add the first card's Focus value to the Personality's Force and the second card's Focus to the Personality's Chi.
Crow Tattoo
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L5R Singles

Crow Tattoo

Limited: Target one of your Personalities with the Tattooed trait and without a Crow Tattoo. For the rest of the game, the Personality has a Crow Tattoo and cannot be targeted by Spell effects or innate abilities.
Warrens of the One Tribe
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L5R Singles

Warrens of the One Tribe (Spanish Language)

You begin the game with three Provinces. You may play cards in all discard piles as if they were in your hand. Remove all Fate cards you play from the game after the first time they enter a discard pile. Limited: Bow a Ratling Personality you control: Once per turn, lose 1 Honor. Discard the top card of each Fate deck.
Ashigaru Conscripts
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Ashigaru Conscripts

Will only attach to a Samurai. After this card enters play, you may draw an additional card during your next End Phase. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack. Battle: Bow this card: Give ?3 strength to the Province this card is attacking.
The Shogun's Command
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L5R Singles

The Shogun's Command

Open: Straighten all Followers you control attached to a Samurai or Bushi. Open: Target any number of Followers and Personalities you control. Move each Follower to one of the Personalities.
Bayushi Sunetra Exp2
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Sunetra Exp2

Scorpion Clan Samurai · The Underhand · Ninja · Duelist · Tactician · Experienced 2 · Unique · Loyal. Limited: Bow a Ninja Personality you control: Once per turn, target a Personality controlled by another player. Give the target ?4C. Reaction: After a Maneuvers Segment ends: Assign up to 2 Ninja Personalities you control.
Bayushi Shinzo
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Shinzo

Scorpion Clan Ninja · Duelist. Reaction: After a Personality you control is destroyed: Draw a card. Limited: Destroy a Scorpion Clan Personality you own and control: Once per turn, target a Personality another player controls. Shinzo issues him an unrefusable challenge.
Yoritomo Shumei
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Shumei

Mantis Clan Pirate. Open: Pay 2 Gold: Once per turn, target a Pirate Personality. Permanently give him the ability ?Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack.?
Hida Sadaharu Exp
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L5R Singles

Hida Sadaharu Exp (Spanish)

Crab Clan Samurai · Yu 5 · Experienced · Unique. Followers have +2F while in Sadaharu's army. Battle: Twice per battle, target a Follower you control in Sadaharu's army. It performs one of its Battle actions without cost, even if bowed, and regardless of maximum uses. After it resolves, destroy the Follower
Ratling Pack
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L5R Singles

Ratling Pack

Ratling. Creature
Gold Mine
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L5R Singles

Gold Mine

MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Dragon Clan player.
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Political Limited: Target a dishonored Personality. That Personality's controller loses 7 Honor. No more copies of Shame may target that Personality until he is restored to honor and dishonored again.
Deadly Ground
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L5R Singles

Deadly Ground

Immediate Terrain Battle: Players can take no actions for this battle except ones that destroy this terrain.
Contentious Terrain
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L5R Singles

Contentious Terrain

Delayed Terrain Battle: Each Personality in your army gains +1F until the battle ends.
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