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Celestial Sword of the Mantis
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Celestial Sword of the Mantis

Weapon * Unique If you are a Mantis Clan player, gain 2 Honor. While attached to a Mantis Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Mantis gains +1F/+1C for each Mantis Clan Personality you control. 
Double Chi
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Double Chi

Kiho Reaction: When one of your target Personalities enters a duel, bow one of your Shugenja or Monks to give that Personality the Double Chi trait until the duel ends. 
The Fires That Cleanse
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The Fires That Cleanse

Elemental Battle: Bow and destroy this Shugenja and destroy this Spell to destroy an opposing Personality. 
Razor's Edge Dojo
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Razor's Edge Dojo (Spanish)

The first time each phase each other player targets one of your Personalities with an action, he must discard a card from his hand. Battle: Bow Razor's Edge Dojo to give each of your Crab Clan Personalities in the current battle +1F.
Kyuden Hida
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Kyuden Hida

Reaction: Once per turn, after you put a Follower into play from your hand, draw an additional card during your next End Phase.
Sneak Attack FOIL
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Sneak Attack FOIL

Reaction: Play when the Battle Action Segment begins. The Attacker has the first opportunity to take an action or pass during this battle, and play proceeds in turn order from him.
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Battle: Send a Personality in the current battle with no Followers home bowed. Then, the Personality's controller may pay 1 Gold to attach a 1F Ashigaru Follower token to the Personality. If you are the Defender, you may play this card during a battle in which you have no units. 
Imperial Edicts
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Imperial Edicts

Taking this Action is considered using the Imperial Favor. Political Open: Discard the Imperial Favor to give each of your Provinces +4 Strength until the turn ends. Political Reaction: When a card casts a Kiho or Spell or uses an innate ability, discard the Imperial Favor to cancel that action.  
Corrupted Ground
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Corrupted Ground (Spanish)

Immediate Terrain Battle: Each Shadowlands Personality and Shadowlands Follower in this battle gains +1F.
Berserker Rage
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Berserker Rage (Spanish)

Battle: Target one of your opposed Berserker Personalities. That Berserker's Force becomes equal to twice his printed Force until the battle ends. (This does not prevent later bonuses or penalties.) The Berserker bows when the battle ends, an effect that cannot be negated, and cannot straighten before your second Straighten Phase from now.
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Ratling Bushi * Crippled Bone Tribe Creature
Akodo Jusho
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Akodo Jusho

Lion Clan Samurai * Imperial Magistrate Political Battle: Bow Jusho to challenge and opposing Samurai with lower Personal Honor to a duel. That Samurai may refuse the challenge by going home bowed.
City of Lightning
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City of Lightning

Open: Once per turn, give the Naval trait to each Personality and Follower in one of your units.
Hida Sadaharu FOIL
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Hida Sadaharu FOIL

Crab Clan Samurai Battle: Create Fear equal to the number of Followers in this unit.
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Ratling Shugenja · Third Whisker Tribe · Creature · Loyal
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Nem'tek (Spanish)

Ratling · Tattered Ear Tribe · Scout · Creature. Reaction: After Nem'tek enters play: Target an Item or Follower in any discard pile. Reduce its Gold cost by Nem'tek's Chi, to a minimum of 1. Attach it to Nem'tek, paying all remaining costs.
Mantis Shugenja
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Mantis Shugenja

May only be attached to Shugenja. This Personality has a 2C bonus when casting or attaching spells. Spells being attached to this Personality have their gold costs reduced by two. Reaction: The Mantis Shugenja may bow to act as a 1C Shugenja participating in a ritual when the Shugenja it is attached to is participating in the ritual.
Clan Heartland
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Clan Heartland

Hidden Region. Unique Units cannot be assigned to a battle at this Province or moved into a battle at this Province unless this is your only Province.
Shinjo Tashima
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Shinjo Tashima

Unicorn Clan Magistrate. Samurai Cavalry Tashima has a 2F/2C bonus while facing, in a battle or duel, one or more human Personalities with a Personal Honor of zero. Limited: Bow to challenge a Bandit or unaligned samurai to a duel that cannot be refused.
Deploy Reserves
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Deploy Reserves

Battle: Move any one of your unbowed units into this battle that has not been assigned to a battle this turn. You may only perform this action if you already have a unit in this battle, and this action cannot target units that could not be assigned to this battle.
Yotsu Seiki
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Yotsu Seiki

Unaligned Shugenja Battle: Bow for Ranged Attack equal to her Chi.
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Samurai. Unaligned. Cavalry Battle: Bow for a strength 3 Ranged attack. (Errata: Unique, has Toturi's Army trait.)
Hida Amoro
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Hida Amoro

Crab Clan Berserker. Undead. Experienced 2. Unique Lose 5 Honor. Amoro can only attach Skeleton and Zombie Followers. Plague tokens do not affect Amoro. Reaction: Immediately before your turn begins, if Amoro is dead and in your discard pile, he permanently costs 2 more Gold. Shuffle him back into your Dynasty deck.
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