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A Time for Action
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L5R Singles

A Time for Action

Open: Each player with 21 or more Family Honor loses 5 Honor.
A Game of Dice
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L5R Singles

A Game of Dice

UniqueLimited, : Draw two additional cards before your turn ends.
Demonstrating Technique FOIL
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L5R Singles

Demonstrating Technique FOIL

Iaijutsu • Political Iaijutsu Political Limited: Your target unbowed Personality challenges another player's target Personality. Each Personality must focus exactly once, if possible. The winner draws a card. Dishonor the loser.
Sleight of Hand
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L5R Singles

Sleight of Hand

Battle, : Target your opposed Personality. Put a non-Unique Battle Strategy from your discard pile into your hand. If your Personality is a Magistrate, you may take an additional action.
Chikushudo's Infusion
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L5R Singles

Chikushudo's Infusion

This Shugenja has Cavalry while he is Shadowlands.Open, w: Give a target Nonhuman card Cavalry.
Tsujiken's Coin
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L5R Singles

Tsujiken's Coin

w: Produce 2 Gold.
Moto Paikao
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L5R Singles

Moto Paikao

Commander • Samurai • Unicorn Clan Battle: Discard a card to give a target enemy Personality or Follower a Force penalty equal to the card's Focus Value.
Shosuro Chizuru
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L5R Singles

Shosuro Chizuru

Scorpion Clan • Actor • Artisan • Loyal Open: Discard a card to give a target Personality a Force or Personal Honor bonus equal to the card's Focus Value. The target has a maximum Personal Honor of 4.
Asako Misora
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L5R Singles

Asako Misora

Phoenix Clan • Earth • Inquisitor • Magistrate • Expendable • Shugenja (Draw a card after your Expendable card is destroyed.)
Akodo Uehara Exp
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L5R Singles

Akodo Uehara Exp

Experienced • Imperial • Imperial Explorer • Lion Clan • Samurai • Scout • Tactician • Unique Limited: Put a target Terrain from your discard pile into your hand. Discard a card.
Mirumoto Hatsuto
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Hatsuto

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Kensai Battle: Give a target enemy Infantry Personality or Follower -3F.
Daidoji Tametaka Exp2
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L5R Singles

Daidoji Tametaka Exp2

Commander • Crane Clan • Experienced 2 • Iron Crane • Samurai • Scout • Unique Mantis Clan players ignore Tametaka's Honor Requirement.Battle: Give a target enemy Personality three -1F tokens.
Kaiu Gorobei
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Gorobei

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siege Battle: Discard a card to bow a target enemy card with Force equal to or lower than the discarded card's Focus Value.
Hiruma Koru
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Koru

Crab Clan • Samurai • Scout Invest : Create a 0F Follower attach it to Koru. (After this card enters play, you may also pay the Invest cost to get the effect, once.)
Yukihime's Hot Springs
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L5R Singles

Yukihime's Hot Springs

w: Produce 1 Gold.Open, w: A target Holding's abilities may not be used.
Chagatai's Wrath
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L5R Singles

Chagatai's Wrath

UniqueLimited: End the Action Phase. Discard this Celestial.
Exquisite Silk Works FOIL
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L5R Singles

Exquisite Silk Works FOIL

w: Produce 2 Gold.Limited: Target a dishonorable Personality. His controller loses 1 Honor.
Sorrowful Prayer
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L5R Singles

Sorrowful Prayer

Limited: Shuffle one to three target non-Unique Strategies in your discard pile into your deck. Remove this card from the game.
Recovering What Was Lost
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L5R Singles

Recovering What Was Lost

Absent Engage: If he would be opposed, move your target Personality at home to the current battlefield. Give him +2F if he is a Tactician. (Absent actions can be taken without presence.)
Friends in the Jungle
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L5R Singles

Friends in the Jungle

Battle, 1: Give your target Nonhuman Personality +2F/+2C.
Shinjo Yoshie
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Yoshie

Cavalry • Commander • Destined • Fallen • Samurai • Unicorn Clan(Draw a card after your Destined card enters play.)After Yoshie enters play, lose 1 Honor.Battle: Give a target enemy Infantry Personality or Follower -3F.
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L5R Singles


Kensai • Monk • Spider ClanHome Battle: If Lao-she would be opposed, move him to the current battlefield. (Home actions may be taken from home.)
Asako Ifukube
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L5R Singles

Asako Ifukube

Destined • Earth • Expendable • Inquisitor • Phoenix Clan • Shugenja(Draw a card after your Destined card enters play.)(Draw a card after your Expendable card is destroyed.)
Yoritomo Hiromi Exp
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Hiromi Exp

Clan Champion • Experienced • Kensai • Loyal • Mantis Clan • Naval • Samurai • The Growing Storm • Thunder • UniqueBattle, pay * Gold: Ranged Attack with strength equal to the Gold paid.
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