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Goju Kaxt
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L5R Singles

Goju Kaxt

NinjaOther Ninja in this army have +1F.After an action resolves during which this card was destroyed: Create a 4F/3C/0PH [b]Ninja[/b] Personality with your Clan alignment at any location.
Disciples of Master Coin
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L5R Singles

Disciples of Master Coin

KolatOpen: If this card did not enter play this turn, bow it and target a Holding with equal or lower Gold Cost: Straighten it.
Brothers of the Great Lake
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L5R Singles

Brothers of the Great Lake

This card has +1F for each other Brothers of the Great Lake in this army.Battle: Target an enemy card: Bow it.
Tactical Sacrifice
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Tactical Sacrifice

Limited: Choose your performing unbowed Commander, destroy his performing Follower and target a Follower, or a Personality without attachments, with Gold Cost equal to or less than twice your Follower's Gold Cost: Destroy the target.
Harbor of Kalani's Landing
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L5R Singles

Harbor of Kalani's Landing

Port • TerrainNegate Personalities' movement to or from this battlefield.Battle: If there is no Terrain in play at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there. You may take an additional Battle action.
Defensive Stance
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L5R Singles

Defensive Stance

Battle: Choose your performing bowed Personality: Straighten him. Give him +3F.
Bayushi Wakui
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Wakui

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • YojimboReaction: When another player would target a Magistrate at Wakui's battlefield with an action: The action targets Wakui instead, if legal.
Mirumoto Yozo Exp2
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Yozo Exp2

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Sensei • Experienced 2 • Unique • Favored of the Fire DragonAfter Yozo enters play or overlays: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities. After your Iaijutsu action resolves: Give any Personality who performed it +2F.
Yasuki Daito
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L5R Singles

Yasuki Daito

Crab Clan • Courtier • MerchantLimited: Bow Daito or pay 4 Gold, and target a Personality: Daito bribes him. Negate the targets straightening until after the next Straighten Phase begins.
The Tachikaze
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L5R Singles

The Tachikaze

Boat • RetainerAfter an action resolves whose effects destroyed your Follower with a Gold Cost of 1 or more: You may put it face-up under this card. Battle/Limited: Any number of times per turn, target your Personality: Attach a Follower from under this card to him, paying all costs.
Seppun Heavy Elite
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Seppun Heavy Elite

Imperial • Elite (Elite cards contribute Force even if bowed.) This Personality has Elite.
Akodo Regulars
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L5R Singles

Akodo Regulars

Battle: Discard a card: Give this card a Force bonus equal to the discarded card's Focus Value (until the turn ends).
Isawa Taiken
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L5R Singles

Isawa Taiken

Phoenix Clan • Fire • Shugenja • Duelist • Firestorm Legion • Soul of Isawa KokutenBattle: Bow Taiken: Ranged 4 Attack.
Bandit's Sanctuary
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L5R Singles

Bandit's Sanctuary

You may include up to five copies of this card in your deck.After this card enters play, if you have a Clan alignment: Lose 3 Honor.Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are paying for a Ronin.
Sadahako's Artistry
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L5R Singles

Sadahako's Artistry

Fortune • UniqueLimited: If your Family Honor is 10 or lower: Gain 1 Honor. Limited: Discard this card and target a card in your hand: You offer it as a gift. Show it to another player. He may accept, putting it into his hand; if he did, you gain Honor equal to its Focus Value. If he did not, discad it and draw 3 cards.
Vengeful Dismissal
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L5R Singles

Vengeful Dismissal

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and target an enemy Personality with lower Chi: Move him home.
Military Promotion
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L5R Singles

Military Promotion

Open: Choose your performing Tactician and target your Personality: He may assign even if bowed. Give him Elite (Elite cards contribute Force even if bowed).
Martial Manipulation
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L5R Singles

Martial Manipulation

Dark Virtue * ControlLimited: Choose your performing Samurai and target another player's Personality: Neither Personality may be assigned to battlefields.
Harsh Taskmaster
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L5R Singles

Harsh Taskmaster

Battle: Choose your performing Commander and target a Follower in your hand or discard pile: Attach it to him ignoring costs. Destroy it before this Battle resolves. You may take an additional Battle action.
Debt to the Kaiu
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L5R Singles

Debt to the Kaiu

Limited: Permanently give each of your Provinces +1 strength.
Last items in stock
L5R Singles


Ronin • Void • Shugenja • IshikenTanemono will not controlled by a Phoenix Clan player. Battle/Open: Switch Tanemono’s Force and Chi.
Asako Chukage Exp
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L5R Singles

Asako Chukage Exp

Phoenix Clan • Elemental Master • Water • Monk • Shugenja • Cavalry • Henshin • Experienced • Loyal • UniqueLimited: Bow your target Ring: Draw a card. Battle: Even if Chukage is bowed: If he would be opposed, move him to the current battlefield. If he moved, straighten his unit. If there are now more units there on the enemy side than yours, you may...
Moshi Ino
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L5R Singles

Moshi Ino

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • NavalBattle: Ino summons a storm. After the next action not performed by a Thunder Personality resolves this battle, the player who took it chooses to discard a card or bow the performer. You may take an additional Battle action.
Mirumoto Houken Exp
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Houken Exp

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Kensai • Experienced • Unique • Master of the Blade • Favored of the Water DragonBattle/Open: Even if Houken is bowed: Straighten his unit. You may move him home, or, if he would be opposed, to the current battlefield.
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