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Mirumoto Houken Exp
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Houken Exp

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Kensai • Experienced • Unique • Master of the Blade • Favored of the Water DragonBattle/Open: Even if Houken is bowed: Straighten his unit. You may move him home, or, if he would be opposed, to the current battlefield.
Hida Kaiji
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L5R Singles

Hida Kaiji

Crab Clan • Nonhuman • Mutant • BerserkerBefore the first time each turn another player’s action moves Kaiji: Negate his movement from that action. Battle: Target an enemy card with lower Force: Bow it. Destroy it if it has no attachments.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Destroy any player's Terrain or Region at the current battlefield and target a Personality: His path is blocked. Bow him or move him home.
The Wall is Breached
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L5R Singles

The Wall is Breached

UniqueYou may destroy the province from which this card resolved; if you did, choose a unit and destroy it.
The Yari of the Shabura
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L5R Singles

The Yari of the Shabura

Weapon • UniqueWill only attach to a Crane Clan or Naga Personality. Reaction: After engaging, target a Personality opposing this card: While this card remains in play, actions he performs this battle may not target cards in its unit (when the action is performed). Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged 4 Attack. You may put this card into your hand after...
Kuon's Legacy
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L5R Singles

Kuon's Legacy

Battle/Open: Choos your performing Personality with 7 or more base Force: His eyes go dead. Straighten him. Give him +3F. Hi may not perform actions. You may target and boy a card at his location.
Crowded Streets
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L5R Singles

Crowded Streets

TerrainAfter an action resolves that one or more of your Personalities at the current battlefield performed: You may move any of those performers home. Battle: If there is no Terrain in play at the current battlefield: Put this card into play there. If you are the Defender, you may take an additional Battle action.
Ward of Air
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L5R Singles

Ward of Air

AirReaction: After another player's Battle action targets this Shugenja, or any Personality you control if this Shugenja is Air, destroy this card: Negate the target's destruction from the action's effects. Battle: Move this unit home.
Our Ancestor's Call
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L5R Singles

Our Ancestor's Call

WaterBattle: If this Shugenja is opposed, destroy this card: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality with your Clan alignment at the current battlefield. If this Shugenja is Water and defending, create two such Personalities instead.
Beseech Sakkaku
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L5R Singles

Beseech Sakkaku

EarthLimited: Bow this Shugenja, you may destroy this card if he is Earth, and target your Spirit Personality: If you destroyed this card, gain Honor equal to the Spirit’s Personal Honor; if you did not destroy it, gaine 1 honor.
The Victor
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The Victor

ArmorThis Personality has Conqueror.
Natural Aviary
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Natural Aviary

ForestLimited: Pay 2 Gold and target your Personality: Create a 1F Nonhuman • Falcon • Cavalry Follower and attach it to him.
Bayushi Tarou
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Tarou

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Paragon • Yojimbo • LoyalEnters play paying 2 less Gold if you control a Courtier
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Lion Clan • Nonhuman • Zokujin • EarthReaction: When paying a Gold cost, destroy your target Mine or Farm: Produce Gold equal to its base Gold Cost.
Togashi Kasuru
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L5R Singles

Togashi Kasuru

Dragon Clan • Void • Monk • Tactician • TattooedBattle: If Kasuru is attacking, bow him or discard a card: Draw a card.
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L5R Singles


Crane Clan • Nonhuman • Kodama • Air • Shugenja • SpiritYour maximum hand size is increased by one.
Asahina Keigo Exp
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Asahina Keigo Exp

Crane Clan • Air • Shugenja • Experienced • UniqueLimited: Bow your target Temple: Draw a card.
The Plain of Glass
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L5R Singles

The Plain of Glass

You do not lose Honour from Spider Clan and Fate cards you own. You may use the rulebook Conquest ability twice per turn the same battle. Equipping Followers is a Battle/Limited ability for you.
Unstoppable Strike
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L5R Singles

Unstoppable Strike

Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Give him the ability, "Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Destroy him."
Tactical Trap
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L5R Singles

Tactical Trap

TacticalBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Tactician at any location and target an enemy Personality: Move him home. Bow him if he moved.
Stand as the Mountain
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L5R Singles

Stand as the Mountain

Battle: Chose one or two of your performing Personalities with 7 or higher base Force: Straighten them.
Searching for Answers
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L5R Singles

Searching for Answers

As a Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if your Personality won it, gain 1 Honor. Battle: If you are the Defender: Look at the top 4 cards of your Dynasty deck. If one of them is a Personality, you may put him into play at the current battlefield, ignoring Gold cost. Put the remaining cards back in any order. Discard him after the battle ends.
En Stock
L5R Singles


Reaction: After an action resolves, if its player has resolved two or more actions which put cards into his hand this phase: He discards two cards. Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, choose your performing Personality: Move him there. Straighten him if he moved.
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