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The Temple of Death Exp
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The Temple of Death Exp

Temple • ExperiencedLimited: Target a discarded Personality: He becomes honorably dead. Battle/Open: If you own a dead Personality, choose your performing unbowed Shugenja and target a Personality: Straighten him. You may bow him if this is the Combat Segment.
Temple of Purity
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L5R Singles

Temple of Purity

TempleOpen: Even if this card is bowed, target another player’s Personality: Give him –4F, which will not be negated. If he is Kolat, Ninja, or Shadowlands, you control an Inquisitor, and it is not your turn, choose a player, who gains or loses 2 Honor.
Library of Rebirth
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Library of Rebirth

Reaction: Even if this card is bowed, when paying for a Spell during the Combat Segment: Produce 4 Gold. Battle: Choose your performing Shugenja: Straighten him. You may take an additional Battle action.
Kyuden Kitsune Exp
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Kyuden Kitsune Exp

Forest • ExperiencedYour forests are maddening. Negate the first movement each battle into attacking armies at your provinces’ battlefields from other players’ actions. Limited: Bow your target Forest: Gain 1 Honor.
Watchful Eye Dojo
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Watchful Eye Dojo

DojoIaijutsu Open: Even if this card is bowed, choose your performing unbowed Personality and target another player’s Personality: Your performer challenges the target. He may refuse; if he did, dishonor him and gain 1 Honor. Bow the duel’s loser.
Copper Mine
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Copper Mine

MineBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Lion Clan player.
Kaiu Kawachi
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Kaiu Kawachi

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siegue • Tactician
Yasuki Tanimura
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Yasuki Tanimura

Crab Clan • Courtier • MerchantReaction: When paying for an action: Produce 3 Gold. Political Reaction: After another player’s Battle action targets Tanimura: The player may pay 4 Gold. If he did not pay the Gold, he loses 3 Honor.
Kitsuki Yataku
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Kitsuki Yataku

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Justicar • Soul of Kitsuki YasuPolitical Reaction: After an action targets a target Samurai, bow Yataku: The Samurai’s controller may not choose to refuse any challenge created by the action.
Tamori Kusugi
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Tamori Kusugi

Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Soul of Tamori SugiBattle: Even if Kusugi is not at the current battlefield, bow him: Raise or lower the current battlefield’s province’s strength by 4.
Tamori Tomaru
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Tamori Tomaru

Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Alchemist
Ikoma Natsu
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Ikoma Natsu

Lion Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Soul of Ikoma OtemiNatsu will not be controlled by a Unicorn Clan player.
Kitsu Tamasine
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Kitsu Tamasine

Lion Clan • Water • Shugenja • Sodan SenzoReaction: After Tamasine enters play: Create a 2F/2C/3PH Lion Clan • Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality. Battle: Bow Tamasine and target your Ancestor, or one to four of your Ancestors if you have lost Honor from another player’s action during an Action Phase since your last turn began: Give each target +4F.
Matsu Arata
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L5R Singles

Matsu Arata

Lion Clan • Samurai • Justicar • Paragon • Soul of Matsu NishijoArata has +2F while attacking. Battle: Target an enemy Personality or Follower: Give it a Force penalty equal to Arata’s Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor.
Isawa Shunsuko
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Isawa Shunsuko

Phoenix Clan • Water • Shugenja • Cavalry • Soul of Isawa Yutako
Isawa Tamaki
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Isawa Tamaki

Phoenix Clan • Void • Shugenja • Ishiken • Soul of Isawa HachikoLimited: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may put it at the bottom of the deck.
Daigotsu Misaki
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Daigotsu Misaki

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Commander • ConquerorFollowers attaching to Misaki enter play paying 2 less Gold. Battle: Bow Misaki’s performing Follower: Melee Attack with strength equal to the Follower’s Force.
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Spider Clan • Monk • Kensai • Order of the Spider • Soul of ToraoBattle/Open: Target a Personality with a Weapon: Straighten him.
Suiteiru no Oni
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L5R Singles

Suiteiru no Oni

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • OniAfter Suiteiru enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Open: Destroy your target unbowed Personality: Create a number of 1F Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni Followers equal to his Chi. Attach them to one or more of your Personalities. Lose Honor equal to the number of Followers this created.
Iuchi Shunshi
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Iuchi Shunshi

Unicorn Clan • Shugenja • Unique • Doomseeker • Soul of iuchi Karasu Experienced 2Open: Target a Personality without attachments: He may not be assigned, and will not move, to battlefields.
Asahina House Guard
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Asahina House Guard

Air • UniqueWill only attach to a Crane Clan Personality. Battle/Open: Target your bowed Personality: Straighten him. Gain 1 Honor.
Bandit Gang
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L5R Singles

Bandit Gang

BanditAfter this card enters play: Lose 2 Honor. After a battle resolution ends, if this card is at the current battlefield: You may pay 2 Gold. If you do not, destroy this card.
Obscured Pathways
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L5R Singles

Obscured Pathways

Earth • ForestWhile this Shugenja is Earth, this card’s Battle ability may be used even if this unit is not at the current battlefield. Battle: Bow this Shugenja if he is home, bow this card and target an attacking Personality: Move him home.
Seeking the Way
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L5R Singles

Seeking the Way

AirBattle: Bow this Shugenja, move him home, and target an attacking Personality: Move him home. Gain 2 Honor.
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