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Agasha Kodo
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L5R Singles

Agasha Kodo

Phoenix Clan • CourtierPolitical Open: Target a Holding: Straighten it.
Togashi Hizumi
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Togashi Hizumi

Dragon Clan • Earth • Monk • Empty Hand • TattooedReaction: After the resolution of an action that bowed a Personality at Hizumi’s battlefield, target the Personality: Negate his next straightening (this turn). Battle: Give the current battlefield’s province +4 or –4 strength.
Tamori Yayu
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L5R Singles

Tamori Yayu

Dragon Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Alchemist • MountaineerYayu has +2F and Cavalry while it is not your turn. Battle: Bow or destroy one of Yayu’s Spells: He lobs an alchemical potion at the enemy. Ranged 5 Attack.
Kakita Maratai
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Kakita Maratai

Crane Clan • Artisan • SculptorReaction: After a duel ends that your Personality won, bow Maratai: She sculpts a statue to honor the winner. Gain 2 Honor. Take the Imperial Favor.
Yasuki Jinn-Kuen Exp2
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Yasuki Jinn-Kuen Exp2

Crab Clan • Daimyo • Courtier • Kolat • Merchant • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique • Master CoinPolitical Open: Target a Holding or Stronghold: Straighten it. Political Reaction: After an action targets your Merchant, pay 2 Gold: Negate the action’s effects.
Kaiu Watsuki
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Kaiu Watsuki

Crab Clan • Samurai • Siege • Tactician
Hida Mochitoko Exp
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Hida Mochitoko Exp

Crab Clan • Jade • Samurai • Commander • Hero • Experienced • Unique • Advisor to the Ruby ChampionReaction: Twice per turn, after an action targets your Follower at Mochitoko’s location: Negate its bowing and destruction from that action’s effects.
The Jade Championship (Spanish)
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The Jade Championship (Spanish)

UniqueChoose one of your Shugnja in play. Permanently give him the traits, "Shadowlands Personalities and Followers have -1F while at this Personality's location" and "After the resolution of an action from a Spell: Straighten this Personality."
Daidoji Takichi
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Daidoji Takichi

Crane Clan • Samurai • Iron Crane • ScoutBattle: Target a Personality opposing Takichi at the current battlefield: Move the Personality and Takichi to the same adjacent unresolved battlefield.
Burning Dreams
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Burning Dreams

UniqueAny player who controls the Imperial Favor discards it. Until your Events Phase two turns from now begins, actions that discards the Imperial Favor as a costhave their effects negated if their target a nonhuman Personality. Until the game ends, Nonhuman may not perform Political Actions.
Assault in the Jungle
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Assault in the Jungle

UniqueUntil your Events Phase two turns from now begins, all players have the ability: "Battle: Choose your performing attacking Personality, bow all unbowed cards in his unit, and target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it."
Shameful Death
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Shameful Death

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Magistrate Personality and target an enemy dishonorable Personality: Reduce his Force to 0 (until the turn ends). Give your Magistrate a Force bonus equal to the amount of Force the Personality lost (until the turn ends).
Kyuden Hida Exp
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Kyuden Hida Exp (Spanish)

Shadowlands • ExperiencedRecon Reaction: After engaging, target the current battlefield’s province: Create and attach a 0F Scout Follower to each of one to three of your Personalities in your current army. Remove those Followers from the game after the battle ends.
The World Disappears
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L5R Singles

The World Disappears

Void • KihoOpen: Bow your performing Monk unless he is Void: He meditates. Put a Kiho Strategy in your discard pile into your hand.
The Second Feint
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The Second Feint

NinjaBattle: Move your performing Ninja Personality home and target an enemy card: Bow it. Negate its next straightening (this turn).
Forging Destiny
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L5R Singles

Forging Destiny

Reaction: Before an Event resolves: Negate its effects.Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Move him home. Straighten his unit if he moved.
Fear Me!
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Fear Me!

Fear • IaijutsuBattle: Choose your performing unbowed Duelist and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi: Move him home. If he moved, choose a player, who gains or loses 2 Honor.
Dismissing the Cur
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Dismissing the Cur

PoliticalBattle: Bow your performing Courtier at any location and target an enemy Personality with equal or lower Personal Honor: Move him home. Destroy him if he has no attachments. Gain 2 Honor.
Goju Sawaki
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L5R Singles

Goju Sawaki

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja • ImmortalAfter Sawaki enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Reaction: After another player’s Battle action targets Sawaki, destroy him: Create two 1F/1C/0PH Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Ninja Personalities at the current battlefield.
Bayushi Shibata
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Bayushi Shibata

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • ResourcefulYour provinces have +1 strength while another player controls a dishonorable Personality.
Shiba Ryuba
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Shiba Ryuba

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Duelist • YojimboBattle: Target your Personality: Move him home. If he moved, straighten him.
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Phoenix Clan • Nonhuman • Fenghuang • Shugenja • CavalryBattle/Open: Target a Personality: Give him +2F.
Asako Heiwa
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Asako Heiwa

Phoenix Clan • Earth • Monk • HenshinBattle/Open: Target another Personality or a Follower: Give it a Force bonus or penalty equal to Heiwa’s Chi.
Mirumoto Yozo Exp
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Yozo Exp

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Experienced • UniqueIaijutsu Battle: Target an enemy Follower or Personality without attachments: Destroy it. Remove it from the game if it is a Lion Clan Personality.
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