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The Khol Wall (Spanish)
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The Khol Wall (Spanish)

Your Provinces may have two Regions attached. After each of your Events Phases, turn face-up all Dynasty cards in all your Provinces that have a Region attached. Battle: Bow a Region you control: Target two unbowed Personalities with the same controller. Switch their locations.
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When this card is revealed as a focus in a duel, you may shuffle up to 3 Personalities from your discard pile into your Dynasty deck. Political Gozoku Reaction: After targets are chosen for an action being taken by another player during battle, target a Courtier Personality or Gozoku Personality you control: Redirect any number of its targets.
Stable Master
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Stable Master

Retainer Bow Stable Master to produce 4 Gold. Open: Bow Stable Master to give the Cavalry trait to the Personality and each Follower in one unit. 
Bayushi Kwanchai Exp FOIL
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Kwanchai Exp FOIL

Scorpion Clan Martyr * Experienced * Unique Reaction: Bow Kwanchai before one of your bowed or unbowed Scorpion Clan Personalities dies during battle or duel resolution to negate that destruction. Either destroy Kwanchai or put him on top of your Dynasty deck (your choice). 
Bayushi Aotora
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Bayushi Aotora

Scorpion Clan Poison Master * Ninja Aotora costs 1 less Gold if your Wind is Hantei Naseru. Open: Bow Aotora to remove the Double Chi, Tactician, Cavalry, or Yu trait from a Personality until the beginning of his or her controller's next turn. 
Yoritomo Manobu
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Yoritomo Manobu

Mantis Clan Samurai Open: Bow Manobu to straighten a Naval card. 
Mirumoto Ryosaki
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Mirumoto Ryosaki

Dragon Clan Samurai Ryosaki has +1C if you control one or more Courtiers. Each Focus card revealed by Ryosaki's opponent in a duel has -1 Focus Value when it's revealed. 
Kitsuki Kiyushichi
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Kitsuki Kiyushichi

Dragon Clan Justicar . Samurai . Double Chi Unique Kiyushichi costs 1 less Gold if your Wind is Toturi Sezaru. Political Reaction: Bow Kiyushichi when a Personality refuses a challenge from one of your other Dragon Clan Personalities to cause that Personality to accept the challenge instead. 
The World is Empty
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The World is Empty

You may focus this card face-up in a duel to change its Focus value to a number of your choice from 0 to 4. Your opponent reveals his most-recent focus card, if any, and discards it without effect if its Focus value is greater than this card's. 
Strange Politics
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Strange Politics

Political Reaction: Cancel a Political action that targets a Creature Personality. Political Reaction: Bow one of your Creature Personalities to cancel a Political action. Dishonor the Creature. 
The Hidden Temples of the Naga (Story Back)
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L5R Singles

The Hidden Temples of the Naga (Story Back)

You may not win with an Honor Victory. All of your Naga Followers are immune to Fear. Limited: Bow the Temples to attach a 1F Naga Follower token to any Naga Personality in play. These Followers may not get any Force bonuses. (Errata: Token Naga Followers are no longer unable to receive Force bonuses. You may ignore the honor requirements of Nagas if you...
Curse of the Jackal
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L5R Singles

Curse of the Jackal

Battle: Bow this shugenja and target one opposing Follower whose force is less than the Chi of this shugenja. Replace that Follower with a 1F Jackal token that is a Cavalry Creature Follower. The replaced card is discarded from play.
Depth of the Void
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Depth of the Void

Limited: Bow this shugenja and look at the top 2 cards of your fate deck. You may discard or return to the top of your deck either or both of those cards. If either card is an item, spell or follower you may show it to the other players and place it at the bottom of your fate deck.
Doji Shizue
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Doji Shizue

Crane Clan Storyteller Political Reaction: Bow Shizue when another player is gaining or losing honour. The honour gain or loss is increased by one point. You gain one honour.
Moshi Wakiza Exp
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Moshi Wakiza Exp

Centipede Clan Shugenja. Yoritomo's Alliance. Experienced. Unique Battle: Bow to produce a Ranged 2 Attack that can target a Personality with attached Followers. This attack cannot be combined with other Ranged Attacks, but its strength may be increased.
Matsu Turi
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Matsu Turi

Lion Clan Magistrate. Samurai. Experienced. Unique Battle: Straighten (if necessary) and move Turi into the battle being resolved if you are the Defender.
Isawa Tadaka Exp2
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L5R Singles

Isawa Tadaka Exp2

Phoenix Clan Thunder. Shugenja. Shadowlands. Experienced 2. Unique. Master of Earth Reaction: Bow to cancel any spell or innate ability targeting one of your cards. Battle: Bow Tadaka to destroy a number of opposing Shadowlands cards equal to or less than Tadaka's Chi. You cannot target a Personality with followers attached unless you are targeting all...
Wisdom the Wind Brings
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L5R Singles

Wisdom the Wind Brings

Kiho Open: Target and bow a Shugenja or Monk you control: Target a number of face-down cards equal to the caster’s Chi. (Cards in decks and hands are face-down.) Look at them. You may discard any number of these targets that are in your decks.
Swamp Goblins
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L5R Singles

Swamp Goblins

Shadowlands. Nonhuman Lose 1 honor. During each of your straighten phases, place a 1F Swamp token on the Swamp Goblins. If the Swamp Goblins are attached to a non-Goblin Personality and ever have a Force greater than the Personality, he is destroyed.
Teeth of the Serpent
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L5R Singles

Teeth of the Serpent

Until end of the game, Shadowlands Personalities may ally with Yogo Junzo's Army. Junzo players may ally with other players if only Shadowlands Personalities are in the army. Junzo's ally loses 2 honor when allying instead of gaining 2 honor.
Your Last Mistake
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L5R Singles

Your Last Mistake

Reaction: Play as you are performing an action. You may target one of your bowed Personalities with this action.
Plans Within Plans
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L5R Singles

Plans Within Plans

Open: Play during another player's Action Phase. At your next opportunity to take an Open action, you may instead take a Limited action. Effects that last until one of "your" phases ends, end during the appropriate phase this turn.
Star-Filled Steel
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L5R Singles

Star-Filled Steel

Spell Elemental Battle: Bow this Shugneja to give +2F/+2C to each personality in this battle with a Weapon. 
Ruin and Devastation
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L5R Singles

Ruin and Devastation

Spell Ritual Battle: Bow and destroy this Shugenja and any number of your other Shugenja to destroy a number of Spirit cards equal to the total number of Shugenja bowed. 
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