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Goblin Warmonger
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L5R Singles

Goblin Warmonger

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • GoblinWhen the Goblin Warmonger would be destroyed, if he has any Goblin Followers, instead destroy all cards in this unit except the Goblin Warmonger and bow the Goblin Warmonger
Asako Yasu
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L5R Singles

Asako Yasu

Phoenix Clan • Shugenja • Interrogator Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow Yasu and target a Shugenja Personality: He is questioned. Yasu duels him, but you may not focus during this duel. Destroy the duel's loser unless it is Yasu.
Mirumoto Sukune
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Sukune

Dragon Clan • Samurai • CavalryBattle: Any number of times per turn, bow Sukune: Ranged 3 Attack.
Kuni Yori
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Kuni Yori

Crab Clan • Shugenja Limited: Any number of times per turn, bow Yori and discard a card, and target another player: He randomly discards a card.
Unexpected Allies
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Unexpected Allies

UniqueStarting with you and proceeding in turn order, each player shows his Dynasty deck's top card. If the card is a Personality, the player brings it into play, ignoring Honor Requirements and Gold cost, and negating entering-play effects. If the card is not a Personality, discard it.
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L5R Singles


UniqueName a Clan alignment other than your own. Until the game ends, Personalities with that Clan alignment enter play for you paying 2 less Gold.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Choose your performing Personality: Dishonor him. Lose 2 Honor. Give him +2F, or +3F if he is Crab Clan. Before the turn ends, destroy all his Followers
Brilliant Victory
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Brilliant Victory

Reaction: After you destroy one or more provinces or units by winning a battle: Gain 3 Honor
Battle Maidens
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Battle Maidens

Cavalry Only a Cavalry Personality can attach Battle Maidens. While this unit is Cavalry and attacking, Battle Maidens gain +1F and you cannot target this unit with actions that would send it home.
Prophet's Tower
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L5R Singles

Prophet's Tower

Unique. Fortification May only be brought into play by a member of the brotherhood of Shinsei Armies attacking this Province may not have more units than the number of Elemental Rings the Attacker has in play plus one. Armies defending this Province may not have more units than the number of Elemental Rings the Defender has in play plus one. Additional...
Iuchi Shahai
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L5R Singles

Iuchi Shahai

Unicorn Clan Shugenja Maho Battle: Add a -1F/-1C maho token to Shahai. If Shahai is still alive, add one to any other Personality in this battle. This may be done up to three times per turn.
Suzume Yugoki
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Suzume Yugoki

Sparrow clan Samurai.
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Naga Bushi Battle: Bow for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Yoritomo Yukue
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Yoritomo Yukue

Mantis Clan Veteran. Samurai Reaction: Bow Yukue when paying the gold cost affiliated with gaining an additional Province. The gold cost is reduced to zero.
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Mantis Clan Samurai Toturi's Army. Actions targeting Makashi affect him as though he were aligned to every clan
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Unaligned Monk
Matsu Ketsui
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Matsu Ketsui

Lion Clan Samurai. Matsu Daimyo. Double Chi. Unique
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Fox Clan Daimyo. Shugenja. Experienced. Unique. Yoritomo's Alliance
Hitomi Dajan
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Hitomi Dajan

Dragon Clan Monk. Tattooed Man Dajan will not join the Brotherhood. Battle: Target a player with a unit in this battle. Dajan gains 1F/1C until the end of the battle for each of that player's Elemental Rings. You cannot target the same player with this action more than once per battle.
The Path Not Taken
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L5R Singles

The Path Not Taken

Kiho Reaction: After another player discards an Action card from his hand without having used any of its abilities, bow one of your target Monks or Shugenja and shuffle this card into your deck: Until the end of the game, all your The Path Not Taken cards out of play lose their abilities and gain one ability on the discarded card, with the additional...
Legacy of the Dark One
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L5R Singles

Legacy of the Dark One

Maho Kiho Limited: Bow a shugenja or a monk you control and target any Personality in play. Until the end of this turn, any focus values played for the target are reduced by the Chi of your shugenja or monk. Your shugenja or monk gains the shadowlands trait permanently and you lose 5 Honor. This honor loss cannot be altered or redirected in any way.
Plain of Desperate Evil
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Plain of Desperate Evil

Elemental Battle: Bow this Shugenja to put a Terrain into play at this battle with this text: "Destroy all Shadowlands cards in this battle. While this Terrain is in play, all Shadowlands Personalities and Followers in this battle have the ability Battle: Destroy this card to produce a ranged attack equal to half of its Force, rounded up."
Heart of the Shinomen Forest
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L5R Singles

Heart of the Shinomen Forest

Your Nagas are immune to Fear. You may ignore Honor Requirements for Nagas if you have no Shadowlands cards in play. You may have up to 4 of any non-unique Naga card. You may put forests into play for 3 less gold.
Selection of the Chancellor
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L5R Singles

Selection of the Chancellor

All Personalities are candidates for Chancellor. Any Personality may vote for any Personality (including themselves) by bowing as a Political Limited action, giving votes to the candidate equal to their Personal Honor. At the beginning of your next events phase, the Personality with the most votes becomes Chancellor. The Chancellor's controller gains 5...
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