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Hiruma Ashihei
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Hiruma Ashihei

Crab Clan Samurai * Soul of Toritaka Kitao Cancel each action that dishonors Ashihei immediately before it dishonors him.
Hida Kuon Exp3
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Hida Kuon Exp3 (Spanish)

Crab Clan Champion * Samurai * Double Chi * Yu 10 Experienced 3 * Unique * Will only join a Crab Clan player. As you are bringing Kuon into play or overlaying him, you may bow any number of your Followers to lower his Gold cost by the number bowed. Battle: Discard a card from your hand to force all opposing players to discard a card from their hands.
Celestial Sword of the Phoenix
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Weapon * Unique If you are a Phoenix Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Phoenix counts as the Ancestral Sword of Phoenix Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Phoenix Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Phoenix gains +1F/+1C for each Phoenix Clan Personality you control. 
Celestial Sword of the Dragon
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Weapon * Unique If you are a Dragon Clan player, gain 2 Honor. Celestial Sword of the Dragon counts as the Ancestral Sword of Dragon Clan for uniqueness. While attached to a Dragon Clan Personality, Celestial Sword of the Dragon gains +1F/+1C for each Dragon Clan Personality you control.
The Spawning Ground
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The Spawning Ground

You cannot gain or lose Honor. You cannot take Political actions or actions that cause unconditional Honor losses to other players. Your Personalities will not swear fealty. Your cards are immune to Fear. Each Ogre, Oni, and Troll Personality you own gains +1F/+1C.
Temple of the Ninth Kami
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L5R Singles

Temple of the Ninth Kami (Spanish)

You cannot gain or lose Honor. You cannot take Political actions or actions that cause unconditional Honor losses to other players. Your Personalities will not swear fealty. Bow to produce 4 Gold when paying for a Shadowlands card. Limited: If you control a Personality, bow the Temple to target another player's Personality. The target may challenge any of...
Kyuden Agasha
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Kyuden Agasha

Attaching Spells from your hand is an Open action for you. All Spells you own cost 2 less Gold, to a minimum of 1.
Warrens of the Nezumi
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Warrens of the Nezumi (Spanish)

You begin the game with three Provinces. Non-Personality Ratling cards cost 1 less Gold for you. Your Ratling cards cannot gain Shadowlands, are immune to Fear, and have the ability: "Battle: Bow and destroy this card to destroy an opposing Follower."
Kyuden Ikoma
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Kyuden Ikoma

Reaction: Bow your Stronghold to cancel another player's Battle action. If it's an Action card, its player may return it to his hand after the battle. The player may immediately take another action.
Kenson Gakka
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Kenson Gakka

Terrains you own have a minimum Focus value of 3. Your non-Tactician Lion Clan Samurai with more than 2 Chi gain Tactician while in armies but cannot gain Force bonuses from Tactical actions.
Proposal of Peace
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Proposal of Peace

Until the beginning of your second turn from now, negate all Honor gains for bringing Personalities into play.
The Face of Fear
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The Face of Fear (Spanish)

Reaction: Play when one of your cards creates Fear. The Fear affects Personalities as if they were Followers.
Smoke and Mirrors
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Smoke and Mirrors

Reaction: Play instead of focusing in a duel to discard your opponent's last focus card without effect. Draw a Fate card.
Kamoko's Charge
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Kamoko's Charge

Immediate Terrain Battle: Each Personality and Follower in Cavalry units in this battle gains +1F.  
Concede Defeat
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Concede Defeat

Reaction: Play after a strike is called in a duel involving one of your Personalities but before focus values are revealed. Discard all Focus cards without effect. Your opponent wins the duel. Negate the effects of losing. 
Ambush FOIL
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L5R Singles

Ambush FOIL (Spanish Language)

Limited: Declare an additional Attack Phase. Target one of your units that can legally assign to attack and another player's unit to assign to defend (even if illegal). Units in this battle are neither at a Province nor at home. No other units may assign or move to this battle. Units cannot move into or destroy Provinces this battle. After this Attack...
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L5R Singles


Ratling Scout * Grasping Paw Tribe * Creature Reaction: Bow Ik'krt to cancel an action performed by an opposing Follower.
Wikki'thich-hie A'tch
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Wikki'thich-hie A'tch

Ratling Ancestor * Creature * Unique Reaction: When a Spell or Kiho targets this Personality, shuffle A'tck into your deck to cancel it. You may use this action while A'tck is bowed.
Uji no Shiryo
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L5R Singles

Uji no Shiryo

Crane Clan Ancestor * Unique Battle: If there are one or more units in the opposing player's army, bow Uji to give this Personality -1F/-1C and move this unit into the current battle.
The Arrow Knows the Way
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L5R Singles

The Arrow Knows the Way

Reaction : Before you target a Ranged Attack from an action performed by one of your Personalities with a Chi of 3 or higher: The Ranged Attack may target a Personality with attached Followers.
Yoritomo Rui FOIL
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Rui FOIL

Mantis Clan Samurai. Naval Battle: Bow Rui for a Ranged 3 Attack. This attack may not be combined, and is compared against the target's printed Force.
Death of Rosoku
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L5R Singles

Death of Rosoku

Open: Target a Personality. Give him -2F. After the next time this game he enters a discard pile, remove all destroyed Personalities from the game.
Bayushi Shun FOIL
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Shun FOIL

Scorpion Clan Ninja · Samurai · Magistrate · Ninjutsu 2. Reaction: Once per turn, after another player targets Shun with an action: Target a Dishonored Personality at Shun's battlefield or at home. Destroy him.
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