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Sinful Dreams
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L5R Singles

Sinful Dreams

Maho After you Equip this Spell, lose 2 Honor.Maho Open, w: Target an unbowed Personality. If this Shugenja assigns to attack this turn, the target must assign to defend opposing him, if legal. Destroy this Spell after the target assigns.
Look Into the Soul
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L5R Singles

Look Into the Soul

Kharmic You may not Proclaim Courtiers.Air Interrupt, w: Reduce each Honor gain from the action (to a minimum of 0) by half this Shugenja's Chi, rounded down.
Interrupt the Void's Flow
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L5R Singles

Interrupt the Void's Flow

Void Interrupt: Negate a Battle action. Destroy this Spell. Remove the caster's unit from the game, keeping all attachments and tokens, and ignoring leaving-play effects. Return it to play before the turn ends, ignoring entering-play costs and effects.
Sohei's Ono
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Sohei's Ono

Heavy Weapon • Two-Handed • Weapon Battle, w: Melee 4 Attack (Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without Followers, with 4 or lower Force).
Awakened Naginata
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Awakened Naginata

Polearm • Two-Handed • Destined • Weapon (Draw a card after you Equip a Destined card.)
Cavalry Escort
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Cavalry Escort

CavalryBattle, : If this Follower is in your hand, Recruit your target Personality (paying all costs) for 5 more gold and attach this Follower (ignoring all costs) to him.
Way of the Dragon
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L5R Singles

Way of the Dragon

IaijutsuIf you are a Dragon Clan player, this Strategy has Discipline 2.Iaijutsu Battle: Your target unbowed Personality challenges a target enemy Personality. Give the winner +2F. Give the loser -2F, and bow him if he is dishonorable.
The Eternal Chase
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The Eternal Chase

Iaijutsu Battle: Your target unbowed Personality challenges a target enemy Personality. Bow the loser. Destroy him if the last Battle action his owner took this battle destroyed one of your Personalities.
Sudden Storm
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L5R Singles

Sudden Storm

TerrainAfter a Personality moves to this battlefield, his controller must target and bow an unbowed card in his unit.Absent Battle/Engage: Destroy a Terrain (if able). Put this Terrain into play. (Absent actions may be taken without presence.)
Contained at Court
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Contained at Court

Political Open: Bow your two target unbowed Personalities, and give each of them who is not a Courtier -1C while this action resolves. Bow a target Personality whose unit's Force is lower than the two Personalities' total Chi. Lose 2 Honor.
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L5R Singles


RoninBattle, w: Ranged 2 Attack. (Destroy a target enemy Follower, or Personality without Followers, with 2 or lower Force)
Moto Qorin
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L5R Singles

Moto Qorin

Death Priest • Water • Cavalry • Shugenja(Once per turn, as an Absent Engage, move your unbowed Personality in a Cavalry unit to this battle. Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.) Qorin has Naval while he has a Water Spell.
Ide Kosaka
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L5R Singles

Ide Kosaka

Courtier • MerchantInvest 2: Create a (bowed) Holding with the trait, "w: Produce 1 Gold."Economic Home Battle/Open, 1: Straighten your target Courtier, Unicorn Clan, or Spider Clan Personality.
Susumu Takuan
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Susumu Takuan

Courtier • ImperialAfter your Spider Clan Personality is destroyed, gain 1 Honor.Home Political Battle, w: Destroy your target Spider Clan Personality to destroy a target enemy card without attachments.
Tsuruchi Hikari
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Tsuruchi Hikari

Reserve • Samurai • Scout (You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.) Battle, w: Ranged 2 Attack
Mirumoto Takanori
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Mirumoto Takanori

Kensai • Samurai Takanori has +1C while he has a Weapon.Battle: Fear equal to Takanori's Chi
Daidoji Ryushi
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Daidoji Ryushi

Reserve • Samurai • Scout (You may Recruit a Reserve Personality, if they would be opposed, as an Absent Battle action.)Absent Interrupt: After you Recruit Ryushi, give him +2F.
Kuni Shinoda Exp2, Advisor to the Jade Champion
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Kuni Shinoda Exp2, Advisor to the Jade Champion

Earth • Experienced 2 • Hero • Jade • Magistrate • Scout • Shugenja • Tactician • Unique Jade Battle: Fear 3, or 5 if the target is Shadowlands, that may target a Personality with Followers.
Tunnel Network
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L5R Singles

Tunnel Network

Fortification • Kharmic Battle, w: Move your target Personality home.Absent Battle, w: Move your target Personality at home to this battlefield.
Suikihime Sensei
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Suikihime Sensei

Crane • Dragon • Phoenix • ScorpionPolitical Dynasty, w: Target a non-Unique Courtier in your Province with a Clan Alignment you do not control. Permanently give him your Clan Alignment. Ignore his Honor Requirement (this turn).
Carpenter Shrine
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Carpenter Shrine

Temple • Fortification (Fortifications attach to the Province from which they entered play.)This Fortification enters play bowed.w: Produce 2 Gold.Open, w: Gain 1 Honor.
Kaiu Engineers
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Engineers

Retainer w: Produce 2 Gold.Battle/Open: Transfer your target Fortification at any Province to any of your other Provinces.
Temple of Serenity
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L5R Singles

Temple of Serenity

Temple w: Produce 2 Gold.Battle, , w: Equip a Spell to your target opposed Shugenja for 2 less Gold. Gain 1 Honor, or 2 Honor if the target is defending.
Tamori Katsumi FOIL
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L5R Singles

Tamori Katsumi FOIL

Dragon Clan • Earth • Soul of Tamori Shaitung • Shugenja(Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)Earth Battle: Discard a Kiho or a Spell from your hand to give this Province a strength bonus equal to the card's Focus Value.
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