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Essence of Undeath
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L5R Singles

Essence of Undeath

MahoBattle/Open: Destroy this card and target your dead Personality: Bring him into play at this Shugenja’s location, paying all costs. Permanently give him Shadowlands and Undead. Lose 2 Honor.
Control Your Destiny
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L5R Singles

Control Your Destiny

VoidLimited: Bow this Shugenja unless he is Void: Look at the top three cards of your Fate or Dynasty deck. You may put one or two of these cards on the bottom of your deck. Put the remaining cards on the top of your deck in any order.
Fubatsu Plate
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Fubatsu Plate

ArmorBattle: Even if this card is bowed: Straighten this Personality or move him home.
Champion of Thunder
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Champion of Thunder

Thunder • Cavalry • Storm RiderEnters play paying 1 less Gold if you are a Mantis Clan player. Reaction: After another player’s action targets a card in this unit: Negate the action’s effects on this card. Battle: Ranged 6 Attack.
Overgrown Grove
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Overgrown Grove

ForestBattle: Discard the top 3 cards of your Fate deck and target an attacking Personality: Move him home.
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Ronin • Samurai • Cavalry • ScoutBattle: Ranged 4 Attack.
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Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Nonhuman • bog Hag • Samurai • Magistrate • Experienced Chuda Fukuzo • Unique • Advisor to the Emerald Champion • InfiltratorOpen: Remove a target Personality in any player’s discard pile from the game: Fukuzo wears his skin. Until the next time this game this ability is used, Fukuzo copies one keyword, and one ability that...
Daigotsu Hotako Exp3
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Daigotsu Hotako Exp3

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Naval • Paragon • Experienced 3 • Unique • Obsidian ChampionEnters play paying 2 less Gold if you are a Lion Clan player. After Hotako enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Fear Open: Target a Personality: He may not perform actions this turn.
Asako Moeru
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Asako Moeru

Phoenix Clan • Void • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Ishiken • Magistrate
Yoritomo Emoto
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Yoritomo Emoto

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Commander • Naval • Captain of the Third KamaBattle: Bow your performing Follower and target an enemy card without attachments: Destroy it.
Moshi Tomeno
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Moshi Tomeno

Mantis Clan • Thunder • Shugenja • Naval • Loyal
Kitsu Fukui
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Kitsu Fukui

Lion Clan • Water • Shugenja • Head LibrarianBattle: Bow or destroy your performing Ancestor Personality, and target an enemy card: Bow it. Gain 1 Honor.
Mirumoto Ezuno
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Ezuno

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Duelist • YojimboReaction: When another player’s action would target one of your Shugenja at Ezuno’s location: It targets Ezuno instead, if legal.
Doji Dainagon
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L5R Singles

Doji Dainagon

Crane Clan • Imperial • CourtierYou may lobby as an Open action if Dainagon performs it.
Yasuki Tsujiken
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Yasuki Tsujiken

Crab Clan • Courtier • Crime Boss • MerchantReaction: After Tsujiken enters play, target a Holding: Until Tsujiken leaves play, after each time its controller bows it, he loses 1 Honor. Open: Bow Tsujiken and target a Holding: Straighten it. You may bow it if its base Gold Cost is 4 or lower.
Harsh Choices
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Harsh Choices

UniqueYou may destroy the province this Event was revealed in. If you did, draw 3 cards.
Petty Squabbles
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Petty Squabbles

Limited: Target one or two face-down cards in provinces: Turn them face-up. Battle/Open: Target an attachment owned by another player: He may pay 4 Gold. If he did not, return to it's owner hand.
Economic Repercussions
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Economic Repercussions

PoliticalOther players' Personalities and Followers in play have -2 Gold costand all players have the ability: "Political Limited: Discard the Imperial Favor or pay 6 Gold: Discard a card titled Economic Repercussions from play." Limited: Put this card into play.
Wind of the Moon
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Wind of the Moon

Air • PoliticalWhile this Shugenja is Air, he straightens during each player's Straighten Phase. Open: Bow this Shugenja and target a face-up Personality out of play: Give him +1PH or +1 Gold Cost.
Togashi Oki
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Togashi Oki

Dragon Clan · Monk · TattooedOki has +2F while defending. After Oki enters play, you may bow her: If you do, draw a card. 
Embracing Virtue
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L5R Singles

Embracing Virtue

Bushido Virtue · DutyBefore an End Phase begins, if this card is in your discard pile: You may put it in your hand.
Benten's Blessing
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L5R Singles

Benten's Blessing (Spanish)

Fortune • UniqueAfter this card enters play: Choose zero to two face-up Personalities in or out of play. They have +1PH while this card remains in play.Reaction: When another player's action would target one of your Personalities, choose your performing Personality and discard this card: The action targets him instead, if legal.
All Within the World
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L5R Singles

All Within the World

UniqueBattle/Open: If this Shugenja shares an elemental keyword with a Ring you control: Either straighten the Ring or this Shugenja.
Quick Recovery
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Quick Recovery

Battle: Choose your performing Personality and target a bowed card in his unit (which may be him): Before the battle's resolution, straighten the targeted card.
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