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Consuming the Flesh
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L5R Singles

Consuming the Flesh

Maho Reaction: After another player’s action targets one of your Personalities in your current army, destroy the Personality and bow this card: The action’s effects do not happen. Create a 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personality at the current battlefield. Lose 3 Honor.
Hand of the Obsidian Dragon
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L5R Singles

Hand of the Obsidian Dragon

Obsidian • Unique Attaches paying 1 less Gold for each card you control with the Artisan or Obsidian keywords. Battle: Target an enemy Personality with a lower combined Force, Chi, and Personal Honor than this Personality. The Hand crushes his very essence. Destroy him.
Eternal Armor
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L5R Singles

Eternal Armor

Armor After the first time each turn another player’s Battle action targets this Personality: Give the action the additional cost, “Discard a card.”
Shinjo Scouts
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Shinjo Scouts

Cavalry • Scout Battle: If this battlefield’s province has been targeted by a Recon action this turn: Give each of your Scout cards in this army +1F.
Assault Riders
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Assault Riders

Cavalry Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets a card in this unit: Give the Ranged Attack -3 strength. Battle: Bow a target enemy Follower.
Unclean Sacrifice
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Unclean Sacrifice

Maho • Kiho Reaction: After the resolution of another player’s Battle action that bowed, moved, or destroyed one or more of your Undead cards, bow your target Shugenja: Create two 2F/2C/0PH Shadowlands • Undead Personalities at the current battlefield. Lose 4 Honor.
The Direct Approach
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The Direct Approach

Open: Give a target Personality -1F for each of his keywords other than Clan alignments. If his Force is now 0, he may not perform actions.
Storm-filled Sails
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Storm-filled Sails

Thu nder Limited: Until the turn ends, you have the ability, “Battle: Attach a target attachment from your hand to your target Personality. If this attached a card, draw a card.”
Seeking the Guilty
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Seeking the Guilty

Political Battle: Target your unbowed Magistrate: Move a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor than your Magistrate’s Chi home. His controller loses Honor equal to the number of dishonorable Personalities he controls or 3, whichever is lower.
Overwhelming Pressure
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L5R Singles

Overwhelming Pressure

This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Samurai you control. Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai: Destroy a target enemy attachment. You may target and bow an enemy Personality with Chi lower than or equal to your Samurai’s Chi.
Impossible Force
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Impossible Force

Open: Bow two of your target Personalities, each with 7 base Force or higher: Destroy a target unit with 6 total Force or lower.
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Political This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Courtier you control. Reaction: When another player’s action would target one of your Personalities: Choose another one of your Personalities at the same location. The action targets him instead, if legal.
Crushing Strength
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Crushing Strength (Spanish)

Battle: Give your target opposed Personality +3F. Battle: Destroy a target enemy Follower or Item.
Shinjo Tae-hyun
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Tae-hyun

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Topaz Champion
Bayushi's Guidance
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Bayushi's Guidance

Kami • Unique If you are a Scorpion Clan player, all Honor gains during the Dynasty phase are reduced by 1. Open: If you are a Scorpion Clan player, discard this card: Discard a card from a target province.
Whispers of the Dying Sun
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Whispers of the Dying Sun

Choose a (non-Stronghold) card in play. Each of its base abilities may be used one additional time this turn.
Hida Fosuko
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Hida Fosuko

Crab Clan • Samurai • Hero Reaction: Even if Fosuko is bowed, before another player’s Battle action destroys her: Delay her destruction until the current Combat Segment ends.
Asako Hoshimi
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Asako Hoshimi

Phoenix Clan • Air • Fire • Shu genja • Alch emist
Shiba Ningen Exp3
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L5R Singles

Shiba Ningen Exp3 (Spanish)

Phoenix Clan • Void • Shugenja • Elemental Master • Experienced 3 • Unique Your Void Shugenja have +1F. Limited: Gain 2 Honor. Create a 2F/2C/2PH Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo Personality. You may not use this ability again while the created Yojimbo remains in play.
Shiba Yukihito
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L5R Singles

Shiba Yukihito

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Duelist • Yojimbo Iaijutsu Battle: Bow Yukihito unless he won a duel this turn: Ranged 3 Attack with +1 strength for each Shugenja you control.
Bayushi Saka
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Saka

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Battle: Move a target Personality with Personal Honor lower than Saka’s Chi home. Bow the personality’s unit if he is dishonorable.
Shosuro Ohba
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Shosuro Ohba

Scorpion Clan • Ninja Ohba has +1F for each Poison token in the current enemy army.
Spearmen Legion
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Spearmen Legion

Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack.
Seppun Heavy Infantry
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L5R Singles

Seppun Heavy Infantry

Battle resolution does not bow cards in this unit.
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