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Shugenja · Bloodspeaker · Shadowlands · Lose 5 Honor. After Shukumei enters play, target a Personality. (Shukumei must target himself if there are no other Personalities in play.) Permanently give the target ?1F/?1C. This is a Maho effect
Daigotsu Koshiro
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Koshiro

Samurai · Shadowlands · Soul of Moto Tsume · Lose 4 Honor. Will not join a player with more than 0 Family Honor. After the beginning of a Battle Action Segment of a battle Koshiro is in, bow all other Personalities in Koshiro's army with a Personal Honor greater than 0
Chuda Mishime
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Chuda Mishime

Shugenja · Bloodspeaker · Shadowlands · Lose 3 Honor. Maho Open: Target a Personality. Reduce his Chi to his printed Chi. Maho Limited: Bow Mishime, and target and remove from the game a dead Personality in any discard pile who was most recently destroyed due to having 0 Chi: Lose 2 Honor. Create a 2F/2C Undead Shadowlands Personality
Bayushi Shintaro
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Bayushi Shintaro

Scorpion Clan Governor · Samurai · Courtier. Political Open: Target a Dishonored Personality. Bow him
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Ratling Adventurer · Tattered Ear Tribe · Bushi · Creature. Battle: Bow Yoee'trr: Ranged 3 Attack
Ratling Raider
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Ratling Raider (Spanish)

Ratling · Stained Paw Tribe · Creature. After Ratling Raider enters play, create two 2F/2C Ratling Creature Personalities with 2 Personal Honor
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Por'ee-rep (Spanish)

Ratling Scavenger · Creature. Open: If it is another player's Action Phase, bow Por'ee-rep: Target a Gold-producing Holding you control. Straighten it.
Ik'krt Exp
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L5R Singles

Ik'krt Exp (Spanish)

Ratling Scout · Creature · Experienced · Unique. Players must target and bow a Follower they control at Ik'krt's battlefield as an additional cost of taking an action on a Follower opposing Ik'krt. Limited: Target a Ratling Follower in your discard pile. Put it in your hand.
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L5R Singles

Ik'krt (Spanish)

Ratling Scout · Grasping Paw Tribe · Creature. Reaction: Before an action performed by an opposing Follower resolves, bow Ik'krt: Negate the action's effects.
Isawa Sawao
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Isawa Sawao

Phoenix Clan Fire Shugenja · Duelist · Soul of Isawa Hochiu. Elemental Battle: Once per battle: Target an opposing Personality. Sawao issues him an unrefusable challenge. Bow the loser
Yoritomo Katoa Exp
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Yoritomo Katoa Exp

Mantis Clan Yojimbo · Naval · Experienced · Unique. Action cards you own cost 2 less Gold, to a minimum of 1. Political Open: Bow Katoa: Negate all effects of the next Political action this game.
Akodo Kobi
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Akodo Kobi

Lion Clan Samurai · Tactician · Unique · Soul of Ginawa Experienced 3. Battle: Target a face-up Human Personality in the current battle's Province. Bring him into play in your current army and under your control, ignoring costs and entering-play effects. Discard him to his owner's discard pile after the battle ends
Akodo Rokuro
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Akodo Rokuro

Lion Clan Samurai. Reaction: Before another player's card effect bows a Lion Clan Personality you control: Negate the bowing
Togashi Kazuki
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Togashi Kazuki

Dragon Clan Samurai · Monk. Kazuki has +1F for each Ring you control. Open: Target another Personality you control. Set his Force to Kazuki's Force or his Chi to Kazuki's Chi
Hitomi Kazu
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Hitomi Kazu

Dragon Clan Monk. After each time Hitomi Kazu assigns to attack, switch his Force and Chi and gain 2 Honor.
Hitomi Munoto
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Hitomi Munoto (Spanish)

Dragon Clan Monk · Tattooed · Unique · Soul of Hitomi Akuai Experienced. Reaction: Any number of times per turn, before an Event resolves for another player: Target the player. He decides whether Munoto negates the Event's effects or permanently gains +2F/+2C
Doji Katsura
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L5R Singles

Doji Katsura

Crane Clan Samurai · Courtier. After Katsura enters play from a Province, gain Honor equal to the number of Winds you control.
Asahina Kasai
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Asahina Kasai

Crane Clan Fire Shugenja · Courtier. Political Limited: Bow Kasai: Look at the top 4 cards of your Fate deck. You may rearrange them. You may show one, then put in your hand, if it is an Action card and any of its abilities unconditionally produce challenges.
Hida Sosuke
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Hida Sosuke

Crab Clan Bushi · Yu 3. After Sosuke is destroyed while at a battlefield or in a duel, you may target and permanently give ?2F/?2C to a Personality who opposed him when he was destroyed or who was in the duel.
Hida Reiha Exp
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Hida Reiha Exp (Spanish)

Crab Clan Samurai · Hero · Yu 5 · Experienced · Unique. Followers have Yu +2 while attached to Reiha
Doji Domotai
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Doji Domotai

Crane Clan Samurai · Soul of Doji Reju. If Domotai ties in a duel, she wins the duel instead of losing
Hiruma Todori Exp
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Hiruma Todori Exp

Crab Clan Samurai · Hiruma Family Daimyo · Scout · Hero · Yu 3 · Experienced · Unique. Todori has +2F while attacking a player who declared an attack against you since your last turn ended.
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Coste: 2. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. If you are a Unicorn Clan player, bow this card: Produce 3 Gold.
Rich Coffers
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Rich Coffers

This card straightens during each player's Straighten Phase. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold
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