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Mining Foreman
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Mining Foreman

Retainer Reaction: Bow when you bow a Mine to produce Gold to increase the amount by 3.
Kitsune Taro
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Kitsune Taro

Unaigned Fox Clan Bushi Cards in Taro's unit may not be targeted by ranged attacks as long as the defender controls one or more forests. Battle: bow for a ranged 3 Attack
Togashi Satsu
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Togashi Satsu

Dragon Clan Monk Tattooed Unique Togashi Satsu may not assign or move into an attacking army.
The Wind's Truth
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The Wind's Truth

Kiho Elemental Reaction: Bow any one of your monks or shugenja when honor is being gained or lost. Redirect the honor gain or loss to another player.
Contemplation of Osano-Wo
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Contemplation of Osano-Wo

Open: Bow this Shugenja to make all players draw one card or to make all players discard one Fate card of their choice. This Shugenja loses 2 Chi permanently.
Outmaneuvered in Court
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Outmaneuvered in Court

Political Reaction: When an attack is declared, target a unit controlled by a player who controls fewer Courtiers than you. That unit's controller may bow his Stronghold. If he does not, the target unit cannot assign or move into battles during this Attack Phase.
Yogo Tjeki
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Yogo Tjeki

Scorpion Clan Ninja * Shugenja * Unique Limited: Bow Tjeki to make a player lose 2 Honor. This loss cannot lower a player below his starting Honor.
Shiro Mirumoto
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Shiro Mirumoto

Your Dragon Clan Samurai may attach two Weapons. Limited: Once per turn, bow one of your Personalities with more than 3 Chi to draw a card.
Hoshi's Claw
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Hoshi's Claw

Tattooed Reaction: Up to three times per battle, if attached to a Dragon Clan Personality, give this Personality +1F or +1C after an opposing Personality gains a Force or Chi bonus.
Hida's Shrine
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Hida's Shrine

Unique This Province does not hold Dynasty cards (do not refill it). All of your Provinces gain +2 Strength while Hida's Shrine is in play.
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Limited: End the Action Phase.
Miya Hatori
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Miya Hatori

Unaligned Courtier * Historian * Unique Political Limited: Bow Hatori and shuffle him into your Dynasty deck to take the Imperial Favor. Discard all cards attached to Hatori. This is considered a lobbying attempt.
Yoritomo Katoa
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Yoritomo Katoa

Mantis Clan Pirate * Naval Reaction: Bow to produce 4 Gold when paying for an action card from your hand. Lose 1 Honor.
Kuni Kiyoshi
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Kuni Kiyoshi

Crab Clan Shugenja * Witch-Hunter Limited: Once per turn, gain a Jade token. Limited: Bow Kuni Kiyoshi and remove one or more Jade tokens from him to reduce a Shadowlands Personality's Chi by the number of tokens removed.
Fox Nagamaki
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Fox Nagamaki

Weapon Battle: Bow Fox Nagamaki for a Ranged 3 Attack.
Armor of Shadows Exp
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Armor of Shadows Exp

Experienced Armor of the Shadow Warrior * Unique * Shadowlands This Personality permanently gains the Shadowlands trait when Armor of Shadows attaches. Cards in this unit may not be the target of spell effects or innate abilities.
Stifling Wind
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Stifling Wind

Elemental Battle: Bow this shungeja to bow one Follower in an opposing unit. Elemental Battle: Bow this shugenja to bow any one Personality with no unbowed Followers attached.
Prophecy of the Hero
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Prophecy of the Hero

Unique Limited: Bow this Shugenja and one of your Personalities. Give this Personality a permanent +3F/+3C bonus, but if this Personality refuses a duel or becomes dishonored, he is immediately destroyed. This spell is destroyed and may not be copied (e.g. Scribe).
To Avenge Our Ancestors
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To Avenge Our Ancestors

Reaction: Play at the end of the assignment phase. Choose a battle, in which all honor gains and losses will be doubled for all players during the resolution phase. This is not cumulative with any other honor-doubling effect.
The Perfect Gift
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L5R Singles

The Perfect Gift

Reaction: Bow one of your Personalities with Personal Honor above 1 when another player has bowed a Personality to lobby for the Imperial Favor. If the Favor is uncontrolled, the lobbying attempt is cancelled, and you gain control of the Imperial Favor. This still counts as a lobbying attempt.
Lies, Lies, Lies...
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Lies, Lies, Lies...

Political Limited: If you have no cards in play or in your discard piles that cause their player an Honor loss or have the Shadowlands, Ninja, or Kolat keywords: Gain 8 Honor; this gain can not raise your Family Honor above its starting value.
Encircled Terrain
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Encircled Terrain

Terrain Battle: Before this battle’s resolution, the Attacker and Defender, in the order of your choice, each choose one of his units at the current battlefield. Then, move all other units there home.
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