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Dark Oracle of Fire Exp2
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L5R Singles

Dark Oracle of Fire Exp2 (spanish)

Shadowlands • Fire • Dark Oracle • Retainer • Experienced 2 • Unique After this card enters play: Lose 6 Honor and straighten it. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 5 Attack; negate any reduction of its strength.
Hida Desora
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Hida Desora (Spanish)

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander After Desora enters play: Create a 1F Follower and attach it to him.
Daidoji Sadayori
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Daidoji Sadayori

Crane Clan • Samurai • Iron Crane • Scout Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. Destroy it if a Recon action targeted the current battlefield’s province this turn.
Kuni Iyedo
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L5R Singles

Kuni Iyedo

Crab Clan • Earth • Shugenja • Commander Battle: Attach a target Follower in your hand to your target Personality in Iyedo’s army.
Shosuro Nishu
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Shosuro Nishu

Scorpion Clan • Ninja Battle: Even if Nishu is not at the current battlefield, bow him: Give a target Ninja +2F.
Awakened Blade
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Awakened Blade

Kami • Weapon • Unique Battle: Destroy this card: Destroy a target enemy card with lower Force than this Personality’s Force (before destroying this card) and no Weapons or Armor.
Soldiers of Clay
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Soldiers of Clay

Earth Attaches to an Earth Shugenja paying 1 less Gold. Limited: Destroy this card: Create three 1F Nonhuman • Clay Soldier Followers and attach them to one to three of your target Personalities.
Fortune Favors the Bold
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L5R Singles

Fortune Favors the Bold

Until your next turn begins, you have the ability, “Reaction: When another player’s Battle action would target one of your cards in a unit at the current battlefield: Choose another of your cards in a unit at the current battlefield. The action targets that card instead, if legal.”
Hidden Entrance
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L5R Singles

Hidden Entrance

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Battle: Bow this card and destroy your performing unbowed defending Personality: Destroy a target enemy unit with total Force less than or equal to your Personality’s Force plus Personal Honor.
Hiruma Todori Exp3
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Todori Exp3

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander • Daimyo • Hero • Scout • Experienced 3 • Loyal • Unique Battle: Move your target Personality to Todori’s battlefield. If he moved and you are the Defender, straighten him.
Ikoma Toruken
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L5R Singles

Ikoma Toruken

Lion Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Magistrate Battle: Bow or straighten a target Personality with lower Personal Honor than Toruken’s Chi.
Otomo Seimi
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Otomo Seimi

Courtier • Imperial • Unique Political Limited: Discard the Imperial Favor: Gain 2 Honor. Political Limited: Discard the Imperial Favor: Another player loses 2 Honor.
Takaikabe Mura
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Takaikabe Mura

Singular Limited: Create a 0F Follower and attach it to your target Kensai Personality.
Hidden Valley
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Hidden Valley

Singular Your Ninja Personalities have +1F while opposed.Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets your Ninja: Give the Ranged Attack -2 strength.
Tsuruchi's Legacy
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Tsuruchi's Legacy

Weapon • Unique Ranged Attacks from other cards in this unit have +1 strength. Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 4 Attack.
Talisman of Jigoku
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Talisman of Jigoku

Unique Attaches to a Crab Clan Personality paying 1 less Gold.Actions performed by another player’s Shadowlands Personality may not target this Personality.
Unnatural Flood
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L5R Singles

Unnatural Flood

Water • Unique Battle: Bow this Shugenja: Move a target enemy Personality home; if this Shugenja is Water, this movement will not be negated. If the Personality moved, bow him and negate all other effects this turn that move the Personality.
Bridging the Gap
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L5R Singles

Bridging the Gap

Castle • Terrain Battle: This province has +4 strength.
Merciless Tactics
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Merciless Tactics

Battle: Choose your performing Paragon: If his unit assigned to the current battlefield or if there are any enemy units there, move him there. Straighten his unit if he moved. Lose 3 Honor.
Superior Mobility
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L5R Singles

Superior Mobility

Battle: Straighten your target unit. Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality and bow a card in his unit: Move a target enemy Personality home. If the movement fails, destroy him.
The Art of Ninjutsu
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L5R Singles

The Art of Ninjutsu

Kata • Ninja Limited: Put this card into play in your home. Discard any other Kata cards you control. While this card remains in play, your Ninja Personalities and Followers have Cavalry, and during Cavalry Maneuvers, their units may only be assigned to battlefields with enemy units.
Utagawa Exp2
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L5R Singles

Utagawa Exp2

Ronin • Samurai • Duelist • Tactician • Experienced 2 • Unique Iaijutsu Battle: Utagawa challenges a target enemy Personality. Destroy the duel's loser.
Air Dragon's Guidance
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L5R Singles

Air Dragon's Guidance

Air • Dragon • Unique After this card enters play: You may put the Ring of Air from your discard pile into your hand. Battle/Open: Discard this card: Straighten your target unit. If you control the Ring of Air, you may target and straighten another unit.
Successful Bounty
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L5R Singles

Successful Bounty

Until your Events Phase three turns from now begins, after each time a Personality opposing a Magistrate or Courtier becomes dishonorable from an action’s effect, the Personality’s controller loses 2 Honor.
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