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Marries a Barbarian
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Marries a Barbarian

Limited: Play Marries a Barbarian on a Samurai. Target Samurai is Dishonored.
His Most Favored
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His Most Favored

Unique. Limited: Select one of your Personalities. Gain 5 Honor. This Personality is your tie to the Imperial Line. If this Personality is destroyed for any reason, lose 10 Honor. This card remains in play until this Personality leaves play.
Confusion at Court
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Confusion at Court

Reaction: Play Confusion at Court in response to the use of the Imperial Favor. The effects of the Imperial Favor are negated, and the Favor is still discarded.
I Give You My Name
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I Give You My Name

Maho Limited: Bow this Shugenja and destroy one of your human Personalities to get a non-Unique Oni from your deck or discard pile with a Gold cost less than or equal to the human's Gold cost plus this Shugenja's Chi. Put the Oni into play, without Gold cost and ignoring play restrictions. Lose 2 Honor.
The Jade Hand
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The Jade Hand

Unique. The Jade Hand may not be stolen or destroyed. This Personality gains a 3F/2C bonus when opposed by any Shadowlands cards in a battle or duel.
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Weapon Bloodsword gains a 2F/2C token each time this Personality wins a duel
Shinsei's Crow
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Shinsei's Crow

Unique Open: Bow Shinsei's Crow: Straighten a number of non-Holding cards up to the number of Rings you control. You may put a Ring from your discard pile into your hand.
Void Dragon
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L5R Singles

Void Dragon

Unaligned Creature • Shugenja • Cavalry • Unique No Followers or Items. Elemental Reaction: If a province is destroyed when the Void Dragon is in the attacking army, the defending player must discard all cards from his or her fate hand.
Naga Abomination
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Naga Abomination

Naga. Non-human Abomination has a Chi Value equal to the number of other Naga cards in play. Limited: Challenge any Naga Personality or Clan Champion to a duel, which must be accepted.
Yoritomo Utemaro
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Yoritomo Utemaro

Mantis Clan Samurai. Naval Open: Pay one Gold to attach a 1F Naval Mercenary Follower token to a Personality until the end of the turn
Hida Yakamo Hero
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Hida Yakamo Hero (Spanish)

Crab Clan Hero. Samurai. Unique No Items. Battle: Bow Yakamo to destroy any one Item card in opposing army
Wind-Borne Aid
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Wind-Borne Aid

Battle: If there are any enemy units at the current battlefield and you control a Shugenja, target your Samurai Personality: If he is at the current battlefield, move him to any location, otherwise move him to the current battlefield.
Snow-Swept Summit
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Snow-Swept Summit

Winter • Terrain Battle: You may take this action even if you control no units at the current battlefield while any Cavalry units are there: Before this battle’s resolution, reduce the Force of each Personality and Follower at the current battlefield to 3.
One with the Flame
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One with the Flame

Fire • Kiho Battle: Bow your target Monk without Weapons: Give him +1C if he is Fire or has one or more Fire tokens. You may target and destroy an enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi than your Monk.
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Bushido Virtue Open: Target your discarded (not dead) Samurai Personality: Bring him into play.
Arrows Do Not Falter
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Arrows Do Not Falter

Focus Effect: If your Personality in this duel is the challenged, and has a base Ranged Attack ability, destroy a Follower, or Personality without Followers, with 4 or lower Force in the challenger’s unit. Lose 3 Honor. Reaction: After a Ranged Attack targets a card: Give the Ranged Attack +2 strength.
Moto Kang Exp
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Moto Kang Exp

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Commander • Villain • Experienced • Loyal • Unique Kang enters play paying 1 less Gold for each Shugenja you control. Battle: Attach a target attachment from your hand to your target Personality. You may take an additional Battle action to use an ability on the attachment.
The Dread Kar
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L5R Singles

The Dread Kar

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Monk • Kensai After Kar enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Discard a card: Bow a target card without attachments in an enemy unit. If you /discarded a Kiho or Weapon, draw a card.
Daigotsu Koneru
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Koneru

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark Ambition After Koneru enters play: Lose 4 Honor. After a battle’s resolution, if Koneru was ever at its battlefield during the battle, and you did not destroy any enemy players’ cards or provinces during that battle: Destroy Koneru.
Daigotsu Azuma
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Azuma

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Paragon • Dark Destiny After Azuma enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Fear Battle: Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality with lower Force and no attachments.
Bayushi Momochi
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Momochi

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Junshin Battle: Destroy a target enemy card with 4 or lower Force that is either a Follower, a Personality without Followers, or a dishonorable Personality.
Bayushi Kindebu
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Kindebu

Scorpion Clan • Courtier • Samurai After your Dynasty Phase begins, if none of the other players controls a dishonourable Personality: Destroy Kindebu.
Bayushi Hikoko
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Hikoko

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Political Battle: You may dishonour Hikoko: Target an enemy Personality. Bow him if his Personal Honor is lower than Hikoko’s Chi. Dishonor the enemy Personality if you dishonored Hikoko.
Isawa Takino
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L5R Singles

Isawa Takino

Phoenix Clan • Fire • Shugenja Your focused Rings in a duel involving Takino have +1 Focus Value. Battle: Bow Takino: Ranged 3 Attack with +1 strength for each Ring you control.
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