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Ruthless Advance
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L5R Singles

Ruthless Advance

Battle: Pay Gold equal to the targeted unit's total Gold Cost minus 2: Destroy a target defending unit.
Extended Maneuvers
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L5R Singles

Extended Maneuvers

Terrain Battle: Before this battle’s resolution, you may target and straighten a Samurai Personality at the current battlefield, and you may target and bow a non-Samurai Personality there.
Traitor's Grove
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L5R Singles

Traitor's Grove

Singular Limited: Destroy a target Personality who has your Clan alignment and does not have his controller’s Clan alignment.
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L5R Singles


Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Oni • Water • Naval After Umi-Bozu enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. If you control a Port, negate the enemy card's straightening until its controller's next Straighten Phase.
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L5R Singles


Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Scout After Pokku enters play: Lose 3 Honor.
Pokku Exp
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L5R Singles

Pokku Exp

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Scout • Experienced • Unique After Pokku enters play: Lose 3 Honor. Battle: Transfer a target enemy attachment to Pokku, ignoring restrictions on attaching. Fear Battle: Even if Pokku is bowed: Move him home.
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L5R Singles


Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Ogre • Bushi • Yojimbo • Unique After Kayomasa enters play: Lose 4 Honor. Enters play paying 1 less Gold if you are a Spider Clan player. Battle: Move Kayomasa to a battlefield where you control another opposed Unique Personality.
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L5R Singles

Gutobo (Spanish)

Shadowlands • Nonhuman • Goblin • Scout After Gutobo enters play: Lose 2 Honor. Recon Open: Target a province. Before this turn ends, bring into play each dead Goblin Personality you own who was destroyed during a Combat Segment at that province's battlefield this turn, ignoring Gold costs.
Utaku Kohana Exp
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L5R Singles

Utaku Kohana Exp

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden • Paragon • Experienced • Unique After the resolution of an action which gave a Force penalty to any enemy cards at the current battlefield, if Kohana is there: Gain 1 Honor. Battle: Bow Kohana: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor.
Utaku Anhui
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L5R Singles

Utaku Anhui

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Battle Maiden Battle: Bow a target enemy Follower or Personality without attachments and with Force lower than Anhui's Personal Honor. If this bowed a card, gain 1 Honor.
Moto Taban
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L5R Singles

Moto Taban

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Scout
Moto Choon-yei
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L5R Singles

Moto Choon-yei

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician • Unique Tactical Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield, or if Choon-yei assigned there: Move Choon-yei there.
Daigotsu Gyoken Exp
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Gyoken Exp

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Experienced • Unique After Gyoken enters play: Lose 6 Honor. Battle: Even if Gyoken is bowed, if he assigned to the current battlefield or if any enemy units are there: He is relentless. Move him there. Straighten his unit if he moved.
Bayushi Eisaku Exp
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Eisaku Exp

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Bitter Lies • Hero • Experienced • Unique Reaction: After Eisaku enters play: Discard a target Dynasty card from a province.
Shiba Rae
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L5R Singles

Shiba Rae

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Yojimbo Rae has +1F for each Spell in his army. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack.
Yoritomo Okitsugu
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Okitsugu

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Scout Battle: Ranged 3 Attack. Recon Limited: Target a Province. While they remain at its battlefield, your followers whose units assigned there have the ability, "Battle: Bow this card: Ranged 3 Attack."
Yoritomo Kurei
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Kurei

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Naval • Commander Battle: Even if Kurei is at home, pay 3 Gold: Move your target Naval Personality to a battlefield with one or more enemy units. If he moved, straighten his unit.
Matsu Satsune
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L5R Singles

Matsu Satsune

Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander • Paragon Battle: Discard a card: Straighten a target unit in Satsune's army. If you discarded a Bushido Virtue, you may target and bow an enemy Follower or Personality without attachments.
Akodo Shinichi Exp
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L5R Singles

Akodo Shinichi Exp

Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Experienced • Unique Reaction: After the resolution of an action that moved one of your Personalities to the current battlefield: Straighten him.
Akodo Shigetoshi Exp2
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L5R Singles

Akodo Shigetoshi Exp2 (Spanish)

Lion Clan • Clan Champion • Samurai • Tactician • Commander • Experienced 2 • Loyal • Unique Reaction: After Shigetoshi enters play: Create a 2F Follower and attach it to a target Personality. Battle: Destroy your target Personality or Follower: Destroy a target enemy card; if your own targeted card was a Follower, the targeted enemy card must have no...
Akodo Sadahige Exp
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L5R Singles

Akodo Sadahige Exp

Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Experienced • Unique Battle: Remove a Fate card in your discard pile from the game: Bow a target enemy card without attachments. If you removed a Bushido Virtue, destroy the targeted card and gain 1 Honor.
Togashi Miyoko Exp
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L5R Singles

Togashi Miyoko Exp

Dragon Clan • Monk • Tattooed • Experienced • Unique • Defender of the Temples Reaction: Even if Miyoko is bowed, after the resolution of an action during which a Temple bowed: Straighten Miyoko's unit and give her +2F.
Togashi Gato
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L5R Singles

Togashi Gato

Dragon Clan • Monk • Duelist • Tattooed Battle: Show the top card of your Fate deck. If it is a Tattoo card or a Ring, put it in your hand.
Mirumoto Minawa
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L5R Singles

Mirumoto Minawa

Dragon Clan • Samurai • Kensai Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Force and lower Chi.
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