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L5R Singles


Battle: Choose your performing Personality and a Battle Strategy in another player's discard pile: Its abilities may be used an additional time this turn. Your Personality copies a keyword on an enemy Personality. You may take an additional action to play the Strategy for one of its actions. After it resolves, remove it from the game.
Determined Challenge
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L5R Singles

Determined Challenge

Battle: Choose your performing unbowed attacking Personality and target an enemy Personality: Move the target to the current battlefield. Straighten him if he moved.
An Insult Answered
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L5R Singles

An Insult Answered

Iaijutsu • RevengeReaction: After another player’s performed Limited or Open action resolves which caused you an Honor loss, choose your performing unbowed Duelist and target the action’s performer: Your Duelist duels the target. Destroy the duel’s loser. Give the duel’s winner two +1F Revenge tokens.
Blades of the Black Dragon
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L5R Singles

Blades of the Black Dragon

Weapon • UniqueBattle: Bow this Personality unless he is Nonhuman: Melee Attack with strength equal to his Force.
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L5R Singles


Negate all (current and new) Force and Chi penalties to this Personality from other players' actions.
Yogo Ugimori
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L5R Singles

Yogo Ugimori

Scorpion Clan • Air • Shugenja • KuroibanReaction: After Ugimori enters play from a province, choose a player: He may not take the Proclaim Reaction until your next turn begins.
Yogo Heijin
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L5R Singles

Yogo Heijin

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Cursed • Paragon • Yojimbo • LoyalBattle: Target your Courtier and an enemy Personality: Move them to the current battlefield: Straighten the enemy Personality's unit.
Yoritomo Iwashi
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Iwashi

Mantis Clan • Samurai • Magistrate • NavalLimited: If Iwashi has been in an attacking army since your last turn began, target a Personality: Bow him.
Ikoma Aimi
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L5R Singles

Ikoma Aimi

Lion Clan • Courtier • Samurai • Sensei • LoyalAfter Aimi enters play: Discard all your other Sensei Personalities. Your Lion Clan Personalities (in play) have Courtier, but do not have Cavalry, Commander, Deathseeker, Paragon, Scout, or Tactician.
Asahina Tsugio
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L5R Singles

Asahina Tsugio

Crane Clan • Air • Shugenja • Overconfident(Each other player may draw a card after an Overconfident card enters or leaves play.) Other players’ maximum hand sizes are increased by 1.
Hiruma Sawai
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L5R Singles

Hiruma Sawai

Crab Clan • Samurai • Fudo • ScoutBattle: Target two Personalities controlled by the same player: Transfer a Follower from one to the other. If you have Reconnaissance, you may take an additional action.
Incense Mill
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L5R Singles

Incense Mill

Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Battle/Open: Target a Personality: Negate all current Force penalties on him. Negate any cards’ effects that say he may not perform actions (this turn).
Hachi's Revenge
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L5R Singles

Hachi's Revenge

Ship • UniqueBow this card: Produce 2 Gold, or 3 Gold if you are a Crane Clan player. Open: Target a non-Unique Holding: You blockade it. Bow it.
Offering Reverence
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L5R Singles

Offering Reverence

Festival • UniqueFor each dead Personality in your discard pile, create a 2F/2C/3PH Samurai • Ancestor • Spirit Personality with your Clan alignment. If this created no Personalities, you may shuffle this card into your deck instead of discarding it after this Event resolves.
Megumi's Guidance
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L5R Singles

Megumi's Guidance

Fortune • UniqueWhile your army is opposed, it has +2 total Force, or +3 if you are the Defender. Battle/Open: Discard this card and choose your performing Personality: Negate his destruction from other players' cards' effects (until the turn ends).
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L5R Singles


Battle: Destroy this card and target a Follower or Personality without Followers at this province's battlefield: Destroy it.
Retired Sensei
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L5R Singles

Retired Sensei

RetainerBow this card: Produce 2 Gold.Battle: Even if this card is bowed, target your Personality: Give him +2F.
Tales of Valor
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L5R Singles

Tales of Valor

UniqueAfter your next End Phase begins, if you did not put any cards in your hand since the resolution of this Event, draw two cards.
Subtle Games
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L5R Singles

Subtle Games

PoliticalLimited: Bow your performing Courtier and target a Personality: Dishonor him. Draw a card.
The New Foundries
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L5R Singles

The New Foundries

Limited: Put a Spell from your hand face-up underneath this card.  Battle: Any numbers of times per a turn, discard a Spell from under this card: Either straighten one to three Shugenja at the current battlefield if the Spell is Air or Water, or Range 4 attack if it is Earth or fire, or draw a card if it is Void.
Steady Resolve
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L5R Singles

Steady Resolve

Reaction: Before a battle resolves, choose your performing opposed Samurai Personality at the current battlefield: Give him +2F.
Scorn the Weak
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L5R Singles

Scorn the Weak

Battle: Target an enemy Personality: Give him -5F. If his Force is now 0, his controller loses 1 Honor and you may target and dishonor a Personality.
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