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Festival of Coronation
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L5R Singles

Festival of Coronation

If you control the Imperial Favor, draw a card. Otherwise, take the Imperial Favor.
Osano-Wo's Guidance
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Osano-Wo's Guidance

Fortune • Fire • Thunder • Unique After this card enters play: Choose your Personality in play. While this card remains in play, he has +4F while defending.Battle: Discard this card: Ranged 6 Attack.
Bishamon's Guidance
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Bishamon's Guidance

Fortune • Unique After this card enters play: Choose your Personality in play. He has +2F while this card remains in play. Battle: Choose your unbowed performing Personality and discard this card: Destroy a target enemy card without attachments and with lower Force than your Personality.
Untouchable Escort
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Untouchable Escort

Choose one of your units in play. Negate all bowing and movement of cards in that unit from other players’ actions this turn.
Daidoji Arima
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Daidoji Arima

Crane Clan • Samurai • Iron Crane • Scout Arima has +2F while defending. Battle: Ranged 3 Attack.
Asako Ayako
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Asako Ayako

Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja • Inquisitor • Magistrate Battle: Give -4F to a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor than Ayako’s Chi. If the Personality’s Force is now 0, gain 2 Honor and you may move Ayako home.
Isawa Toshio
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Isawa Toshio

Phoenix Clan • Air • Shugenja Open: Transfer your target Spell to your target Shugenja.
Bayushi Himaru
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Bayushi Himaru

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician
Bayushi Kahoku
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Bayushi Kahoku

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Magistrate Kahoku has +2F while another player controls a dishonorable Personality.Battle: Ranged 3 Attack, with +2 strength if the target is dishonorable.
Moto Munoru
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Moto Munoru

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician
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Ronin • Samurai • Cavalry • Unique Battle: Bow Hozumi or one of your Rings: Ranged 4 Attack.
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Ronin • Samurai You may not assign this unit to, or move Koji to, a battlefield, unless there are at least 2 different Clan alignments among Personalities already in your army there or currently assigning there.
Mountainous Region
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Mountainous Region

Mountain If you are the Defender, when choosing the battlefield at which to fight the next battle: You choose instead of the Attacker. Personalities will not move to this province’s battlefield. Your defending Personalities have +1F while at this province’s battlefield.
Feign Weakness
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Feign Weakness

Battle: Dishonor your performing Personality: Move home a target enemy Personality with equal or lower Force. You may move your Personality home.
Honorable Death
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Honorable Death

Limited: Put this card in play in your home. While this card remains in play, at the end of each of your Action Phases, give each of your Deathseeker Personalities a +1F Fury token; then, for each of your Deathseekers who has a number of Fury tokens greater than or equal to his base Force, destroy him and gain 1 Honor.
Perfect Aim
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Perfect Aim

This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Unique Samurai you control. Battle: Choose your performing Samurai, and you may bow him: Ranged 3 Attack, with a strength bonus equal to your Samurai’s Force if he bowed.
Smoke Cover
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Smoke Cover

Ninja Reaction: After another player targets your Ninja Personality with a Battle action from a Strategy: The action’s costs are ignored and its effects do not happen. That player may take an additional Battle action. Before this turn ends, if the Strategy is in that player’s discard pile, that player may put the Strategy into his hand.
Sought for Justice
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Sought for Justice

Open: Bow your performing Magistrate Personality: Bow a target Personality with lower Personal Honor than your Magistrate’s Chi. If that Personality is dishonorable, negate his next straightening this game.
Sudden Rebuke
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Sudden Rebuke

Political Battle: Bow your performing Courtier at any location: Reduce a target enemy Personality’s Force to 0. If he is dishonorable, bow his controller’s Stronghold.
Weight of Numbers
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Weight of Numbers

This card has -1 Gold Cost for each non-Unique Samurai or Ninja Personality you control.Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Samurai or Ninja Personality: Bow a target enemy card without unbowed attachments. Negate its straightening this turn.
A Tranquil Mind
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A Tranquil Mind

Until the game ends, before each player’s End Phase begins, he may look at a number of cards from the top of his Fate deck equal to the number of Rings he controls and put them back in any order.
On All Sides
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L5R Singles

On All Sides

Starting with you, each player may target and destroy a Personality with a base Gold Cost equal to or less than his controller’s Stronghold’s Gold Production plus 2.
Triumph Before Battle
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Triumph Before Battle

Until your next turn begins, after each time an enemy Personality is destroyed during a battle by an action one of your Personalities performed, gain 2 Honor.
Hida Kichiro
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Hida Kichiro

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander. Battle: Straighten your target Personality or Follower.
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