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Strength in Honor
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L5R Singles

Strength in Honor

Battle: Target your unbowed Paragon: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. Gain 1 Honor.
One Soul's Strength
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L5R Singles

One Soul's Strength

This card has -1 Gold Cost for each Shugenja you control. Battle: Bow your target Personality: Bow a target enemy unit with fewer cards in it than your Personality’s Chi.
Laying in Wait
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L5R Singles

Laying in Wait

Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai: Ranged 3 Attack. Battle: Target your unbowed Samurai: Ranged 6 Attack whose strength is compared against Gold Cost instead of Force.
Last Stand
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L5R Singles

Last Stand

Heroic Open: Target your Hero: While he is the only Personality in an army, he has +6F.
Forging the Gift
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L5R Singles

Forging the Gift

Political Limited: Target your unbowed Artisan Personality: Create a +2F/+1C Weapon Item and attach it to a target Samurai Personality. Gain 2 Honor, or 4 Honor if the Samurai is controlled by another player.
Misleading Wasteland
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L5R Singles

Misleading Wasteland

Battle: If the current battlefield is at this province, bow this card: Move a target enemy Personality home or to the current battlefield.
Besieged Borderland
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Besieged Borderland

Battle: Bow this card: Give each non- Unique Personality without your Clan alignment in your current army +1F, or +2F if he is opposed.
Shinjo Hansu
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L5R Singles

Shinjo Hansu

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician Tactical Battle: Discard a card: Give a target Personality in Hansu’s army a Force bonus equal to the discarded card’s Focus Value. You may move Hansu home.
Moto Paisei
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Moto Paisei

Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Cavalry • Sake Master Open: Pay 2 Gold: Give a target Personality a +1F Sake token.
Whispers of the Dying Moon
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L5R Singles

Whispers of the Dying Moon

Choose a (non-Stronghold) card in play. Its base abilities may not be used this turn.
Hida Kitamura
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L5R Singles

Hida Kitamura

Crab Clan • Samurai • Commander
Togashi Akagi
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Togashi Akagi

Dragon Clan • Void • Monk • Tattooed
Togashi Kazuki Exp
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L5R Singles

Togashi Kazuki Exp

Dragon Clan • Monk • Samurai • Tattooed • Yojimbo • Experienced • Unique Open: Set a target Personality’s Force equal to Kazuki’s. Reaction: When another player’s action would target a Personality in Kazuki’s army, discard a Ring from your hand or bow one of your Rings: The action instead targets another legal Personality in his army.
Togashi Satsu Exp5
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L5R Singles

Togashi Satsu Exp5

Dragon Clan • Monk • Samurai • Duelist • Imperial • Tattooed • Loyal • Experienced 5 • Unique • Voice of the Empress Open: Bow Satsu or one of your Rings: Draw a card
Yoritomo Eihiko
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L5R Singles

Yoritomo Eihiko

Mantis Clan • Magistrate • Extortioner Reaction: After you announce an action: Reduce the Gold Cost of a target card (in play) by 2 until the action ends.
Bayushi Komiya
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Komiya

Scorpion Clan • Courtier Political Open: Bow Komiya: Bow a target dishonorable Personality.
Bayushi Minoru
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Minoru

Scorpion Clan • Samurai • Kensai • Bitter Lies • Loyal
Isawa Fosuta Exp
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L5R Singles

Isawa Fosuta Exp

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Shu genja • Inquisitor • Experienced • Unique • Onyx Champion After Fosuta enters play: Lose 8 Honor. Maho Open: Bow Fosuta: Lose 6 Honor. While Fosuta remains bowed, you may negate his straightening and, at the start of each turn, you may target a Personality and give him a -1F/-1C Curse token. After the next time this game...
Daigotsu Chaozhu
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Chaozhu

Spider Clan • Shadowlands • Samurai • Cavalry • Tactician • Kolat • Paragon • Experienced 2 Moto Chaozhu • Unique After Chaozho enters play: Lose 5 Honor. Battle: Discard a Dark Virtue card: Bow target enemy Personality. Destroy him if he has no attachments.
Shiba's Guidance FOIL
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L5R Singles

Shiba's Guidance FOIL

Kami • Unique Phoenix Clan Personalities have +1F while their controller controls any Shugenja. Battle/Open: If you are a Phoenix Clan player, discard this card: Bring your target honorably dead Phoenix Clan Personality into play in your home or at the current battlefield, ignoring costs
Shinjo's Guidance FOIL
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L5R Singles

Shinjo's Guidance FOIL

Kami • Unique Unicorn Clan Personalities have +1F while opposed. Reaction: When another player’s Battle action would target one of your Unicorn Clan Personalities, if you are a Unicorn Clan player, discard this card: Choose another one of your Personalities. The action targets him instead, if legal.
Earthen Blade
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L5R Singles

Earthen Blade

Earth • Unique Your Personalities with a Weapon have +2F.
Throwing Knives
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L5R Singles

Throwing Knives

Weapon Battle: Destroy this card: Ranged Attack with strength equal to this Personality’s Force.
Iron Fan
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L5R Singles

Iron Fan

Tessen • Weapon Reaction: After another player’s Battle action targets this Personality: Give a target enemy Personality or Follower -3F.
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