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Village Defenders
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L5R Singles

Village Defenders

Ashigaru • Conscript Battle: Straighten your target Ashigaru.
Kaiu Daikohime
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L5R Singles

Kaiu Daikohime

Samurai • Siege Battle, w: If Daikohime is defending, Ranged 3 Attack. After this destroys a card, gain 1 Honor.
Forward Encampment
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L5R Singles

Forward Encampment

BarracksBattle, w, *:: Equip a target Follower or Spell in your discard pile if another player's action destroyed it or its Personality this battle.
Suana Dojo
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L5R Singles

Suana Dojo

Dojow: Produce 3 Gold, or 4 Gold if your Stronghold has 3 or lower Gold Production.
Swan Technique
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L5R Singles

Swan Technique

As a Focus Effect, the winner gains 2 Honor.Engage: Give your target defending Personality +2F. If he is a Duelist, the next time this battle he is in a duel, the other player must focus at least once (if able).
Tamori Touya
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L5R Singles

Tamori Touya

Blessed by Benten • Earth • Shugenja (Shugenja may attach and cast Spells.)Battle: Bow or destroy Touya's target Spell to reduce a target enemy Follower or Personality's Force by the Spell's Focus Value. If the Spell was Earth, gain 1 Honor
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L5R Singles


Political Political Limited: Bow your target unbowed Courtier. A target player gains or loses 2 Honor.
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L5R Singles


Kensai • Monk • Spider Clan  
Doji Tatsuki Exp
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L5R Singles

Doji Tatsuki Exp

Crane Clan • Artisan • Courtier • Orator • Samurai • Turquoise Champion • Experienced • Unique After another player's turn begins, straighten Tatsuki.
Bayushi Amorie
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L5R Singles

Bayushi Amorie

Scorpion Clan • Ninja • Cavalry 
Ikoma Jeiku
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L5R Singles

Ikoma Jeiku

Lion Clan • Samurai • ScoutInvest 1: Refill the Province Jeiku entered play from face-up. (After this card enters play, you may also pay the Invest cost to get the effect, once.)
Akodo Dairuko Exp
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L5R Singles

Akodo Dairuko Exp

Lion Clan • Clan Champion • Paragon • Samurai • Steel Lion • Conqueror • Experienced • Loyal • Tactician • UniqueBattle: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor. Destroy him if he is Unaligned.
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L5R Singles


Open: If it is the active player's first or second turn: No Attack Phase may be declared.Limited: Target your discarded (not dead) Personality: Put him into one of your provinces, discarding any card currently there.
Daigotsu Hashibei
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L5R Singles

Daigotsu Hashibei

Spider Clan • Samurai • Commander • Recruitment Officer Fear Open: Bow Hashibei and target your Personality: Create a 1F Follower and attach it to him.Fear Open: Bow Hashibei and target your Personality: Create a 1F Follower and attach it to him.
Hida Bushotsu
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L5R Singles

Hida Bushotsu

Crab Clan • Berserker 
Horseback Warriors
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L5R Singles

Horseback Warriors

CavalryBattle: Melee 4 Attack, or Melee 5 Attack if the target is Infantry.
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