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Rocky Terrain
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L5R Singles

Rocky Terrain

TerrainBefore this battle’s resolution: You may bow one or two attacking Personalities at the current battlefield. Battle: Put this card into play at the current battlefield.
Horse Archers
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L5R Singles

Horse Archers

CavalryBattle: Ranged 4 Attack.
Kolat Assassin
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Kolat Assassin (Spanish)

Limited: Destroy a Personality with Chi of less than four. Lose 4 Honor. Limited: Destroy a Retainer. Lose 4 Honor.
Akodo Kin
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Akodo Kin

Lion Clan • Samurai • Commander Battle: If you are the Attacker: Give +1F to each of your Personalities and Followers in Kin’s army.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Attach a target attachment from your hand or discard pile to your target Personality. You may take an additional action to use one of the attachment’s base Battle abilities.
Matsu Mansaiko
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L5R Singles

Matsu Mansaiko

Lion Clan • Samurai • Paragon Battle: Discard a card: Give Mansaiko +2F. If Mansaiko is opposed and you discarded a Bushido Virtue card, gain 2 Honor.
The Height of Courage
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The Height of Courage

Reaction: Before the resolution of another player's action: Choose one of your Personalities. Negate his movement from the action's effects. Battle: Give your target Personality and each of his Followers +1F.
Sneak Attack
L5R Singles

Sneak Attack (Spanish)

Reaction: After engaging: The Attacker has the first opportunity to take a Battle action or pass during this battle. Play then proceeds in turn order from him.
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L5R Singles


Battle: Move a target unit home. Destroy one of its attachments (if any).
Akodo Hiroshi
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Akodo Hiroshi

Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician • Gunso Battle: Attach your target discarded Follower to a target Personality in Hiroshi’s army.
Shiba Shigenobu
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Shiba Shigenobu

Phoenix Clan • Samurai • Imperial • Magistrate. Limited: Dishonor a target Personality with lower Personal Honor than the number of Imperial Personalities you control. If this dishonored him, gain 1 Honor.
Split the Reed
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Split the Reed

Battle: Target your Kensai Personality: Destroy a target enemy attachment. If your Kensai now has a Weapon attached, you may take an additional Battle action.
Layered Plates
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Layered Plates

Armor. Negate effects that move this unit to a battlefield. Reaction: Before this Personality is destroyed, destroy this card: Negate that destruction of the Personality.
Utaku Kioko
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L5R Singles

Utaku Kioko

Unicorn Clan * Battle Maiden * Samurai * Cavalry Reaction: After an enemy Personality assigns or moves to Utaku Kioko's battlefield: Gain 2 Honor.
Hida Ubogin
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L5R Singles

Hida Ubogin

Crab Clan • Samurai • Berserker • Commander • Brute Fear Battle: Move your target Personality to Ubogin’s battlefield. This movement can not be negated.
Tsi Blade
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L5R Singles

Tsi Blade (Spanish)

Weapon. Reaction: After this Personality assigns, bow this card: Draw a card.
Seat of Power
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L5R Singles

Seat of Power

Legacy · Singular. Bow this card: Produce 2 Gold. Reaction: When an action would target one of your Unique Clan Champion or Daimyo Personalities: The action instead targets one of your legal Personalities with the same Clan alignment at his location.
Doomed Intentions FOIL (Spanish)
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L5R Singles

Doomed Intentions FOIL (Spanish)

Reaction: After another player's action resolves that dishonored any of his own Personalities: Destroy one of those target Personalities. Battle: If there are enemy units at the current battlefield: Move one of your target units there. If it moved, straighten it. If you are the Defender, take an additional Battle action printed on a card in the unit
Hida Dayu
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L5R Singles

Hida Dayu

Crab Clan · Samurai · Hero. Limited: Pay 3 Gold: Create a 2F Follower card and attach it to one of your target Crab Clan Hero Personalities
Bend Like a Reed
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L5R Singles

Bend Like a Reed

Reaction: Play this card when your opponent calls a strike in a duel. You gain two Chi from this card as if it were played as a focus. You may not play more than one Bend Like a Reed in a duel.
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L5R Singles


Force of Will
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Force of Will

Battle/Open: Any number of times per turn, bow this Shugenja, target a Personality, and destroy this card unless you control the Personality: Switch his Personal Honor and Chi.
Colonial Farm
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L5R Singles

Colonial Farm

FarmEnters play paying 1 less Gold if you are a Lion Clan player.Bow this card: Produce 5 Gold.Limited: Bow this card and target your Personality: Create a 1F Ashigaru and attach it to him.
Feign Death
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L5R Singles

Feign Death

Reaction: Play after a Personality is destroyed to return the Personality to play, bowed, in his previous controller's home, ignoring all costs and restrictions. (Entering-play effects occur. Cards attached to the Personality are not returned to play.) Dishonor the Personality. Lose 2 Honor.
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